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ACDG5: The Governors' Association

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  • ACDG5: The Governors' Association

    This role playing and base management discussion thread is part of Alpha Centauri Democracy Game 5 ("ACDG5"). Demo players and SMAC players offering advice may post in this thread. Please stay in character (to the extent it is possible in discussing base management.

    Please post comments and questions on the game organization thread.

    The initial setting: Governor Bodissey's quarters in HQ.


    Bodissey, governor of the northern base
    dacole, governor of the eastern base
    timsup2nothin, faction leader and governor of HQ

    The situation: Before Governors Bodissey and dacole leave for their bases, Governor Bodissey has invited Governor dacole, Lt. Chairman timsup2nothin and vyeh to his quarters to campaign to name the northern base "Big Rock Candy Mountain."
    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network

  • #2
    Technology Development

    I think this is a good place to give link to access this useful tool.
    SMAX/SMAC technology choices excel spreadsheet:
    Link to the file.
    Please note, there is smax part (first) and second smac part.
    You need to set few parameters to use it correctly. I can help with it. And also, during the game you can also observe, if your predictions were true.
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


    • #3
      The tech predictor was developed and explained by Minute Mirage in About beelining to Industrial Automation....

      The SMAC section begins at row 97.

      Since there are no starting techs, cell 121I needs to be 0. Cell122I, the slot number of our faction is 7.

      Leave 123I, traded technologies, as no, since we haven't traded techs with anyone.

      Now an explanation of the calculations behind the spreadsheet:

      In directed research in SMAC, the choices for the next tech to research does not include every tech for which you have the prerequisites.

      The techs which are excluded from the list of choices is not random. If you need both tech A and tech B to research tech C, do you choose tech A or tech B? If you know that the next time you choose a tech, tech A will be available, but tech B will not be available, then you want to choose tech B now followed by tech A the next time.

      How do you determine if a tech is unavailable? To simplify it, we'll do it for our faction

      Take the position of the tech in the alpha.txt file (we start with zero, not one). So the position number

      for Biogenetics (the first one in the list) is 0,
      for Industrial Base (the second one in the list) is 1,
      for Information Networks is 2
      for Applied Physics is 3
      for Social Psych is 4
      for Doctrine: Mobility is 5
      for Centauri Ecology is 6

      To the position number you add the total number of techs our faction has.

      And to that sum, add the number 7 (the slot number of our faction in this particular game).

      If the sum of these three numbers is evenly divisible by 3, then the tech is not available.

      Two wrinkles: all available techs can be chosen the first time.

      The "joker" tech can always be researched. To determine the joker tech, of all the Explore techs that you have the prerequisites for that is still undiscovered, it is the one nearest the beginning of the list. If there is no such Explore tech, then you look at all the Discover techs for which you have the prerequisites that is still undiscovered. If there is no such Discover tech, then you look at all the Build techs for which you have the prerequisites that is still undiscovered. And if there is no such Build tech, then you look at all the Conquer techs for which you have the prerequisites that is still undiscovered.

      The first time we choose, all techs with no prerequisites are available (Biogenetics, Industrial Base, Information Networks, Applied Physics, Social Psych, Doctrine: Mobility and Centauri Ecology.

      Assume we pick Centauri Ecology. What will be available for the second choice?

      Adding the position number of the remaining six techs, 1 (the total number of techs our faction has after Centauri Ecology is discovered) and 7 (our slot number in this game), we get the following values

      Biogenetics is 8
      Industrial Base is 9
      Information Networks is 10
      Applied Physics is 11
      Social Psych is 12
      Doctrine: Mobility is 13

      The joker tech is Doctrine: Mobility (it is the only Explore tech in the list).

      Since 9 and 12 are evenly divisible by 3, Industrial Base and Social Psych will not be available.

      So we will get to choose from Doctrine: Mobility (the joker tech is always first), Biogenetics, Information Networks and Applied Physics.
      Last edited by vyeh; June 13, 2008, 01:49.
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • #4
        This is most interesting, Vyeh.
        I had always wondered whether this tech unavailability curse stroke at random or not. Now I see it doesn't.

        Now correct me if I'm wrong, should we choose Doc: Mobility as our 2nd tech, the chart would then be as follows:
        Industrial Base 10
        Information Networks 11
        Applied Physics 12
        Social Psych 13

        Which would rule out Applied Physics as it may seem.

        I have copied the formula for us to tinker:

        t = position of tech in alphax.txt (0-88)
        n = total number of technologies for the faction
        b = number of technologies at the beginning of the game for the faction
        s= slot number of the faction

        The condition is

        (n + t + s - b) mod 3 != 0
        What we need now is an Alpha.txt chart number. Does one exist already somewhere?
        All your base are belong to us


        • #5
          In the excel spreadsheet, there is no value 0 for number of starting techs.
          Unity Command starts with 0, so the excel file in its present form doesn't work for this ACDG. We might modify it.
          I just checked - it gives wrong choices with value 1 instead of 0
          Well, but if you check "traded techs" to yes, though the opposite is true, then it works ok with starting techs as 1.

