in first hi to all and merry christmans 
some time ago i started to edit graphics of some custom faction with lview
no problem to load palette (just the problem in the creation of custom logo, his dark side to be exactly and now i don't yet understand how it do)
1 month later the free licence expire and so now that i want resume my project i can't reinstall Lview Pro
I got Gimp 2 that is free but when i save pcx files the software make it with wrong palette
how i can made regognize to gimp smacx palette??
i use gimp because i read in forums it's right to make this work (and then is not expiry)
someone can help me
thanx to all and sorry fo my basic english

some time ago i started to edit graphics of some custom faction with lview
no problem to load palette (just the problem in the creation of custom logo, his dark side to be exactly and now i don't yet understand how it do)
1 month later the free licence expire and so now that i want resume my project i can't reinstall Lview Pro
I got Gimp 2 that is free but when i save pcx files the software make it with wrong palette
how i can made regognize to gimp smacx palette??
i use gimp because i read in forums it's right to make this work (and then is not expiry)
someone can help me
thanx to all and sorry fo my basic english