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Need help with new faction bachround color.

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  • Need help with new faction bachround color.

    I'm currently working on the graphics for my new faction. I decided to use the Data angels bases so I've been altering and cutting a pasting over that file. The problem is you can still see a backround color behind my new factions symbols. I think the problem is the backround of the new symbols have the wrong palette number. (Even though the color appears exactly the same) I don't seem to be able to paint or fill in with the correct palette number (255 right.) I'm using the trial version of Paint Shop Pro. Can anyone tell me how to get the backround color correct? (i.e. transparent)
    [This message has been edited by Q_tip1976 (edited April 02, 2000).]

  • #2
    Hi Q-Tip1976,

    You have Identified the problem exactly. Color #252 and #255 have the exact same color values and the program defaults to #252. The way I handle it is the go to 'edit pallette' and change the RGB# of index #255. I think the purple background is 100/16/???. Basically change these numbers to something unique (like making the 100 value 0) and paint and paste away. It will act as a normal color then. Get everything the way you want it, then go back to 'edit pallette' and change #255 back to what it was originally. This will put the color back to what it was originally RGB#-wise but it will keep the all important #255 index number. Hope this helps.

    Also see the recent thread in this forum started by TeknoMerc "Faction Base Graphics Problem" for more info. If you still have problems, ask and someone will help you out

    "Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

    [This message has been edited by Bblue (edited April 02, 2000).]
    "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


    • #3
      Thanks alot for your help Bblue. It worked perfectly.

