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MOD Idea

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  • MOD Idea

    in alien crossfire planet is manifold six.
    what if after destroying (or not?) all of the human factions on planet the progentitors join forces to build manifold seven, on Earth.
    Upon arrival they (maybe four or five different factions) find a planet covered in forests (Fungus) filled with strange creatures (Alien Lifeforms). Little do they know a mutated human faction (or two) is waiting for them...

    Like it?
    Want to help make it?

    I can do they text like alpha.txt and the factions but I need a graphics person.Anyone?

  • #2
    I am not too bad at doing base graphics, but I am hopeless with the leader pictures.
    Anyway, it sounds like a very cool idea, could you elaborate a bit further what you plan to do?



    • #3
      Dangit! I just had a similar idea over at a thread I started.
      "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

      "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


      • #4
        Well somehow I want to reverse the alien and human classifacations, so that the alien checkbox in FacEdit will make the faction Human NOT Alien
        There would be 5 alien (progenator) factions that could just be spinoffs of the real factions.
        Then there would be 2 human (human) factions locked into a civil war, over how earth should be explotatd
        One side a terraforming faction wanting to terraform it back to its orriginal golory.
        the other side (possibly mutated by nuclear explosions) wants earth to stay as it is AFTER the 2040ish WWIII
        The sceanrio date would be 2300ish
        The alien lifeforms could be like Bears and Birds of prey and Sharks and Whales.
        Sea fungas could be kelp
        Forest (from AC) would be fungus and alien lifeforms from AC could be breed in captivity
        Anymore Ideas Anyone?

        I need a faction picture person, a terrain person and I can do the text (like alphax.txt), sanjuro has offered to do the base pics, a faction person would help

        Anyone else want to help?


        • #5
          oh yeah the aliens would start as pact brother (becasue there making manifold 7) but get really mad at each others social choices QUICKLY


          • #6
            I alo need a sound person and a unit graphics person


            • #7
              Incredible! Three people come up with the same idea at the same time under totally independant circumstances! What are the odds? I myself came up with a tremendously similar idea several days ago and posted it today, and I had never even read this thread. It certainly does seem like a good idea... However, I am totally incompetent when it comes to modding SMAC/X. The only thing I ever managed to pull off was the SOSUS Device, on my third try, and I still cant get the blasted thing to do what I want it to do... If I get it working, we could throw in the SOSUS Device as some feature of whatever faction would have the most use for an invisible, expensive, slow to build undersea sensor.

              Kamchak was Here

