Right now I'm working on my SMACX2 mod and a second version of my Unit modpack, and I just came up with a few new units.
Refueling Needlejet-basically a needlejet with a carrier deck that can refeul bombers in flight. One problem with this unit is the fact that it seems to be able to perpetually refeul itself as well. I'll try to tinker with Alphax.txt to fix that problem.
Assault Dreadnought- A super battleship with transport and carrier capability. Problems-cant upgrade to new reactor types.
Nautilus-A super submarine battleship that is available to a underwater alien faction that I'm making.
Psi Bomb-Missle with Psi Attack, doesnt seem to work to well, so I may end up scratching that from the game.
Sky Fortress-An airborne attack dreadnought(Gravship Chassis) that has refeuling capability along with powerful weapons. Has a high cost. Problem-can't update to superior reactor type.
Neutron bombs-updating the land and sea based PB's creates a radiation weapon with lethal effects on enemy troops. May give human player unfair advantage, but the cost is steep and it's only available in foil and scout chassis.
I'll probably come out with another Unit mod as well that incorporates the new units into regualar SMAC(X).
BTW has anyone tried out my original Unit Modpack. It includes several new units, in SMAC and SMACX versions. Available for download at my site.
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Refueling Needlejet-basically a needlejet with a carrier deck that can refeul bombers in flight. One problem with this unit is the fact that it seems to be able to perpetually refeul itself as well. I'll try to tinker with Alphax.txt to fix that problem.
Assault Dreadnought- A super battleship with transport and carrier capability. Problems-cant upgrade to new reactor types.
Nautilus-A super submarine battleship that is available to a underwater alien faction that I'm making.
Psi Bomb-Missle with Psi Attack, doesnt seem to work to well, so I may end up scratching that from the game.
Sky Fortress-An airborne attack dreadnought(Gravship Chassis) that has refeuling capability along with powerful weapons. Has a high cost. Problem-can't update to superior reactor type.
Neutron bombs-updating the land and sea based PB's creates a radiation weapon with lethal effects on enemy troops. May give human player unfair advantage, but the cost is steep and it's only available in foil and scout chassis.
I'll probably come out with another Unit mod as well that incorporates the new units into regualar SMAC(X).
BTW has anyone tried out my original Unit Modpack. It includes several new units, in SMAC and SMACX versions. Available for download at my site.
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Discussion Forum for Civ, college talk and general discussion.
Civilization Empire SMAC, Civ2, CTP.