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Reviews of user made factions

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  • Reviews of user made factions

    Over at my new site-

    if anyone wants to help me review user made factions, that would be helpful!!!! NEED REVIEWERS!!

    factions will be rated 0-10 on

    -maintaining game balance
    -sense of faction "character"
    -grahics (each pcx file will be rated from 0-10 if they attempt to do one)
    ie if 1.pcx is included rate it
    -reviewer tilt

    -Overall Average(0-10)

    THIS WOULD BE VERY WELL APRECIATED! Also-I am looking for people with moderate experience in HTML to write tutorials on how to edit graphics w/PSP5, or use the scenario editor, etc . .

    I'm trying to make sort of a "PlanetSMAC" type feel to the site.

    PS This site is really incomplete.
    "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

    "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown

  • #2
    Ok, another field to rate:
    AI compatibility, does the AI play the faction well and in character? Does the AI react well to the faction?
    "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

    "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


    • #3
      Tell me if its ok for me to take your comments and use them!
      Alright first one up-"World Wrestling", by me!(I'll try not to be biased)

      The factions bonuses cancel out the factions negatives, but I'm not sure if -25% psi combat actually works.
      Faction Character-5
      Its probably only clear to wrestling fans.
      Good attempt, the background on the symbols is screwed up, and the bases dont fit the faction, morgans or the Hive's may have looked better.
      AI compatibility-8.5The AI seems to stick to "character," and can deal well with them.
      Reviewer Tilt -10 I made it. j/k
      Overall - 7.5
      "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

      "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


      • #4
        Goodie! Me and a friend are currently in the progress of making a fraction. It's going to be very special. The fraction leader is Kjartan, the lost Viking. Just as a teaser, here is the intro to Kjartan. It was written at 4am this night, so please excuse the typos.

        Here we go:


        Why Kjartan came along on the mission to Alpha Centauri in the first place is a wonder. While the majority thinks there was a computer malfunction back on Earth when the lists over those who got to leave were drawn up, there are also some widespread ideas that this may all be one gigantic practical joke or that this isn't happening at all and that it's all a bad dream. Sadly this isn't the case, it's all very real, it's not a practical joke and it's not a computer malfunction. Infact, what happened was a time-space warp and Kjartan, the peacefull farmer that he used to be, was dragged from 9th century Viking Norway to the spaceship. Apparantly the trip made him somewhat mad... and, sadly for his opponents, a genius. He managed to hide on the spaceship for 2 months, a time well spent on a remote computer that he nicked. In that time he managed, not only to learn english, but also all the technical stuff that he needed to cope with if he were to have any chance of survival in the oncoming chaos. He succeeded. What remains the big mystery though is how he got all his followers along the way. The mixing of the old Viking way with the new technology proved to be lethal as well. The Mk2.5 Clubs that used to be feared throughout the galaxy, was designed by Kjartan himself and used with great success in the Centauri War. As Kjartan emerged victorious he led humanity into the stars and accidently killed all of mankind when arguing with the navigator whether to go left or right of that oncoming sun. They crashed right into it since the navigator was the only person who knew how to change course on the ship and Kjartan killed him. This does not stop the fact that Kjartan was perhaps the most important faction leader on the Alpha Centauri mission, though most people would like to see him dead (including those at Firaxis apparantly), but for your pleasure we bring you KJARTAN! Can you copy his merits?


        So, hope you look forward to be seeing him

        Lo there do I see my father
        Lo there do I see my mother
        and my sisters and my brothers
        Lo there do I see the line of my people
        back to the begining
        Lo they do call to me
        They bid me take my place among them
        in the Halls of Valhalla
        where the brave may live forever


        • #5
          The game ain't got no rednecks! Or do we assume that they split themselves between Miriam (religious types), Santiago (the gun nuts), and Deirdre (the dope smokers)?

          Doglas Adams might suggest that one pod full of hairdressers and nail techs would start a society....

          Why does part of me want to promote a "Planet of the Apes" faction-- why?

          I wonder also about maybe an aquatic society-- one that starts with a sea colony and extensive knowledge of sea-forming....

          The hardest part, though, about coming up with a faction, is determining their own world view-- between the 7, there isn't much left.... Personalities are hard to come by-- I mean, really, who's going to lead the aquatic faction-- Aquaman?

          Your mileage may vary.
          Your mileage may vary.


          • #6
            Aquatic faction leader? why none other than Jaques Cousteau. Callipso would be the first base name.


            • #7
              Personality: Jacques gets pissed at any faction that builds sea bases. (except his, of course). I don't how you would program that in (not a programmer).

              +1 planet (eco friendly)
              +2 industry (make up for the lack of ocean minerals)
              -2 growth (limited space on ships)

              can't use green (don't want 2 Dierdre factions).

              (would be best if you could eliminate infantry colony pods)


              • #8
                I did have an idea about a scenario set on a different Chiron, where the planet wasn`t sentient and evolution continued as normal.

                Anyhoo: My idea is that 7 different species achieve sentience and there is the battle over who is going to be the doinant species.


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Mr Googlie, why did you add that little chevron and ressurect this ancient post?


                    • #11
                      Mr Googlie, why did you add that little chevron and ressurect this ancient post?


                      • #12
                        Travathian is looking for custom-created factions

