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Problem with editing a scenario

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  • Problem with editing a scenario

    Okay, I was editing this scenario, "playing" each faction sequentially for scenario building. Oddly enough, it asks me for a password before I go to the next faction. So, I go ahead and type something in. I continue to edit the scenario in this way. Then I save the scenario (as a .sc file) and I get some much needed sleep. However, this morning when I woke up, I tried to go back to editing it, but when I try to open it up through the edit scenario thing on the main menu, it says I cannot load a multiplayer game as a single player game. So, I try opening the file using the hotseat option, and voila! It works.

    But this has me worried: When I finish editing this scenario, and I want to play it (or someone else to play it), am I going to be able to do that? Or will I always have to open it using the hotseat function from now on? Do you know how this works? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    BTW, the scenario I'm designing takes place on Earth in the year 2084. I've armed all of the factions with loads of PB's and made them all extrememly well developed in tech and infrastructure, as wel as making some of them prone to commit atrocities wantonly and shamelessly betray human players. . Should be interesting, whenever, I get to play it, if I can manage to play it. I'm thinking that this is basically why the factions in Alpha Centauri only hear radio silence from Earth. I also have some other ideas for scenarios, but I want to finish this one first.
    Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.

  • #2
    Re: Problem with editing a scenario

    Originally posted by Zeiter
    But this has me worried: When I finish editing this scenario, and I want to play it (or someone else to play it), am I going to be able to do that? Or will I always have to open it using the hotseat function from now on? Do you know how this works? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Hello Zeiter,

    are you talking about playing the Scenario as a single player, or several Factions, each of which your entering a password for? I believe that once you enter passwords, then you cannot modify the format from then on out.
    If you want some pointers for using the Scenario Editor, then check out Googlie's write up in the SMAC Academy - it really helped ramp up my skills, as well as answering a lot of the questions that popped up while I was building my first few scenarios.
    FYI and good luck!



    • #3
      Thanks for the info! Well, it looks like I might have to go back and redo some stuff because I had intended it to be a single player game, but oh well, that's okay. At least I know how to get it working now.
      Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.

