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pcx files

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  • pcx files

    i have viewed several questions and responses posted on this site and can say that my question will probably seem very stupid to most of you. Im a begginer who wants to edit and create new factions,but i cant seem to fiqure out how to edit the pcx files. now that youve enjoyed a laugh,if there is anyone out there willing to respond to such a trivial question i will certainly appriciate it,

  • #2
    It ain't a stupid question... the PCX files have a special 256 pallete.. meaning most of the editing you'll be able to do most things the more advanced editing like anti aliasing and stuff... honestly, the best way to make pictures for factions is to do them in 24 bit color, and copy them into an existing file.

    its hard to explain.
    It's a CB.
    SteamID: rampant_scumbag


    • #3

      Originally posted by EternalSpark on 03-29-2000 09:46 PM

      its hard to explain.

      try me...



      • #4
        As EternalSpark mentioned.. I have seen posts in this fourum that tell how to edit .pcx files without a graphics program that works with .pcx (there are some shareware programs that can do the conversions) However, when I tried it I didn't have much luck mainly due to the fact that the colors used for the transparency colors are identical to other colors on the color pallette with the only difference being thier index numbers. Even with programs that work with .pcx files it still required 'work-arounds' and is still a pain. My suggestion is that you get hold of a graphics program that will handle .pcx files (Paint Shop Pro 6 has a free 30 day dl) Once you have one of these it works like about any graphics program.

        Note: In PSP6 if I remember correctly pallette index #256 is the transparency color and #242(?) is the opaque 'shadow' color.

        "Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

        "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


        • #5
          thanks 4 the response. after posting the pcx question i realized i could show topics from the past postings.(like i said im a beginer) dont know how i missed it earlier.
          thanks EternalSpark,Christopher And Bblue, ill use your info w/ past postings and hopefuly ill fiqure it out. well, time to loose some sleep for the next few days

