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My New Modpack - Info

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  • My New Modpack - Info

    Here are the seven faction for my Mod and there modifiers:

    LEADER: {Lt. Seteh Milnard}
    ^BACKGROUND: {Former Military Leader, Unity Executive Officer}
    ^AGENDA: {Growth, Police State}
    ^TECH: {Information Networks}

    ^+2 GROWTH: {Rapid population growth}
    ^-1 POLICE: {Citizens hard to control}
    ^-2 ECONOMY: {Large population to tend for}
    ^{Free Children Creche at each base}

    Hand of Justice
    LEADER: {President Mikael Maltin}
    ^BACKGROUND: {Doctor on Earth}
    ^AGENDA: {Making sure all is in order}
    ^TECH: {Biogenetics}

    ^+ Morale: {Citizens well looked after}
    ^- Economy: {Looking after the world is expensive}
    ^- Industry: {Industry tends to take a back seat to other priorites}
    ^+25% attack: {Fanatics}

    Sisters of Jesus

    LEADER: {Sister Terrance Láde}
    ^BACKGROUND: {Cult Leader on Earth}
    ^AGENDA: {Religion}
    ^TECH: {Social Psych}

    ^+1 ECONOMY: {Willinng sacrifice comfort for their beliefs}
    ^-2 GROWTH: {Many young followers become atheists and do not follow there leader}
    ^-1 MORALE: {Pacifist tendencies}
    ^May noy use Power in Social Engineering: {Citizens try to obey commandments {"Thou Shalt Not Kill"}}
    ^Mind Control Immunity: {Citizens strong in there beliefs}
    ^Free Unity Rover at start: {Her Christian beliefs make it easy to brainwash people}


    EADER: {Mr. Gregory Thomas}
    ^BACKGROUND: {Former Gardener}
    ^AGENDA: {Terraforming}
    ^TECH: {Centauri Ecology}

    ^-2 PLANET: {There constant terraforming is a strain on Planet}
    ^+1 GROWTH: {There terraforming reaps extra bonuses for citizens}
    ^-1 ECONOMY: {Terraforming is very expensive}
    ^{Terraforming costs halved}
    ^{Free former at start}

    ^+1 PROBE: {Protect Networks profusly}
    ^-2 RESEARCH: {Couldn't care less}
    ^+1 ECONOMY: {Skillful market players}

    Us Special Project Divis
    LEADER: {Dr. Billie Reiger}
    ^BACKGROUND: {Foormer Research Scientist on Earth, PhD}
    ^AGENDA: {Research, free flow of information.}
    ^TECH: {Information Networks}

    ^+2 RESEARCH: {Brilliant research}
    ^-2 INDUSTRY: {Industry tacks a back seat}
    ^{Free NETWORK NODE at every base}
    ^-1 GROWTH: {More interested in research}
    ^{110% hurry rate}

  • #2
    Terrans agenda Terraforming?! well its something new... but...
    ppl="I don't get it..."
    Kropötkin="i sort of said that some newbie must be a lunie. since he was from finland."

    Cthol; your sig just get's lunier and lunier everytime i see it

    ProvostB, are you my sister. .

    HA HA HA HA HA HA H(ãMing 1999, All rights reserved)

    i love ming! ProvostB

    <I>This is...A true example of a signature that is:
    1. Way too long
    2. Complete rubbish


    • #3
      Terrans agenda Terraforming?! well its something new... but...
      ppl="I don't get it..."
      Kropötkin="i sort of said that some newbie must be a lunie. since he was from finland."

      Cthol; your sig just get's lunier and lunier everytime i see it

      ProvostB, are you my sister. .

      HA HA HA HA HA HA H(ãMing 1999, All rights reserved)

      i love ming! ProvostB

      <I>This is...A true example of a signature that is:
      1. Way too long
      2. Complete rubbish


      • #4
        Okay, I'm still playtesting the base social modifiers and they aren't poilished yet, but my current ten new human faction concepts for SEE-AX (my Alien Crossfire modpack) are:

        Brotherhood of Seekers (Seekers):
        - Leader Background: Eastern Mystic Guru
        - Agenda: Seek enlightnment through experience.
        - AI Agenda: Explore
        - AI Social Choice: Knowledge
        - Prohibited Choice: Free Market

        Cortez Society (Conquistadores):
        - Leader Background: Unity Security Deputy
        - Agenda: Conquer and rule over other factions, live richly off their labor.
        - AI Agenda: Conquer
        - AI Social Choice: Wealth
        - Prohibited Choice: Knowledge

        Eugenics Institute (Eugenicists):
        - Leader Background: Unity Geneticist
        - Agenda: Perfect mankind through genetic manipulation
        - AI Agenda: Build, Discover
        - AI Social Choice: Planned
        - Prohibited Choice: Cybernetic

        Heirs of Terra (Heirs)
        - Leader Background: Construction Foreman
        - Agenda: Return to and reclaim Earth for humanity.
        - AI Agenda: Build
        - AI Social Choice:
        - Prohibited Choice:

        Merchantile League (Merchants)
        Sea-based Faction
        - Leader Background: CEO of Lee Corporation
        - Agenda: Economic dominance of Planet
        - AI Agenda: Explore, Build
        - AI Social Choice: Wealth
        - Prohibited Choice: Planned

        Objectivist Society (Objectivists)
        - Leader Background: Philosopher
        - Agenda: Establish Objectivism as world philosophy
        - AI Agenda: Build, Discover
        - AI Social Choice: Free Market
        - Prohibited Choice: Power

        Posthuman Collective (Collective)
        - Leader Background: Earth despot, Unity stowaway
        - Agenda: Turn humanity into an army of willless slaves to obey the Leader.
        - AI Agenda: Discover, Conquer
        - AI Social Choice: Thought Control
        - Prohibited Choice: Democracy

        Stoic Warriors (Stoics)
        - Leader Background: Earth general, Unity protocol officer
        - Agenda: Survive in the harsh enviroment of Planet
        - AI Agenda: Conquer
        - AI Social Choice: Police State
        - Prohibited Choice: Euadomic

        Symbiotic Union (Symbiotes)
        - Leader Background: Miraculous survivor of mindworm attack.
        - Agenda: Unite mandkind and the mindworms in physical and psychic symbiosis.
        - AI Agenda: Discover
        - AI Social Choice: Fundamentalist
        - Prohibited Choice: Police State

        Terraforming Laboratories (Formers)
        - Leader Background: Unity Terraforming expert
        - Agenda: Convert Planet into an Earthlike paradise
        - AI Agenda: Build, Explore
        - AI Social Choice: Planned
        - Prohibited Choice: Green

