Every time I come back to play SMAC, I try and play as the Morganites. And every time I give up half way through because I bloody hate them. Playing as the Morganites and switching quickly to a free market economy just seems like such a headache to me; having to hold the AI off because you can't really fight wars, having to keep rush building stuff, and worry about drone riots all the time because your Police score is abysmal.
I prefer to play at the university, and just be able to leave bases to get on with stuff instead of nannying them like I have to do with the Morganites. Does anyone else get this feeling, and does the fact that you may always prefer one faction make the game unbalanced? To me it does, unfortunately.
I prefer to play at the university, and just be able to leave bases to get on with stuff instead of nannying them like I have to do with the Morganites. Does anyone else get this feeling, and does the fact that you may always prefer one faction make the game unbalanced? To me it does, unfortunately.