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Two more custom factions: Paladins and Circle of the Nine

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  • Two more custom factions: Paladins and Circle of the Nine

    Hello again...

    Thanks for the are the next two factions:

    The Black Champions (Paladins)

    Leader: Jason Masters
    Background: Fed. Republic of California,
    Unity Security corps member
    Aims: Fame and honor
    Tech: Doctrine: Mobility, Applied Physics

    +2 Morale (warriors)
    +10% offense and defense
    Free Command Center at each base
    -1 Industry (warriors, not builders)
    -2 Research (warriors, definitely not scientists)

    Agenda: Police State
    Value: Support
    Aversion: Knowledge
    Agression: Agressive
    Aims: Conquer

    The Circle of the Nine

    Leader: Akashi Takamura
    Background: Japan, Unity-Counselor
    Aims: Religious, nonworldly life
    Tech: Social Psych

    +1 Industry (ascetic)
    Immune to mind control: strong belief and
    mind training
    -1 Growth (worldly concern low)
    -1 Morale (dislike killing)
    Impunity-Fundamental: Approach to religious
    life via Asian philosophy

    Agenda: Fundamental
    Value: Probe
    Aversion: Power
    Agression: Pacifist
    Aims: Discover, Build

    Let me know what you think...

  • #2
    The second faction looks pretty balanced as is.

    As for the first, however... how could any faction compete with them at the beginning? Every faction remotely close to them in proximity would fall without even putting up a fight. Sorta like the Spartans on steroids.


    • #3
      The factions seem more or less balanced but the free command center AND the morale bonus AND the attack defense bonus seems very extreme in the early game- I mean 2 recon rovers from this faction and you are dead. Give this faction a big juicy -2 econ or a significant growth penalty, something that affects early game enough to slow this faction down.


      • #4
        I'd just like to point out that those 'free' command centers aren't exactly free. You still have to pay the upkeep. And it can really hurt your econ at the begining of the game.

        That, plus the -2 ECON, would KILL this faction! The upkeep is about -2 ECON as is.
        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


        • #5
          < life via Asian philosophy>>

          Just a note, this doesn't have to apply merely 'Christian' factions, I could see this apply to any government that religiously motivated.

          Personally, this does sound a bit like a fundamentalist government.

          "L33T Master must not eat 'scuzzy' things from trash. Not healthy. Give bad gas." - MegaTokyo
          "Horses can not be Astronaughts..." - A Servbot

