Here are the most important changes I've come up with:
*No crawlers!
*"Forest and forget" strategy diminished in effectiveness
*AI terraforming is much more useful now
*Cost for all air units increased
*Choppers moved back in tech tree and movement decreased
*AAA ability now gives 150% bonus vs. air units
*Because air units are less effective, tough land campaigns are still required far into the game.
*No pop-booming possible with regular SMAC (without using golden ages) - this, along with no crawlers, really makes the game more competitive with the AI.
*Land transports useful now!
*Cool abilities moved forward, like carrier deck, deep pressure hull, etc.
*Artillery made more powerful
*New SE table makes greater distinction between conquer and build strategies
Just by editing the alpha.txt file, I've made the game much more fun.
Here's the full list of the Alpha.txt changes I've come up with: (the attached file is at the end). And don't forget, always keep a backup copy of the original alpha.txt file!
Alpha.txt changes:
No nutrient penalty for mine squares (makes AI’s farm+mine+road strategy useful)
10% combat bonus for attacking along roads
25% combat bonus for attacking from higher elevation
25% combat penalty for attacking from lower elevation
10% combat bonus for defending against mobile in rough
Comm jammer bonus only 25% (Comm jammers no longer make rovers and hovertanks obsolete)
Max arty damage to land units: 100%
Additional arty damage per level of altitude: 33%
Retool strictness: 3 (any switching, even between SP’s counts)
Minimum # of turns between council: 10
Minerals for harvesting forest: 10
Tech that allows +1 min from mining platforms: Ecological Engineering (AI’s farm+mining platform strategy works better now)
Humans cannot automatically contact each other in hotseat/pbem games from the start
Prototypes cost 100% more (makes skunkworks facility more useful)
Smacksim’s worldbuilder section used
Terraforming: (My main goal was to decrease the effectiveness of “forest and forget”)
Farms – 3 turns
Soil enricher – 6 turns
Mine – 6 turns
Solar collector – 3 turns
Forest- 6 turns
Bunker – 2 turns (bunkers now have tactical significance)
Airbase – 4 turns (ditto for airbases)
Sensor arrays can be built in water after Adv. Mil. Algorithms
Infantry cargo – 3 (land transports are now really useful)
Speeder cargo – 4
Hovertank cargo – 5
Hovertank chassis moved to monopole magnets (To get more use out of it)
Foil moves: 5 (I wanted to increase the effectiveness of sea units in general)
Foil cargo – 3
Cruiser moves: 8
Cruiser cargo – 6
Needlejet cost increased (making a pure airpower strategy less effective)
Chopper movement: 6
Chopper cargo capacity - 3
Chopper cost increased
Chopper chassis moved to Nanomettalurgy
Gravship cost increased
Probe cruiser added
Crawlers completely disabled (This makes gamplay MUCH more fun)
Probe team cost increased (Makes you use your probe teams more carefully. No more “mass producing 2 probe defenders in every base” strategy)
Deep pressure hull moved to silksteel alloys (now we actually get to use it!)
Carrier deck moved to MMI (Ditto)
AAA now gives +150% bonus vs. air units (Decreasing the overpowering effectiveness of air power)
Clean reactor moved to frictionless surfaces (makes the game more difficult)
Heavy transport moved to doctrine: Initiative (now you get to use this)
Nerve gas pod cost doubled
Repair bay moved to bioengineering
Facilities and SPs:
Skunkworks cost and maintenance decreased (encourages you to actually build them)
Naval yard moved to doc:flex and cost and maintenance decreased (Ditto)
Satellite costs increased (Makes mass producing satellites harder)
Hologram theaters moved to optical computers (makes sense, right? Plus, I’m now making optical comp a useful tech)
The virtual world moved to optical computers (Ditto)
Nano Factory moved to nanominiaturization (Did this to make nanominiaturization a useful tech)
Clinical Immortality moved to secrets of creation (Ditto for Secrets of Creation)
Ascent to Transcendence cost increased
Technicians become available at industrial base
Thinkers become available at applied relativity (taking away some of the overpowering usefulness of MMI)
Transcendi only yield 2 econ, 2 psych, and 3 labs (Hopefully slowing down the endgame just a bit)
Social Engineering settings:
The basic idea behind the SE changes was to make a clearer distinction between a conquer strategy and a build strategy. For instance, PS/planned/power now makes an awesome conquer setting, whereas demo/fm/wealth now makes for an even better builder setting.
Frontier, None,
Democratic, EthCalc, ++GROWTH, +ECONOMY, +EFFIC, -SUPPORT, ---POLICE
Fundamentalist, Brain, +MORALE, ++PROBE, -RESEARCH
Simple, None,
Free Market, IndEcon, ++ECONOMY, --PLANET, --POLICE, -SUPPORT
Planned, PlaNets, +++INDUSTRY, +GROWTH, ---EFFIC
Survival, None,
Knowledge, Cyber, ++RESEARCH, +EFFIC, --PROBE
None, None,
Cybernetic, DigSent, ++EFFIC, ++PLANET, ++RESEARCH, -POLICE, --GROWTH
Eudaimonic, Eudaim, ++GROWTH, ++ECONOMY, +EFFIC, --MORALE
Thought Control, WillPow, ++POLICE, ++MORALE, ++PROBE, --SUPPORT, -RESEARCH
Diplomatic victory enabled at Homo Superior
Commerce increases added to various techs
*No crawlers!
