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Zero Movement

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  • Zero Movement

    I was trying to create a ultimate defencive unit that couldn't move so I mad it a slow scout, which should make zero moves, but it still moved one. ANybody know why?

    -Chiron Creators-

  • #2
    I read somewhere that both 'slow unit' and adding a transport (also slows unit by 1) only reduces the movement by one if it's 2 or more to start with.


    • #3
      If you put Slow Unit on an Infantry, the unit will still move -- it will just take two tunrs instead of one to do it. One thing to try is to give it Infantry, then Slow Unit, then Air Superiority, which lowers the amount of moves -- perhaps not to zero, but it might take you four or five turns o move one space; basically zero moves for all practical purposes. This way you don't have to tie up your weapons slot with a transport if you don't want to -- but if you do add Transport on top of this it will reduce the moves even further. Only thing is, if a unit has zero moves (effectively), how will you deploy it? You'll have to use a transport unit or give it Drop Pods (which actually isn't a bad idea, now that I think of it).


      • #4
        Air Superiority lowers movement!? Crap! That's probbly what's wrong with my Flying Mountain!!

        Do any of the other abilities (besides slow of course) lower movement?
        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


        • #5
          As far as I know, only Transport, Slow Unit and Air Superiority slows down a unit. If you look at the number of moves a needlejet has, if it's a regular needlejet, the game indicates it has 24; if it has Air Superiority, it has 18. Apparently Air Sup. lowers movement by 2 ( 24-(3x2)=18 ).

          BTW, anybody know, why if in #CHASSIS it is indicated a '2' for number of turns allowed out of base, but it multiplies the movement of needlejet (8) by three?


          • #6
            Tried everything I could to create a zero movement unit, even temporarilly replaced Gravship with a new chassis design, to no avail. There simply does not seem to be a way to create a stationary unit.

            I was trying to do this in the hopes of creating an artillery defense tower with a custom graphic that would not be able to move but would be able to get on and off transports. Alas, it cannot be done. Oh well. Now if only you could build units with Formers...


            • #7
              Let's see. You want to create something like those fungal tower thingees, right? Aren't their abilities coded somewhere?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Purple on 12-17-1999 11:31 PM
                Let's see. You want to create something like those fungal tower thingees, right? Aren't their abilities coded somewhere?
                No. Or more precisely, "yes, but..."

                1) Not in original SMAC, which AlexanderIII is working on.
                2) Hard-coded in SMACX -- a custom-designed unit apparently can't use it (I've tried).


                • #9
                  In Civ2 it was possible to make a stationary unit. All it took was a "0" in the movement slot. But with the AC chassis thing, there ought to be a "stationary" chassis for base defenses. This could represent artillery or trenched infantry. And it should be COMPLETELY immobile, having to be built in the actual base.
                  When you laugh, the world laughs with you.
                  When you cry, the world laughs at you.


                  • #10
                    Hey, everybody! What Firaxis should have done was create extra slots for user objects (i.e. armor, weapons, etc.). That way the game will be more personalizable.

                    BTW: this is my first time using UBB code. Will this only work in the Ultimate Bulletin Board? Email me your answer at
                    To infinity, and beyond!


                    • #11
                      Actually, one thing that might work, not having dabbled in SMACX yet, is that Fungal Tower unit. If you changed the tech from Disable to something else a player could, theoretically build the unit. If you really wanted to get creative you could change the psi weapon to something else and the graphic to a laser tower graphic you could get Missile Tower(s), for example, from fungus growths. (?) Now all you have to do is capture them and they're yours! (I think)

                      There is only one way I have found to create a stationary unit, like a Missile Tower. And that is in a scenario, wher you can place units. You create a unit which is has a foil chassis, and you place it on land, preventing it from moving. You disable the use of Lower Terrain ability in your scenario alpha(x).txt. Then give the unit a custom graphic, most likely from another strategy game like Total Annihilation, which has some great tower defenses from which to screen-capture graphics. Put the tech as Disable so the players cannot build one (and sail the seas with it). Place them in your scenario, on land, and voila!


                      • #12

                        Why must you disable the "lower terrain" ability? How is that vital?
                        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jasonian on 12-30-1999 11:57 PM

                          Why must you disable the "lower terrain" ability? How is that vital?
                          If the Fungal Tower idea works, you wouldn't have to. In the scenario idea, you have a foil unit (with a custom graphic, of course) which has been placed on land, effectively preventing it from moving. Without locking out the lower terrain terraforming ability, some crafty player could lower the land into the sea, enabling your carefully placed Missile Tower to become a free-floating Missile Foil unit, which defeats the purpose of it all.


                          • #14

