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Odd graphics question

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  • Odd graphics question

    Well I finally got around to making a set of faction logos (ie. like Diedre's rose)fro my terraforming faction. I have to say this was worse then making new base graphics!

    Anyway here is the question. In the first graphics file, the one with the base graphics, where in the game are the 5 faction logo to the right of the faction leader's main piciture used? The 2 large ones are almost identical to the Dilomacy ones, but the dilpomacy ones are at the bottom, and the 3 tiny ones... hmmm I just can't place seeing these anywhere. Can someone remind me where these are used?

    Must be having a major brainfart

    "Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

    "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

  • #2

    cannot recall seeing them all used, but i will let you know if i find something.



    • #3
      I'm pretty sure they're all used.

      The three tiny ones are for the datalinks.
      Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

      Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies

        Found the small ones in the datalinks thanks to your help and I am thinking the other big ones are used on the High score screen.

        Knew there was a brainfart going on
        "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

