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Orangesodai of the Consciousness

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  • Orangesodai of the Consciousness

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Name:	2014-05-18, 20_40_18.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	313.5 KB
ID:	9135956

    CivBE got me interested in AC again, and the sale at GOG for SMAC/SMAX (thanks Buster for pointing it out!) was too good to pass up. But I didn't get a chance to sit down and play it until now. I'm sure I'll make a lot of mistakes, it's been about a decade since I last played, and never played SMAX.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 10_06_53.jpg
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Size:	315.5 KB
ID:	9135957

    I remember a bit too much about Planet (having seen some screens of it lately) for it to be a real "new" experience, so I'll go random. Large, but not too large because I like some contact/action early. Lots of clouds I think is a good way to balance the jungle a bit. Abundant lifeforms is something that can help or hurt. Definitely something that spices things up a little bit early on. Everything else standard.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 10_07_51.jpg
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ID:	9135959

    Transcend ... I seem to remember the AI isn't too tough in SMAC. If it's significantly better in SMAX then I might be in some real trouble.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 10_07_57.jpg
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ID:	9135960

    Some custom rules. I can't stand not directing research.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 10_08_12.jpg
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Size:	345.1 KB
ID:	9135958

    I wanted to use a new faction. All those years ago playing SMAC ... I like to play as Zak or Deirdre most of the time. My most natural "fun" game was to take a Green tact relying on farmed Mindworms for mid-game defense and exploring. By "defense" of course I mean taking pre-emptive action against any and all neighbors before they got any ideas ... This way the game was a bit of everything.

    Consciousness seems interesting in that it has a research and efficiency bonus, the faction is something along my own personality... and can take techs from captured bases. I like to use the slider early and often, so efficiency is nice. Quick research out the gate and then supplemented by conquests as time goes on. The problem is growth. I wouldn't be able to go Green before Democracy.

    Green + Democracy will give put me way over the top on Efficiency, and there's nothing to bring it back down. That's one of the things I never really liked about SMAC, Growth was the only one that was really worth pushing to the limit. The others are missing benefits at the higher levels.

    The other factions are random.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 10_09_45.jpg
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ID:	9135961

    The start is pretty nice. No river, but some rainy/rolling tiles and enough pods that I can hopefully score some resources or monoliths. Settled in place and got Minerals from the nearest pod.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 10_12_14.jpg
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ID:	9135962

    Set research to Centauri Empathy, labs at 80% for 7 turn research. Hopefully can get some Energy resources to boost that.

  • #2
    I hate to throw a damper on your enthusiasm but the Counsciousness seems like a cheap choice to me.

    Basically, you're playing the University of Planet without challenging flaws, so what's the point?

    It's like the two alien factions, or Miriam and Santiago without their INDUSTRY and RESEARCH penalty, the game's too easy.

    Anyway, that's just my opinion and it's not worth much since I'm still a new player.


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

Name:	2014-05-19, 11_41_12.jpg
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Size:	265.0 KB
ID:	9100819

      I had 2 Scout Patrols so popped the other Pod by Orangesodia ... and got a Monolith. Things are looking up!

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_43_58.jpg
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ID:	9100820

      I forgot how early Worms can show up ... glad they went for Orangesodia instead of my Colony Pod. I had taken the Colony Pod along the river but turned back to settle between the Pods because the river wasn't looking very promising. Waiting for a second Scout Patrol to pop the other Pods.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_44_24.jpg
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ID:	9100821

      Thanks to the Monolith I was able to adjust the slider again and got Centauri Ecology as Planet's first advance in 2105. Went with Biogenetics next.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_46_45.jpg
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ID:	9100822

      A Scout Patrol removed the Mindworm threat from Orangesodia.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_53_10.jpg
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ID:	9100823

      I like to have backup when popping Pods ... just in case ...

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_53_14.jpg
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Size:	270.4 KB
ID:	9100824

      We have company! I was sorta hoping that Random would choose the Aliens, but sorta hoping it wouldn't. I do hope they aren't my neighbors ...

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_53_33.jpg
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ID:	9100825

      Double teaming the Pods. A Monolith ... so one for each of the first two bases, pretty good start.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_55_01.jpg
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ID:	9100826

      After Biogenetics I take Social Psych. Still on my way to Secrets of the Human Brain.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_55_25.jpg
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Size:	279.3 KB
ID:	9100827

      Earthquake/Minerals ... This is something I was never too thrilled with AC, Pods make such a huge difference. Just having them at the landing site doesn't really mitigate it that much either. Later on they do tend to even out somewhat. But the first few Pods can make or break a game. If you get Resources/Monoliths it's a completely different game than getting a Fungal Bloom.

      In this case I got lucky and the game will be much easier for it. Not only the Minerals, but it turned a couple marginal tiles into Rolling/Rainy ones, and made the River more useful at the same time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Morgan Everett View Post
        I hate to throw a damper on your enthusiasm but the Counsciousness seems like a cheap choice to me.

        Basically, you're playing the University of Planet without challenging flaws, so what's the point?

        It's like the two alien factions, or Miriam and Santiago without their INDUSTRY and RESEARCH penalty, the game's too easy.

        Anyway, that's just my opinion and it's not worth much since I'm still a new player.
        I don't know. -Growth is a big one even if it's just -one. +Efficiency is nice, but especially for a Green/Demo doesn't add a whole lot after the start. Zak has free Research Labs. Whether that's better or worse than stealing techs is going to depend on who your neighbors are and how close they are.

