The story:
In the 21st century, as tensions mounted on Earth, the U.N. came together to authorize and fund an interplanetary colonization mission. The most highly qualified people from each field were selected to go on this historic mission. Chairman Shen-ji Yang was one of those who were chosen to go. However, at the last minute, Yang backed out, and instead chose to remain on Earth, where he had a brilliant and rising career as a military general.
While things proceeded badly onboard the Unity, things were even worse on Earth. Yang and his followers managed to stage a coup in the Chinese government. As Yang declared himself supreme dictator of a totalitarian state, some of the nations of the world grew hostile to this new regime. Added to this was a worldwide oil crisis and a scrambling by all the nations of the world to secure the world's last dwindling oil reserves. Events snowballed into an all-out WW3. Over the course After over 50 years of fighting the Earth's popluation faced mass casualties from famine, war, disease, nerve gas, and radiation. Yang firmly established himself as a ruthless dictator, ordering numerous nerve staples, chemical attacks, and nuclear missle strikes. Yang and his totalitarian state was finally victorious, and Yang made his empire into an Orwellian police state so that mankind would be safe and secure, and would never have to face that kind of destruction again (so he told his citizens).
Meanwhile, as the crew onboard the Unity approached Chiron, they sent out probes to investigate the nature of this new planet. What they found was alarming - vicious alien worms, relentless fungus, and horrific locusts. They decided to head back to Earth ASAP. Unfortunately, their equipment was contaminated with the native life of Chiron, which they would unknowingly bring back to Earth.
As the factions approached Earth again, they were meeted by a familiar face on the telescreen - that of Chairman Shen-ji Yang. After learning of Yang's global domination of the planet, the crew factions decided to make sure to keep their comm frequencies open in order to deal with any devilry prompted by Yang. They suspected that Yang would not be happy having to share the planet with others again.
You can choose to be any of the 7 factions (although you'll probably want to be someone besides Yang). Victory can be by conquest or economy. No coop victory enabled! You have all of the comm frequencies starting out. Blind research, tech steal on. Yang has about a 100 year start on you, so good luck!
In the 21st century, as tensions mounted on Earth, the U.N. came together to authorize and fund an interplanetary colonization mission. The most highly qualified people from each field were selected to go on this historic mission. Chairman Shen-ji Yang was one of those who were chosen to go. However, at the last minute, Yang backed out, and instead chose to remain on Earth, where he had a brilliant and rising career as a military general.
While things proceeded badly onboard the Unity, things were even worse on Earth. Yang and his followers managed to stage a coup in the Chinese government. As Yang declared himself supreme dictator of a totalitarian state, some of the nations of the world grew hostile to this new regime. Added to this was a worldwide oil crisis and a scrambling by all the nations of the world to secure the world's last dwindling oil reserves. Events snowballed into an all-out WW3. Over the course After over 50 years of fighting the Earth's popluation faced mass casualties from famine, war, disease, nerve gas, and radiation. Yang firmly established himself as a ruthless dictator, ordering numerous nerve staples, chemical attacks, and nuclear missle strikes. Yang and his totalitarian state was finally victorious, and Yang made his empire into an Orwellian police state so that mankind would be safe and secure, and would never have to face that kind of destruction again (so he told his citizens).
Meanwhile, as the crew onboard the Unity approached Chiron, they sent out probes to investigate the nature of this new planet. What they found was alarming - vicious alien worms, relentless fungus, and horrific locusts. They decided to head back to Earth ASAP. Unfortunately, their equipment was contaminated with the native life of Chiron, which they would unknowingly bring back to Earth.
As the factions approached Earth again, they were meeted by a familiar face on the telescreen - that of Chairman Shen-ji Yang. After learning of Yang's global domination of the planet, the crew factions decided to make sure to keep their comm frequencies open in order to deal with any devilry prompted by Yang. They suspected that Yang would not be happy having to share the planet with others again.

You can choose to be any of the 7 factions (although you'll probably want to be someone besides Yang). Victory can be by conquest or economy. No coop victory enabled! You have all of the comm frequencies starting out. Blind research, tech steal on. Yang has about a 100 year start on you, so good luck!