*"Forest and forget" strategy diminished in effectiveness
*AI terraforming is much more useful now
*Cost for all air units increased
*Choppers moved back in tech tree and movement decreased
*AAA ability now gives 150% bonus vs. air units
*Because air units are less effective, tough land campaigns are still required far into the game.
*No pop-booming possible with regular SMAC (without using golden ages) - this, along with no crawlers, really makes the game more competitive with the AI.
*Land transports useful now!
*Cool abilities moved forward, like carrier deck, deep pressure hull, etc.
*Artillery made more powerful
*New SE table makes greater distinction between conquer and build strategies
Just by editing the alpha.txt file, I've made the game much more fun.
Here's the full list of the Alpha.txt changes I've come up with: (the attached file is at the end). And don't forget, always keep a backup copy of the original alpha.txt file!

Alpha.txt changes:
No nutrient penalty for mine squares (makes AI’s farm+mine+road strategy useful)
10% combat bonus for attacking along roads
25% combat bonus for attacking from higher elevation
25% combat penalty for attacking from lower elevation
10% combat bonus for defending against mobile in rough
Comm jammer bonus only 25% (Comm jammers no longer make rovers and hovertanks obsolete)
Max arty damage to land units: 100%
Additional arty damage per level of altitude: 33%
Retool strictness: 3 (any switching, even between SP’s counts)
Minimum # of turns between council: 10
Minerals for harvesting forest: 10
Tech that allows +1 min from mining platforms: Ecological Engineering (AI’s farm+mining platform strategy works better now)
Humans cannot automatically contact each other in hotseat/pbem games from the start
Prototypes cost 100% more (makes skunkworks facility more useful)
Smacksim’s worldbuilder section used
Terraforming: (My main goal was to decrease the effectiveness of “forest and forget”)
Farms – 3 turns
Soil enricher – 6 turns
Mine – 6 turns
Solar collector – 3 turns
Forest- 6 turns
Bunker – 2 turns (bunkers now have tactical significance)
Airbase – 4 turns (ditto for airbases)
Sensor arrays can be built in water after Adv. Mil. Algorithms
Infantry cargo – 3 (land transports are now really useful)
Speeder cargo – 4
Hovertank cargo – 5
Hovertank chassis moved to monopole magnets (To get more use out of it)
Foil moves: 5 (I wanted to increase the effectiveness of sea units in general)
Foil cargo – 3
Cruiser moves: 8
Cruiser cargo – 6
Needlejet cost increased (making a pure airpower strategy less effective)
Chopper movement: 6
Chopper cargo capacity - 3
Chopper cost increased
Chopper chassis moved to Nanomettalurgy
Gravship cost increased
Probe cruiser added
Crawlers completely disabled (This makes gamplay MUCH more fun)
Probe team cost increased (Makes you use your probe teams more carefully. No more “mass producing 2 probe defenders in every base” strategy)
Deep pressure hull moved to silksteel alloys (now we actually get to use it!)
Carrier deck moved to MMI (Ditto)
AAA now gives +150% bonus vs. air units (Decreasing the overpowering effectiveness of air power)
Clean reactor moved to frictionless surfaces (makes the game more difficult)
Heavy transport moved to doctrine: Initiative (now you get to use this)
Nerve gas pod cost doubled
Repair bay moved to bioengineering
Facilities and SPs:
Skunkworks cost and maintenance decreased (encourages you to actually build them)
Naval yard moved to doc:flex and cost and maintenance decreased (Ditto)
Satellite costs increased (Makes mass producing satellites harder)
Hologram theaters moved to optical computers (makes sense, right? Plus, I’m now making optical comp a useful tech)
The virtual world moved to optical computers (Ditto)
Nano Factory moved to nanominiaturization (Did this to make nanominiaturization a useful tech)
Clinical Immortality moved to secrets of creation (Ditto for Secrets of Creation)
Ascent to Transcendence cost increased
Technicians become available at industrial base
Thinkers become available at applied relativity (taking away some of the overpowering usefulness of MMI)
Transcendi only yield 2 econ, 2 psych, and 3 labs (Hopefully slowing down the endgame just a bit)
Social Engineering settings:
The basic idea behind the SE changes was to make a clearer distinction between a conquer strategy and a build strategy. For instance, PS/planned/power now makes an awesome conquer setting, whereas demo/fm/wealth now makes for an even better builder setting.
Frontier, None,
Democratic, EthCalc, ++GROWTH, +ECONOMY, +EFFIC, -SUPPORT, ---POLICE
Fundamentalist, Brain, +MORALE, ++PROBE, -RESEARCH
Simple, None,
Free Market, IndEcon, ++ECONOMY, --PLANET, --POLICE, -SUPPORT
Planned, PlaNets, +++INDUSTRY, +GROWTH, ---EFFIC
Survival, None,
Knowledge, Cyber, ++RESEARCH, +EFFIC, --PROBE
None, None,
Cybernetic, DigSent, ++EFFIC, ++PLANET, ++RESEARCH, -POLICE, --GROWTH
Eudaimonic, Eudaim, ++GROWTH, ++ECONOMY, +EFFIC, --MORALE
Thought Control, WillPow, ++POLICE, ++MORALE, ++PROBE, --SUPPORT, -RESEARCH
Diplomatic victory enabled at Homo Superior
Commerce increases added to various techs