I had the impression atrocities against alien factions didn't count, but I was surprised to discover that when I nerve stapled a captured Usurper city, all the human factions imposed sanctions on me. (The alien also refuses to make peace, but that is more understandable.)
Are there atrocities you can commit against alien factions that do not count against your reputation/ecodamage? Nerve gas, planet busters, tectonic missiles, city demolishment? I could have sworn I read that at least some atrocities against aliens didn't count. Apparently, that is not true for nerve stapling.
Are there atrocities you can commit against alien factions that do not count against your reputation/ecodamage? Nerve gas, planet busters, tectonic missiles, city demolishment? I could have sworn I read that at least some atrocities against aliens didn't count. Apparently, that is not true for nerve stapling.