        I've seen Consciousness ranked in the middle of the pack in some posts I was reading to get "basic" settings so I wasn't doing anything too dodgy. But in the end it's just for fun. I don't pretend I'm an amazing player as this is my first game in over a decade. I can see how Consciousness can be very powerful in some settings, but then again most factions can.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Aeson View Post
          I don't know. -Growth is a big one even if it's just -one. +Efficiency is nice, but especially for a Green/Demo doesn't add a whole lot after the start. Zak has free Research Labs. Whether that's better or worse than stealing techs is going to depend on who your neighbors are and how close they are.

          I've seen Consciousness ranked in the middle of the pack in some posts I was reading to get "basic" settings so I wasn't doing anything too dodgy. But in the end it's just for fun. I don't pretend I'm an amazing player as this is my first game in over a decade. I can see how Consciousness can be very powerful in some settings, but then again most factions can.
          Fair enough, I'm a total noob myself.

          I just happen to think +2 in RESEARCH is so good it needs to be counterbalanced by a big disadvantage, like the Drones for Zak. I fail to see how GROWTH is so problematic but I'll take your word for it.

          And you're absolutely right, it's a just a game. But then again, I don't pretend to be right. I never let my opinions go to my head.

          BTW, I don't like the scattered pods either, it's too random.

          I almost always deactivate them, why haven't you done the same?
          Last edited by Morgan Everett; May 19, 2014, 04:16.


          • #6
            Well I don't think the scattered pods are really that unbalanced. When you pop 20 or 30, you're going to get pretty average results and the longer the game is running the smaller the % swing of any given pod. It's the ones at the landing site that change games dramatically in most cases. Consider the difference between popping worms that take a Base or Colony Pod right off, and popping Nutrients or Monoliths. It's a gigantic swing in empire strength.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aeson View Post
              Well I don't think the scattered pods are really that unbalanced. When you pop 20 or 30, you're going to get pretty average results and the longer the game is running the smaller the % swing of any given pod. It's the ones at the landing site that change games dramatically in most cases. Consider the difference between popping worms that take a Base or Colony Pod right off, and popping Nutrients or Monoliths. It's a gigantic swing in empire strength.

              It's all the more important for the Free Drones and Miriam who are lacking proper research facilities, they can only count on pods to make up for it. Although Miriam could attack too, but it takes time to research and build troops/probe teams.
              Last edited by Morgan Everett; May 19, 2014, 06:38.


              • #8
                Click image for larger version

Name:	2014-05-19, 11_59_12.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	253.1 KB
ID:	9100831

                After Social Psych I went with Secrets of the Human Brain. I don't know if I got here fast or not. I think Zak can do it faster with a decent start, but I don't know if the AI prioritizes it.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 11_59_41.jpg
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Size:	268.4 KB
ID:	9100832

                My Scouts stumble into some more wildlife. An easy victory.

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Name:	2014-05-19, 12_01_20.jpg
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Size:	283.7 KB
ID:	9100833

                Sticking to the river for movement bonus and ... oh my! Deirdre is a natural ally given I want to go Green, but this is so close and with such a juicy target. I don't think I can resist!

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Name:	2014-05-19, 12_03_24.jpg
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Size:	296.6 KB
ID:	9100834

                I turn down 50 credits to sign a peace treaty ... I may be a genocidal algorithm, but I have ethics! I don't turn down the opportunity to find out who else is sharing Planet with me though.


                • #9
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Name:	1 pop pod allow gaians to settle.jpg
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ID:	9100835

                  We don't gain anything by killing the Colony Pod outright, so we'll track it and wait till it builds a base. Nutrients from the Pod in the meantime.

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Name:	2 gaians settle for easy capture.jpg
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ID:	9100836

                  Gotta love the AI! Defenseless city, free tech.

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Name:	3 steal mobility from gaian base.jpg
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ID:	9100837

                  Since we're at war, Mobility might come in handy. It will definitely be handy when farming/capturing Worms after switching to Green!

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Name:	4 new prototype for war.jpg
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ID:	9100838

                  We prototype a new Laser Rover which should be more than enough for the Gaians.

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Name:	5 secrets of the human brain.jpg
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ID:	9100839

                  Secrets of the Human Brain ...

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Name:	6 take ethical calculus.jpg
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ID:	9100840

                  We got there first, so Ethical Calculus is our's.

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Name:	7 eleven turns.jpg
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ID:	9100841

                  In Democracy we can cut the time down for Centauri Empathy from 15 to 11 turns.


                  • #10
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Name:	8 defended by ancient artifact.jpg
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ID:	9100842

                    The Scout Patrol N of the city couldn't enter it because of ZOC. So that left Memory of Earth defended by just an Alien Artifact...

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Name:	9 flexibility to control the seas.jpg
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ID:	9100843

                    It's kinda weird that she has these techs ... maybe contact with the Pirates? Definitely will come in handy when going after IODs. Setting up for a great Green game. Though I would prefer no Pirates ...

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Name:	10 converging with numbers.jpg
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ID:	9100844

                    3 vs at least 2. I wouldn't mind a wipe here, at least I won't be supporting those Scout Patrols anymore. Much prefer Rovers when hunting Worms.

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Name:	11 fair trade.jpg
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ID:	9100845

                    Looks like an even trade on the first exchange. Gaian unit took out mine to the S, but easy pickings now.

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Name:	14 bye bye gaian.jpg
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ID:	9100846

                    The resulting 2 v 1 worked out just the way it should. Gaians are eliminated and my remaining invasion force is down to the last Scout Patrol.

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Name:	16 steal industrial base.jpg
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ID:	9100847

                    Industrial Base is our reward. Maybe I should have held off a while to get some more techs, but I was worried with IB they would get some tougher defenders soon.

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ID:	9100848

