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faction characteristics

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  • faction characteristics

    I'm playing Cha Dawn for the first time, nearing the middle game. I have a creeping suspicion that there are faction-dependent parameters that I am ignorant of. Is there anyone who knows all the parameters that change going from playing one faction to another?

    Two specific things currently make me suspicious: 1. The Longevity Vaccine didn't seem to reduce the number of drones in bases, though I'm using planned economics. 2. My enemies (everyone) seem to take over my bases using probe teams with ease. (2 bases repeatedly taken by two different factions. ok, I have -2 probe, but it seems too easy...)

    I'm now thinking a root cause for these two results may be an unusually large number of drones in all cities. Does anyone know all the causes of drones? (Especially those relevant for Cha Dawn)

  • #2
    I'm not familiar with faction-specific parameters other than a faction's advantages/disadvantages.

    You can check your drones in the base psych diagnostic. I don't think it will specifically identify whether the LV is quelling drones or not. Drones are based on the number of bases, your efficiency rating, the size of the base, the size of the world you're playing on, and the difficulty rating you're playing at. There are formulas that calculate drones at a base based on these factors. I don't think Cha Dawn has any faction penalty/bonus in this regard.

    As to bases being taken over, my observation is that the AI gets a huge bonus when trying to steal bases from you. I always have a defensive probe (or two!) at perimeter bases. An infantry-based probe (move 1) is very cheap and a good defensive probe, while the standard speeder-based probe (move 2) is better for offensive action and responding to crises. Having a -2 probe rating definitely does not help.

    Others my have other ideas.



    • #3

      You must be running knowledge to have a -2 probe. Are you running free market? (Then your garrisons would not suppress mindworms and every military unit outside your territory would create two drones.)

      Could you post a game save? (You would need to zip it, then hit "post reply," then "manage attachments" (under "Additional Options"), then "Choose File," then select the zip), then "Upload," and "Submit Reply.")
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • #4
        Here is the saved game. Does Cha Dawn get more drones if he angers Planet?
        Attached Files
        Last edited by cold fusion; January 6, 2009, 14:52.


        • #5
          No, Cha Dawn does not get more drones if he angers Planet.

          I changed an empath into a worker in Anvil of Man and looked at the psych screen readout (click on the thumbnail to see a larger version and click on the larger version to see the full size):

          You're way pass the bureaucracy limit with 27 bases. Every citizen in every base starts out as a bureaucracy drone. For Anvil of Man, the recreation commons and the hologram threatre suppress four drones.

          Your garrison suppresses another two drones.

          And finally your secret projects (the longevity vaccine) suppresses the final two drones.

          Before the empath became a worker, the effect of the secret project wasn't evident because there were no drones for it to suppress.
          Last edited by vyeh; January 6, 2009, 15:38.
          Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


          • #6
            The default base view frequently misrepresents the number of talents and drones. Use the psych tab to get more accurate data. As for probes, the AI cheats WILDLY in probe team actions. For example, if you use probe teams to sabotage production of an enemy Secret Project, the base view will show the SP at zero minerals complete, yet the project will still complete on time.


            • #7
              Thanks for the info!

              I started playing Cha Dawn with the intention of taking over the Planet using native life forms - but went astray.

