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Star Wars Mod Update

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  • Star Wars Mod Update

    All right! I finally fixed a bug in alphax.txt that kept crashing the mod, so I've gone back to work! I've done some playtesting, and here are the results:

    First, the Empire has been redone. They now have these abilites:

    ^+1 INDUSTRY: {'Motivates' workers to work harder}
    ^+1 POLICE: {Strict Police State}
    ^+1 SUPPORT: {Efficient War Machine}
    ^FREE Command Centers when tech is discovered
    ^-2 PLANET: {Couldn't care less about Chiron's ecosystems}
    ^120% Hurry Costs: {Rushing projects difficult}
    ^{Starting units:} stormtroopers, AT-AT walker
    ^{May not use Republic Politics.}

    The PSI bonus was dropped, as was the free Sith Lord. Also, the support has been made positive and the police bonus lowered.

    JUSTIFICATION: Besides the fact they ddin't do to well before, the Empire never really seemed right to me. They were too 'sith based' and not enough 'war machine' based. The Empire I know uses Star Destroyers, and not Sith Lords, to do their dirtywork. Thus the faction was redone.

    RESULT: The Empire is now an awesome fighter, and will take over anyone that nearby if they don't resist fiercly. A worthy opponent.

    Next, I started two playtests: One as Bounty Hunters and one as Naboo. In both tests the Empire and Jedi AI shined, while the Federation did poorly. The others built and expanded, but didn't take over any land.

    The coolest part of this was using all those custom units. As the Naboo, I created two AT-AT Walkers, one Rebel Trooper squad, and one Bounty Hunter squad to erradicate a rebel base. Once you gain the other faction's 'ethics' techs, you can build their units. Each unit is balanced so that it can't do the job alone.

    *Walkers are slow but can shoot down air units like snowspeeders (4-4-1 AAA, Deep, Police)
    *Stormtroopers and Rebel Troopers are relativly cheep effective 4-3-1 units trained units but don't have any good abilites)
    *Bounty Hunters are 6r-3-1 trained infantry. Effecitve in battle, but expensive to produce.
    *Security Volunteers and Republic Guards are good garrison untis (1-2-1 trained, 1-3-1, respectivly) but have no combat power.
    *Gungan Scouts (1-1-1 deep) make excellent early game scouts.
    *Snowspeeders (2-2-10 needlejet) are weak but fast.
    *Death Stars (99-10-10 PB)are slow and the most expensive, but can carry 5 land or air units and can destroy entire bases (thier first shot is their last, however)

    So, by mixing the units, one can cover their weaknesses.

    After a while, I made a couple Death Stars and floated them over the enemy Empire. Their high defence and air status make them excellent units to blockade enemy territory. As in the movies, they make better threats then actual weapons.

    Also, I found that the Jedi Counsil are excellent stragegists. They sighed a treaty with me, and then got upset when I supported their rival. After a while of intense fighting inside and outside one of their bases, with no real progress on their side, we finally signed a truce. Then, they sent Jedi Knights against my frontier base and captured another with a probe. If I didn't have some walkers in the area, they would have gained more land. The AI pulled a fast one on me there!

    Ok, those are the happenings. My next idea is to make the ethics techs more powerful. For example, assign Green to Naboo Ethics, Non-lethal methods to Empire Ethics, etc. What do you guys think about this? Good idea, or too annoying?

    Thanks! I'm keeping up the work, and it looks like the project actually will see the light of day.

    Edit: I'm going to be banned in a protest over on Off-Topic. I'll be able to read the thread, but not respond.
    See ya in a week!

    Another edit: Glad you like the idea! I was unsure about it. (Yes, I can edit while banned. Hmm...)
    [This message has been edited by Jasonian (edited May 07, 2000).]
    Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

    Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.

  • #2

    Originally posted by Jasonian on 05-06-2000 06:54 PMOk, those are the happenings. My next idea is to make the ethics techs more powerful. For example, assign Green to Naboo Ethics, Non-lethal methods to Empire Ethics, etc. What do you guys think about this? Good idea, or too annoying?

    Sounds great! Looking forward to seeing your mod comming out. Looks like it'll be out the same time (maybe a little later) than my long-awaited SNAX module. Too bad about the ban, though. See ya!


    • #3
      Keep it up - we're all waiting with bated breaths and palpitating (-ine?) hearts!

      "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • #4
        It WILL be finished! It's so close I can almost feel the stormtroopers firing wildly in my direction.

        I could release it now, but I'd rather make sure everything is fully in balance before I do that. So patience means cooler stuff. Hang in there!

        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


        • #5
          Hey, if you need any playtesters before you release it, let me know; I'd be happy to volunteer. By the way, is your mod for SMACX or SMAC?

