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  • Ideas

    This is an ideas section for new units, modifications, new techs, modified abilites, chassis’, etc.
    I will start it off with a modified ability;
    Carrier Deck, 1, Metal, Carrier, 00101101011, Mobile Airbase
    What you say? This is just your basic carrier deck. Well it is but it has a slight modification.
    The last one allows you to make Land Units, Carriers. Yes that’s right, land units can become carriers. It sures makese an interesting unit, just you average hovertank, or rover, with some little wings! My reseaon behind this was for those games where you have a lack of water, to put planes on ships, and you don’t have many airbases or anything, so I though, well you can put men on land transport, why not planes? So I looked at the alpha.txt and I saw this was so easy to do, so I did it.
    What about this;
    Alien Artifact, Artifact, 0,12,36, -1, None
    This makes the artifact availbe for gameplay in the actual game for maybe a SP or that Tech advance. The game understands this unit and it can be editied and it even has its own graphics. All I need to do is change the prequisite and the cost and there it is, OR maybe becuase it has new graphics you could use it for your own unit, like an attackinng unit. Yes, the possibilites are endless with the alpha.txt.

  • #2
    Already added the Alien Artifact to my producables list for those who get the "Secrets of Creation" tech -- at a cost of 80, which prices it a bit above the last few Secret Projects (which cost 60).

    Here's another idea -- a SP that does nothing, with no prerequisites, and a cost of 600 (three times the cost of the Ascent to Transcendence). What's it good for, then? To "Stockpile Minerals" (what I call the SP) for later use on a yet-unavailable SP or unit. Less wastage than stockpiling energy if you time it right, since 100% is transferrable to another SP and 50% is transferrable to any unit.

    You can mount a PB warhead on a land or sea unit and set the unit "plan" to PB. This gives you a "truck bomb" land or sea delivered PB. In fact, you can mount a non-PB warhead on it, too, but it still counts as an atrocity.

    Missiles with psi or probe weapons. Or with Air Superiority to kill enemy aircraft. (Probe missiles do not hit-and-explode, but return to your base -- potentially rather unbalancing.)


    • #3
      Alright a tried the PSI missile, but it is silly. I mean who wants a missle that isn't that powerful and dies straight away, I would much rather just use a Planet Buster, but I suppose it could have a purpose.


      • #4
        There is a way of making a powerful Psi Missile, but you'll have to wait till my SNAX 1.0 comes out soon to see how I did it. Then I will tell all...

