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One more try: sound for custom factions

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  • One more try: sound for custom factions

    I tried asking this question a while ago, and I got some help, but it never quite worked out right, so what the heck, I'll try again:

    Does anyone know how I can create a sound file in the correct format for SMAC, so that my custom faction says a custom quote when you choose it? I tried using the windows media thingy that came with windows, and it *almost* worked, except it was really really slowed down. It sounded pretty much the same on any setting I tried recording it at; like a really really slooooowwwwwwweddddd dowwwwwnnnnnnnnn voiiicccccccceeeee.....

    Any tips? Hints on good shareware/freeware products that can record stuff in the right format? Hints about what the right format even is?

    Thanks in Advance,

    --Hee Pee

  • #2
    Does ANYBODY look at the message archives pat ten days ago? Sheesh.

    Look in the thread "Creating .mp3 voices that work" November 13. There's your answer.


    • #3
      Thanks a bunch -- maybe I will set my preferences to show more of the archives.

