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Anyone consider additional game endings?

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  • Anyone consider additional game endings?

    If you've read the Ely novels, you'll see a wholly different ending to the colonization effort than offered in the game. This has me thinking about other endings once you hit MY 2500 (ie mandatory retirement of a game).

    Because the player's control over events is limited to their own faction (plus any territory they conquer), it strikes me that the conduct of the other factions could and should have a greater impact than one sees. Certainly the game isn't shy about alerting you to ecological damage causing global warming and such, but it isn't until late in the game that the planet actually seems to start fighting back (fungal growth, massive worm boils showing up, etc.). I've no doubt the programmers designed this element carefully enough, but still it seems like Planet takes an awful lot of abuse before hitting back.

    That said, and letting our imaginations go nuts, what other endings at retirement can you think up?

    For example:

    "Ecological Armageddon" - eco damage has passed the point of repair and Planetmind has decided to rid itself of these destructive humans. This ending pops up without warning and basically has Planetmind eulogizing humanity's passing.

    "Stalemate" - none of the factions has succeeded in establishing hegemony or diplomatically uniting the planet. The ending is basically a slow pan over a now empty battlefield, where the opposing armies stare at one another but neither dares try to move yet.

    Anyone have any other ideas?

  • #2
    How about... Teraform Victory: Remove all fungus, build secret proj, then last20 turns or something? so you can beat the planet...


    • #3
      I wish there was a Culture victory. I think it is a shame, with all the psych base faculties (such as the Hologram Theater), that cultural influences didn't arrive into Sid Meier's Civilization genre (Civ 3+) until after the Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire series progression was abandoned.
      Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


      • #4
        Originally posted by wgabrie View Post
        I wish there was a Culture victory. I think it is a shame, with all the psych base faculties (such as the Hologram Theater), that cultural influences didn't arrive into Sid Meier's Civilization genre (Civ 3+) until after the Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire series progression was abandoned.
        I just wish there were culture of some sorts. It pisses me off to no ends to have Mirian or whoever plop down a base next to my massive and ancient Monsoon jungle city and steal half of its workable squares (usually including most of the min/en/nut bonuses)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mark123jansen View Post
          It pisses me off to no ends to have Mirian or whoever plop down a base next to my massive and ancient Monsoon jungle city and steal half of its workable squares (usually including most of the min/en/nut bonuses)
          try multiplayer! it's a lot more rewarding.
 * Alpha Centauri players group * IRC channel #smac


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mark123jansen View Post
            I just wish there were culture of some sorts. It pisses me off to no ends to have Mirian or whoever plop down a base next to my massive and ancient Monsoon jungle city and steal half of its workable squares (usually including most of the min/en/nut bonuses)
            Why not just send over a rover to kick her off of it? IMO, culture is a completely unrealistic headache designed to help the AI hold out against human players. Rather than build an AI that can properly terraform, build a useful army and use it in the field, they invented a retarded game mechanic that basically makes momentum play useless.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mark123jansen View Post
              I just wish there were culture of some sorts. It pisses me off to no ends to have Mirian or whoever plop down a base next to my massive and ancient Monsoon jungle city and steal half of its workable squares (usually including most of the min/en/nut bonuses)
              That's why I usually build bases beyond a landmark's area, sort of create a buffer zone so even if someone does build right next to your border, they won't get any good squares. These bases usually just sit there around population 2 or 3 and don't really produce much, but they're nice if I suddenly need to rush-build a lot of drop troops or something.

