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Faction Graphics Resource List

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  • Faction Graphics Resource List

    I am creating this thread for the purposes of sharing and exchanging information on where to find prospective faction graphics and sound files. For the purposes of this thread I suggest the following categorization for sources:
    1. Faction Header Heads
    2. Faction Landscape Graphics (bottom right of faction.pcx)
    3. Base Graphics
    4. Faction Logos
    5. Faction .mp3 intro files (or .wav)
    6. Custom unit graphics for units.pcx

    In another thread some discussion on this was raised. I quote:
    Originally posted by AlexanderIII on 01-07-2000 12:54 AM
    You know what we really need here in these forums is a few suggestions of sites that are great for fetching faction graphics, porting them with minimum manipulation -- alien/human faces, icons/symbols, scenes(for the rectangle in the bottom right corner of faction.pcx), maybe even good .mp3 or .wav files for quotes -- you know, from Star Wars, or Babylon 5, or Star Trek/STNG, from movies, etc. It would be really cool if someone could make up a web site with links to all sorts of faction garphics resources.

    To start with, I have one of my own. It is a library of SKURK files for the old SimCity 2000 -- just copy the sample .jpgs right off the web site, no need to download anything. There are lots of great ideas there for base graphics if you want to spend the time fiddling with them to paste them into a faction.pcx file. The address is:
    Originally posted by Stefu on 01-07-2000 08:53 AM
    If you want leader heads, might I suggest the site - from there, check the "Talking Heads" for Fallout 1 and 2. I think you'll find multitude of good pictures there, and they are almost fitting as well - I tied to paste President into faction yesterday, and alI needed was little cutting in sides, otherwise he was as fine as anybody.
    Anybody else with suggestions, love to hear them. Let's keep this thread going and current so it can be a resource to all and not fall into the archived thread abyss.

  • #2
    Regarding the resources:
    1. No idea. Try surfing on the net, looking at personal homepages, finding a good head, asking for permission to use it.
    4. I prefer to make my own logos... even if they aren't that great.
    It would be quite nice to make a site which hosts all the resources.


    • #3
      Another idea for the fact. logos: Try combining some of the parts of the facilities/tech pics from the game. For example, I made a logo for my Legion by combining the shield of per. def. with the eye from bioenh. center. It looks quite nice .


      • #4
        Art section there has faction leadears.
        As I am ty[ing I have found some more should get put up soon. The new ones are fantastic(!) a lady, a man, a pirate, we'll see what else I can find.
        Also now I have 3d max so when I can draw my own faces I will put them there.
        (When! dont I mean if?!)

        -Chiron Creators-


        • #5
          Regarding SCURK (Sim City Urban Renewal Kit)(It came as part of Sim City 2000):

          This is ideal for creating your own base graphics, the building editor along with the pre-existing graphics (they have a 2050 and a future set)can be modified into good top-quality base graphics, someone with any talent whatsoever could make several good base graphics from this. I happen to have it myself (thanks AlexIII for reminding me about it, it was VERY dust covered) I will be giving it a try over the next week or two, assuming I can get the time. We'll see what I can come up with
          "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


          • #6
            A week to play around with SCURK LOL.. I spent all morning playing around with it and ended up making a graphics set!! Granted it is not very 'human-like' since I desided to make some bases for a new alien faction I have had in mind, but they look GREAT. The SCURK buildings are just the right size for transferring over to SMAC. I modified the graphics in SCURK first then transfered them to PSP6 for further modification so I could make the 4 different size bases and fine tune them a little. Anyone interested in seeing what I came up with let me know and I'll e-mail them to you.

            "Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

            "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


            • #7
              As a faction designer I miss some very important developer files: Graphic templates for the [faction]2.pcx and [faction]3.pcx - that is, the backgrounds with no faction logos on them. Does anybody know if they exist, or should I try to piece them together myself? A shame that Firaxis didn't include these with the game, as it would have made it *much* easier to create entirely new graphic sets for factions.

              Oh, and another thing: I once read how to make the small animations down in the left corner in diplomatic conversations, but I've forgotten where and how to do it... can anyone help?

              Please mail an eventual answer directly to me as I don't visit this forum very often!



              • #8
                Xenorg, I created those templates once for myself, but deleted them accidentally. Don't be afraid; creating them yourself is not so difficult as it seems to be...
                Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


                • #9
                  xenorg (and everyone else),

                  Having made 14 custom factions now, I have one of those. It only has the big "symbol over the planet" one empty, but that's the only that's really hard to make. I'll email it to anyone that wants it.
                  Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                  Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                  • #10
                    Jasonian: I'll take a copy of that one e-mail it to me when you get a chance.
                    "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


                    • #11
                      Also while I am here...

                      Maybe all of us that have files like Jasonian's 'templates', I have one I started that is just the PD, TF, and water platforms (Lal's) what have the base removed for easier cut and paste, and all of us that have made original faction art could all agree to post this stuff at one place? Would be a great resource for us and others.. What ya'll think?

                      If you'll like this idea.. I suggest we use heardie's site (once he gets it remodeled)
                      (It's a zoom site so you'll probably have to type it in instead of clicking in it). It's a really nice site.. just not much there yet

                      [This message has been edited by Bblue (edited January 28, 2000).]
                      "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


                      • #12

                        "ClearPlanet3" has been sent. I hope you find it useful.

                        I think that idea is really great! I'd be willing to add "ClearPlanet3" to it. I also have 'forest temple' and 'sloping palace' type base graphics created from the Star Wars set. Those could be added as well.
                        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                        • #13
                          If you get ACEdit, it comes with default2.pcx and default3.pcx which are totally blank. I suggest using these when creating your own faction graphics. Http:// is the site.


                          • #14


                            Originally posted by Bblue on 01-28-2000 03:55 PM
                            Also while I am here...

                            Maybe all of us that have files like Jasonian's 'templates', I have one I started that is just the PD, TF, and water platforms (Lal's) what have the base removed for easier cut and paste, and all of us that have made original faction art could all agree to post this stuff at one place? Would be a great resource for us and others.. What ya'll think?

                            If you'll like this idea.. I suggest we use heardie's site (once he gets it remodeled)
                            (It's a zoom site so you'll probably have to type it in instead of clicking in it). It's a really nice site.. just not much there yet

                            [This message has been edited by Bblue (edited January 28, 2000).]

                            I am qquitee willing to do this and I do havee about 15 new leaders coming when I finally get them done, its really slow work and I am aslo getting lots of tutorials, and eveentually moving to, which should rid all zoom problems!

                            -Chiron Creators-


                            • #15
                              Thanks a bunch Jasonian I was looking for some of these blank.

                              I also managed to find some xxx2.pcx and xxx3.pcx files that were blank, these may be the ones Grigger mentioned, I found them in with one of the factions I downloaded that had some of FreeChina's base graphics I was thinking about using, Thanks Grigger for mentioning that. One nit-pick.. the blanks have the 'female' in the the punishment sphere and it wouldn't be that difficult to swap her out for the 'male' or the 'alien' but if someone already has these it would save me a bit of time. So anyone got blank xxx2.pcx or xxx3.pcx with the 'male' or 'alien' figures? If not this is the type of thing I had in mind for the 'template' collection.

                              Heardie: cool, I will send the 'template' for the PD, TY, and water base once I do the aliens PD and TY and maybe 1 or 2 other factions waterbases. I found this very helpful when I was putting together the base graphics I sent you.. although I lost the aliens stuff some where along the way, Oh well.. It's just busy work
                              "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

