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New Base Icons collection.

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  • New Base Icons collection.

    A lot of people(myself included) have been asking for newbase icons for use with their custom factions. So I decided to open up a base icon section on my site. It will include faction.pcx files that have new base icons. So that they will be available for anyone wanting to make a modpack.

    Anyone that has new base icons that wants to display their wrok email me.

    The base icons I currently have are:
    Pyramidal Bases
    Bleached utopian
    The smiley faction bases(similar to bleached utopian.)
    The Dammned dark castle bases
    Conical Bases
    Cardassian Union faction bases.

    If anyone wants to help me, or has city graphics they want to submit, respond to this thread, email m, or post in my forum.

    MJ's Web Empire
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    Reviews site
    Discussion Forum for Civ, college talk and general discussion.
    Civilization Empire SMAC, Civ2, CTP.

  • #2
    Great Idea Mike

    Just e-mailed you two custom bases graphics I made a while back, Hope this will help someone out

    "Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

    "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


    • #3
      thanks mike. this is a great idea! when will you have the download links available?



      • #4
        Bblue-I recieved your file, thanks.

        TeknoMerc-hopefully i'll have the downloads available later this week, possibly even tonight.

        MJ's Web Empire
        MJ's Home Page.
        Reviews site
        Discussion Forum for Civ, college talk and general discussion.
        Civilization Empire SMAC, Civ2, CTP.


        • #5
          My Star Wars mod boasted totally new graphics sets. I got four of the seven done. The Imperial Landing Platforms and the Jedi Spires weren't too good, but I am quite happy with the Yavin Forest Ruins and the Naboo Palace graphics.

          Yavin Forest Ruins is some stone pyramid like things surrounded by some forest. Nice for a 'wild' or an 'isolationist' or even an ancient faction.

          Naboo Palace are domed buildings that look similar to the Planet Cult ones, except mine are cooler.

          If you want either, just say so...
          Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

          Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


          • #6
            The first base graphics downloads are online, at my site. I still have more to post, but Xoom has been having a few server problems recently, so FTP isn't working perfectly.

            Note that all of my geocities files have been moved to the much superior Xoom. The civilization empire is now totally located at Xoom.

            Jasonian-I would like those files, thank you.
            Hopefully this page will become a great resource for creators.

            MJ's Web Empire
            MJ's Home Page.
            Reviews site
            Discussion Forum for Civ, college talk and general discussion.
            Civilization Empire SMAC, Civ2, CTP.


            • #7
              If you want see there you can find my art section, which you may want to link to; has around 15 I think faction leaders also you caould maybe link th my tutoirals


              • #8
                I've just updated the page with modified FreeChina graphics with the background problems fixed. I also have a couple new base icon files that I'll add soon

                Also I have a new message board, that I need vistors for, it has a SMAC forum, along with some other tools. The links in my signiture.


                MJ's Web Empire
                MJ's Home Page.
                Reviews site
                Discussion Forum for Civ, college talk and general discussion.
                Civilization Empire SMAC, Civ2, CTP.


                • #9
                  FYI - Xoom sucks if you want to store images, because it won't let you view images outside of a web page.
                  It's a CB.
                  SteamID: rampant_scumbag


                  • #10
                    I've noticed that problem too. When I want to link images from outside my website. I use my Georgia Tech prism account. I might move to somplace like Crosswinds, but I really don't have the time to transplant my site(again).

                    Anyone that decides to use graphics off my site, let me know if you find any problems with them, so I can fix them. I forget to fix the Pyramid graphics. A fixed pyramid Pcx will be online shortly.


                    • #11
                      All the Freechina graphics should be fixed now, with the background problems solved. I'll soon be adding in two more sets of graphics.

                      Remember anyone that has faction graphics they want to submit, email them to me.

                      I hope people are finding the faction graphic page useful.

                      MJ's Web Empire
                      MJ's Home Page.
                      Reviews site
                      Discussion Forum for Civ, college talk and general discussion.
                      Civilization Empire SMAC, Civ2, CTP.


                      • #12
                        I know I've been slacking getting that email to you, but I figured I should send a couple more.

                        I have finished all the cities for the Star Wars mod. The two best new ones are the Freelance Cloud City "Sandcastle" cities and the Republic "Dark City" cities. They'll be included in the email once I test them for bugs.
                        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                        • #13
                          MJ, I am sending you a base I first made in autocad then just pasted to the template of the cyborgs. I have altered the faction icons but not the bust or city image. I may adjust the city image if I get motivated later. Thanks for the other graphics.


                          • #14
                            Mike, sorry dude but your website hosted through xoom is not very good for your purposes. Should consider another host. It loads to slow and it is to confusing where everything is. No offense to you! Keep trying!


                            Originally posted by mikejohnson1 on 04-08-2000 09:29 PM
                            I've just updated the page with modified FreeChina graphics with the background problems fixed. I also have a couple new base icon files that I'll add soon

                            Also I have a new message board, that I need vistors for, it has a SMAC forum, along with some other tools. The links in my signiture.




                            • #15

                              It would be most convenient if you could either:

                              a) thumbnail one of the base icons, to give browsers a preview of the art, or

                              b) add one more link that downloads all the base icons at once.

                              I think this is a great idea but I get queasy at the thought of having to individually download each set to see if I like it or not.

