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SMAC will not run on XP

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  • SMAC will not run on XP

    Hi I recently purchased SMAC.
    It installs fine, I have tried all the possible fixes, patches you can find. nothing works. for the life of me I can't understand why it will not work.
    THe moment I run the program the screen

    Here is my system:
    Toshiba Satellite A200 (res 1280 x 800 tried at 800x600)
    ATI Catalyst runing with TV extended Desktop (tried disabled)
    Win XP SP2

    I have installed Smac
    Smac 4 and XP patch.
    I have administrator privileges.

    My alpha centaury.ini file is:
    Prefs Format=12
    Map Type=3
    Top Menu=0
    More Preferences=101110101111110101101001
    Custom World=2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
    Time Controls=1
    Faction 1=UNIV
    Faction 2=JENN282
    Faction 3=JENN282
    Faction 4=JENN282
    Faction 5=JENN282
    Faction 6=JENN282
    Faction 7=JENN282
    Latest Save=
    Latest Scenario=
    Main Volume=127
    Voice Volume=85
    Music Volume=63
    SFX Volume=95
    Video Mode=800

    I am about to have an aneurysm. This is so frustrating. Can anyone suggest something? Any advice?

  • #2
    Somehow your description of what happens has dissapeared, so it's a bit difficult to help.

    Have you looked here for help ?

    EDIT: I'm runnig XP too and have no problems, so there is hope
    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

    Steven Weinberg


    • #3
      See the thread SMAC crashes in XP pro sp3. Let me know if that helps.

      I would suggest the unofficial patch. It has helped other people avoid aneurysm. The trouble is the official patches are old and were not tested on modern systems.
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • #4
        Hi afferrin,

        Your Alpha Centauri.ini file has some problems. The directdraw=0 and video mode=800 lines are in the wrong place. Also, you should have only at most one of those lines, not both, in the file. Edit the beginning of your ini file to look like this:

        [Alpha Centauri]

        and then the rest the same, except delete the last two lines (the ones shown above). The directdraw=0 command should force the game to run at your native Windows resolution. However, SMAC has trouble running at the resolution of some modern laptops. So if directdraw=0 doesn't work, replace it by video mode=1024 (or video mode=800 if that's what you prefer).

        If none of the suggestions made here help, please post again.

        "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
        -- Kosh


        • #5
          No joy

          Hi guys, Thanks for the suggestions.
          Alas, no joy. still will not start. I always get:
          "terran.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
          I see the Firaxis logo for a sec and then it crashes.
          I have corrected the INI file but still nothing. I have checked the posted threads BlackCat and vyeh posted too.
          SMAC installs fine. There are no issues from the CD. I have even copied it on to the HD and tried the install. No difference. Always the same crash.
          I have tried all the relevant suggestions in the threads posted here.
          I have installed and tried ATI tools and Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 None of these help.

          I once tried to install it on my x64 Dual AMD Computer but I got the CPU compatibility issue. So I tried on this machine (The Toshiba). But as I said installing on the Toshiba works fine.
          I also run Avira (tried disabled) and TuneUp utilities (Turbo on and off)
          No difference.
          I have changed the resolution. No difference. Nada.

          Could it be the video card on my Toshiba?


          • #6
            Just noticed, you are running XP SP2 - could you try upgrading to SP3 ?

            Don't know if it will help, but it at least won't do any damage.
            With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

            Steven Weinberg


            • #7
              First, I'd delete your ini file and let SMAC recreate it from scratch. Keep a backup if there are certain preferences you'd like to re-add. Then copy over unofficial patch exe. I clean up a lot of older CPU related code which causes a lot of issues for folks. If it still crashes, try adding (or changing values) in ini file to following.

              [Alpha Centauri]
              Voxel you really shouldn't have to change based on my changes to exe but worth a shot. DirectDraw might give insight if it's problem with graphics card and game resolution. The ds3d/eax entries have to do with sound. I have older system that will crash on startup unless eax is disabled (crappy on board audio).

              When the game crashes, I take it shows up a Microsoft crash window? If so, if you click details and take screenshot that shows more detailed information I could probably narrow down what is causing the crash.

              @BlackCat: Heh I was about to suggestion the same thing.


              • #8

                And I was about to post this :

                Hallo. Wollte mir nach langem wieder mal das Alpha Centauri anschauen bzw. bei aufkommender Lust nach Betrachtung wieder spielen. Jetzt habe ich das Spiel installiert, und dann komm ich ins menü wo ich "normal" oder "crossfire" auswählen kann, egal auf welchen knopf ich gehe, er stürzt mir immer ab und sagt dass "es meine cpu nicht unterstüzt und es zu abstürzen kommen kann"! Hat das schon wer gehabt? Versteh das nicht, vorletztes Jahr ist es noch gegangen! :D Habe ganz normal

                but then saw your suggestion.
                With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                Steven Weinberg

