I find supply crawlers very useful, yet some aspects don't seem worth the cost. Yes, using supply crawlers for a powerful secret project like cloudbase academy or cyborg factory works wonders. Yet, making a thermal borehole somewhere and using the supply crawler doesn't seem worth it. Here's why:
1. Mindworms destroy the terraformer/borehole/supply crawler
2. Spore launchers SMACX only destroys improvements like crazy, for SMACX I've basically given up on everything except roads/sensors/forests because of this. I find terraforming up/down/level more useful then say farms/solar collectors.
3. Cost vs other production. I've often found its just easier to conqueror the AI than to build supply crawlers. Often a spore launcher on SMACX just cripples several AIs and its so easy just to swoop right in.
4. AI sneak attacking with navy/air units destroying improvements/supply crawlers etc.
It almost seems you have to have the game won before you can start terraforming. I mean it doesn't make sense when a thermal borehole takes 12-16 turns to build and can be destroyed by a rogue artillery in one round. Also on harder difficulties the AI is way more aggressive, to the point on transcend the Drones declared war on me despite being a lot weaker and can quickly wreck havoc on my improvements.
Its hard enough to keep your sea formers alive, let alone supply crawlers. AI makes a sea colony real near you masses air and goes to town. Why, waste resources when you should be defending yourself. Yes, yes after you've won it can be fun to crank out 30+ terraformers and a few supply crawlers. I guess I'm puzzled because in theory supply crawlers should work, build a thermal borehole somewhere and blam +6 mineral for your army. Yet, your almost always better off building another colony pod or impact rover instead.
Edit: Trying drones on easiest difficulty, but only one city. I got to supply crawlers fairly fast. Quickly got up to size 14 and the weather paragrim. I was able to trade a lot of techs. Problem is the planet Cult keep sending in weak units and destroying my supply crawlers. Its hard to guard each one. With condensors + farms its easy to get 3 nutrients from a tile. Somewhat fun, and I do see the merit in grabbing 30 or so minerals, lots of nutrients, and putting the rest in lots and lots of energy.
I don't see raising the terrain to the max level as that useful. Forests + rivers seem the way to go for the tiles around base. Gives 1 2 2. The main problem is that just like in Civ 3 and 4 that the earliest and weakest combat unit can go in and destroy your key supply lines. Do you really want to guard each individual supply crawler? Also the fact that you can only produce one unit a turn per base. The center city square is so much easier to guard than the outlining farms and mines.
I'm finding the closer the supply crawler is to the city square the easier. So have a ring of farm with supply crawlers harvesting around your bases. That way you get more specialists. One bonus is efficiency doesn't matter at all. On the flip size +2 efficiency Lady Diedre can build a lot of bases before inefficiency becomes a concern.
Another update, played to around year 2350 with drones, then the AI got air power, guess what? It seems air forces are the ultimate against terraformers/crawlers. This is only on the easiest difficulty. Also my computer is lagging now. Seemed fine to the fungus started popping every turn. Anyways in short any type of strategy that relies heavily upon non-growing improvements like solar collectors can be easily thwarted with a good air force. Since on Transcend with tech trading the AI can get air power very early I conclude supply crawlers are mostly a waste.
I could never get enough energy, thermal boreholes with merchant exchange and free market were only giving 8 energy, 9 with river.
1. Mindworms destroy the terraformer/borehole/supply crawler
2. Spore launchers SMACX only destroys improvements like crazy, for SMACX I've basically given up on everything except roads/sensors/forests because of this. I find terraforming up/down/level more useful then say farms/solar collectors.
3. Cost vs other production. I've often found its just easier to conqueror the AI than to build supply crawlers. Often a spore launcher on SMACX just cripples several AIs and its so easy just to swoop right in.
4. AI sneak attacking with navy/air units destroying improvements/supply crawlers etc.
It almost seems you have to have the game won before you can start terraforming. I mean it doesn't make sense when a thermal borehole takes 12-16 turns to build and can be destroyed by a rogue artillery in one round. Also on harder difficulties the AI is way more aggressive, to the point on transcend the Drones declared war on me despite being a lot weaker and can quickly wreck havoc on my improvements.
Its hard enough to keep your sea formers alive, let alone supply crawlers. AI makes a sea colony real near you masses air and goes to town. Why, waste resources when you should be defending yourself. Yes, yes after you've won it can be fun to crank out 30+ terraformers and a few supply crawlers. I guess I'm puzzled because in theory supply crawlers should work, build a thermal borehole somewhere and blam +6 mineral for your army. Yet, your almost always better off building another colony pod or impact rover instead.
Edit: Trying drones on easiest difficulty, but only one city. I got to supply crawlers fairly fast. Quickly got up to size 14 and the weather paragrim. I was able to trade a lot of techs. Problem is the planet Cult keep sending in weak units and destroying my supply crawlers. Its hard to guard each one. With condensors + farms its easy to get 3 nutrients from a tile. Somewhat fun, and I do see the merit in grabbing 30 or so minerals, lots of nutrients, and putting the rest in lots and lots of energy.
I don't see raising the terrain to the max level as that useful. Forests + rivers seem the way to go for the tiles around base. Gives 1 2 2. The main problem is that just like in Civ 3 and 4 that the earliest and weakest combat unit can go in and destroy your key supply lines. Do you really want to guard each individual supply crawler? Also the fact that you can only produce one unit a turn per base. The center city square is so much easier to guard than the outlining farms and mines.
I'm finding the closer the supply crawler is to the city square the easier. So have a ring of farm with supply crawlers harvesting around your bases. That way you get more specialists. One bonus is efficiency doesn't matter at all. On the flip size +2 efficiency Lady Diedre can build a lot of bases before inefficiency becomes a concern.
Another update, played to around year 2350 with drones, then the AI got air power, guess what? It seems air forces are the ultimate against terraformers/crawlers. This is only on the easiest difficulty. Also my computer is lagging now. Seemed fine to the fungus started popping every turn. Anyways in short any type of strategy that relies heavily upon non-growing improvements like solar collectors can be easily thwarted with a good air force. Since on Transcend with tech trading the AI can get air power very early I conclude supply crawlers are mostly a waste.
I could never get enough energy, thermal boreholes with merchant exchange and free market were only giving 8 energy, 9 with river.