When looking over alpha.txt, I noticed that there isn't really any way to edit what special abilities and base facilities actually DO. All you can change are the cost, description, prerequisities and the like. Within alpha.txt, you can't create a new facility or change the functions of an exisitng one. Is there any way to do this?
No announcement yet.
You can do a LITTLE with them...
Two examples:
1) A cheap facility could be built in alien cities to boost their energy grids.
2) Giving it a negative upkeep gives you a little more funds.
Once you run out of ideas like this, there isn't too much you can do.Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.
Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.
They are correct. With facilities and Secret Projects you can change:
What they are called
The cost
The prerequsites
You can't change what they do.
Because you can change prerequistes for units, facilities and projects you can change what the techs can do