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ACDG6: Index and Welcome

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  • ACDG6: Index and Welcome

    Alpha Centauri Democracy Game 6 ("ACDG6") is a SMAniaC democracy game.

    This thread is an index of all threads relating to the game and an introduction for newcomers.


    The turn posting thread (restart) is for posting game saves.

    The Genesis Project is for discussion of game moves.

    The Polls decide major game decisions.

    The operations thread is for discussion at the operational level.

    The intelligence thread is for discussion of our diplomacy and probe operations with the other factions.

    The game organization thread is comments and questions.


    Hydro's smaniac mod summary_10dec06.xls is an Excel spreadsheets of SMAniaC's factions, SE, tech and secret projects.

    The Manual of Turnplaying is a guide for the turn player.

    The turn posting thread (old) are the game saves for our first attempt.


    Welcome! In March, 2006 ACDG3 concluded. In March, 2007 ACDG4 concluded. In November, 2008 ACDG5 concluded.

    Anyone wishing to join is most welcome: please post in the game organization thread.

    Please post your comments and questions in the game organization thread. DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD.
    Last edited by vyeh; February 2, 2009, 07:16.
    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network

  • #2
    Game Setup
    ACDG6 The Genesis Project
    SMAniaC game
    Faction Player
    The Genesis Project demo players
    The Cybernetic Consciousness super AI
    The Data Angels super AI
    The Cult of Planet super AI
    The Atlanteans super AI
    The Shadow Ghosts super AI
    The Order of the Templar super AI
    Preference Settings
    Map Size Custom, 30x60
    Ocean Coverage 50-70
    Erosion Forces Average
    Native Life Average
    Cloud Cover Average
    Difficulty Transcend
    Transcend Yes
    Conquest Yes
    Diplomatic Yes
    Economic Yes
    Cooperative Yes
    Do or Die No
    Flexible start Yes
    Tech stagnation No
    Spoils of war No
    Blind research No
    Intense riv No
    No survey Yes
    No scatter No
    No rnd events No
    Time Warp No
    Iron man No
    Rand person No
    Rand social No
    Beginning Units 2 CPs, 1 Scout
    Please post your comments and questions in the game organization thread. DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD.
    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


    • #3
      (1) Mutual respect. This democracy game is "newbie" friendly. Do not put down players with little experience or players who haven't read every thread in this forum.

      (2) Any use of the scenario editor is prohibited.

      (3) No repeats of saves to achieve a better battle result, pod popping or any other random result.

      (4) No playing alternative moves in the game saves.

      (5) No playing beyond current turn in the game saves.

      (6) Do not insert stockpile energy after a unit in the base build queue.

      (7) Do not make make more than one social engineering change per line, per turn. For instance, one is not permitted to start the turn in wealth, switch to power mid-turn for the extra disbanded minerals, and then switch back to wealth that same turn, getting the refund. Switching only to see results of the change without any played actions is permitted.

      (8) Do not perform multiple airdrops in a single turn with the same unit using the right-click menu. Do not make air drops using the right click "air drop to" function, when it is not possible to do so with the "i" button, ie. after already having moved or made a drop.

      (9) Do not use the F4 screen when you've infiltrated the AI to change the AI's workers to specialists.

      (10) Upgrades anytime allowed, i.e. you may upgrade a unit through the unit workshop and attack during the same turn.

      (11) No discovering bases in unexplored terrain by clicking darkened tiles.

      (12) Do not mind control with non-enhanced probe team units or bases of any faction that runs a +3 or SE Probe SE rating

      (13) Due to the probe rollover bug, an enhanced probe team mind controlling a unit of a faction running +3 or higher Probe SE rating would only have to pay half the credits it would have had to pay without the bug. To compensate for that bug, the probing faction needs to get rid of a sum of credits equal to the probe cost. This can be done by, for example, significantly overpaying for a hurry order, meaning the credits are wasted.

      (14) Do not use build queue manipulation to hurry production at a cost that would be lower than directly hurrying the item that one intends to build.

      (15) Do not use build queue manipulation to build something you could not directly add to the build queue.

      (16) Do not build AI formers, AI sea formers, AI probe or AI probe foil.

      (17) Do not exploit any other bugs usually prohibited in multiplayer games (e.g. trading a pop 1 base to an AI for a pop 10 base with 3 SP's). PLEASE ask if you're not sure!

      (18) The turnplayer will save and post the game prior to hitting the "end turn" button.

      Please post your comments and questions in the game organization thread. DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD.
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • #4
        Notes about organization

        Which thread should you read?
        This thread is intended for the casual reader. An index to all ACDG6 threads and only the most important information can be found here. Only I should post in this thread.

        The turn posting thread (restart) is for interested readers who are following the game. Only game saves along with a brief summary (including screen shots) are found here. Only turn players should post in this thread.

        The Genesis Project is for the demo game players. All in-game discussion occur here. Readers closely following the game may enjoy this thread. Demo players may post in this thread.

        The Polls contains all votes. Only demo players should post in this thread.

        The operations thread is for micromanaging strategy. Some demo player may not be interested in micromanagement and can play the demo game in The Genesis Project. Readers very closely following the game may enjoy this thread. Demo players may post in this thread.

        The intelligence thread is for diplomatic and probe strategy. Some demo player may not be interested in diplomacy and probe operations and can play the demo game in The Genesis Project. Readers very closely following the game may enjoy this thread. Demo players may post in this thread.

        The game organization thread is for comments, suggestions and questions about the administration of the game. All questions and comments about the game should occur here. Unless you're looking for a response to a question or comment you've posted, this thread is likely to bore you with a lot of administrative trivia. Anyone can make a post related to the game in this thread.

        The turn posting thread (old) are the game saves for our first attempt at ACDG6. After we had played 5 turns, we discovered that it didn't meet the specifications. It is only here for archival purposes. No one should post in this thread.

        Creating a new game thread
        At some point, someone will want to post a poll or create a thread related to the game. As a courtesy to the other users of this forum, please attach "ACDG6:" at the beginning of the title of your post.

        We'll keep the index in the opening post of this thread up to date.

        Please post your comments and questions in the game organization thread. DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD.
        Last edited by vyeh; February 2, 2009, 07:20.
        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


        • #5
          SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
          The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