          It is ok then for the time before trading the first tech/s. We will see what's next...
          Last edited by Mart; June 13, 2008, 03:35.
          Map creation contest
          WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


          • #6
            Mart, checking "traded techs" to yes sets b (the number of starting techs) to zero. For some reason, SMAC initially doesn't count starting techs, so if you are playing PK, the formula acts as if PK had a total number of techs equal to zero (so instead of looking at 1 + t + s. it is looking at t + s, i.e. 1 + t + s - 1). When the first trade occurs, say PK trades it biogenetics for doctrine: mobility, SMAC then sees that PK has two techs and for the next choice, will see the correct number (it looks at 2 + t + s). So spreadsheet uses n + t + s - b or traded techs = no and n + t + s for traded techs = yes. n + t + s is correct for us now. After techs are traded, n + t + s will still be correct. To quote Kody,

            Originally posted by Kody in About beelining to Industrial Automation...
            After you've traded techs the starting techs is no-longer part of the formula.
            To summarize, because traded techs = yes drops b from the formula and we don't want b in the formula, we want traded techs=yes.

            I don't have excel, so I can't run spreadsheet. For ACDG4, I did calculations by hand (I had sheet of paper with three columns of techs & I used formula to determine which column would not be available if I did certain number of steal tech and research tech). Doing it by hand forces one to understand concept.
            Last edited by vyeh; June 13, 2008, 10:35.
            Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


            • #7

              Open alpha.txt (for Mac users, it is in Alpha Centauri/DATA; for Windows it is in Alpha Centauri), go down file about a quarter of the way until you see #TECHNOLOGY

              You'll see
              • Biogenetics, ....
                Industrial Base, ...
                Information Networks, ...
                Applied Physics, ...
                Social Psych, ...
                Doctrine: Mobility, ...
                Centauri Ecology, ...

              Start counting from zero starting with Biogenetics.
              • Biogenetics, 0
                Industrial Base, 1
                Information Networks, 2
                Applied Physics, 3
                Social Psych, 4
                Doctrine: Mobility, 5
                Centauri Ecology, 6
                Superconductor, 7
                Nonlinear Mathematics, 8
                Applied Relativity, 9
                Fusion Power, 10
                Silksteel Alloys, 11
                Advanced Subatomic Theory, 12
                High Energy Chemistry, 13
                Frictionless Surfaces, 14
                Nanometallurgy, 15
                Superstring Theory, 16
                Advanced Military Algorithms,MilAlg, 17
                Monopole Magnets, 18
                Matter Compression, 19
                Unified Field Theory, 20
                Graviton Theory, 21
                Polymorphic Software, 22
                Applied Gravitonics, 23
                deleted, 24
                Quantum Power, 25
                Singularity Mechanics, 26
                Controlled Singularity, 27
                Temporal Mechanics, 28
                Probability Mechanics, 29
                Pre-Sentient Algorithms, 30
                Super Tensile Solids, 31
                Planetary Networks, 32
                Digital Sentience, 33
                Self-Aware Machines, 34
                Doctrine: Initiative, 35
                Doctrine: Flexibility, 36
                Intellectual Integrity, 37
                Synthetic Fossil Fuels, 38
                Doctrine: Air Power, 39
                Photon/Wave Mechanics, 40
                Mind/Machine Interface, 41
                Nanominiaturization, 42
                Doctrine: Loyalty, 43
                Ethical Calculus, 44
                Industrial Economics, 45
                Industrial Automation, 46
                Centauri Meditation, 47
                Secrets of the Human Brain, 48
                Gene Splicing, 49
                Bio-Engineering, 50
                Biomachinery, 51
                Neural Grafting, 52
                Cyberethics, 53
                Eudaimonia, 54
                The Will to Power, 55
                Threshold of Transcendence, 56
                Matter Transmission, 57
                Centauri Empathy, 58
                Environmental Economics, 59
                Ecological Engineering, 60
                Planetary Economics, 61
                Adv. Ecological Engineering,62
                Centauri Psi, 63
                Secrets of Alpha Centauri, 64
                Secrets of Creation, 65
                Advanced Spaceflight, 66
                Homo Superior, 67
                Organic Superlubricant, 68
                Quantum Machinery, 69
                deleted, 70
                Matter Editation, 71
                Optical Computers, 72
                Industrial Nanorobotics, 73
                Centauri Genetics, 74
                Sentient Econometrics, 75
                Retroviral Engineering, 76
                Orbital Spaceflight, 77
                User Technology 0, 78
                User Technology 1, 79
                User Technology 2, 80
                User Technology 3, 81
                User Technology 4, 82
                User Technology 5, 83
                User Technology 6, 84
                User Technology 7, 85
                User Technology 8, 86
                User Technology 9, 87
                Transcendent Thought, 88

              The answer to your question is now, alpha.txt chart number exists.

              Now I can answer your other question regarding techs available for third choice.

              Assume first choice is Centauri Ecology and second choice is Doctrine: Mobility. Assume we don't get tech from supply pod east former has discovered.

              Then available techs, values of t + n + s (remember b is zero for us and discovery of Doctrine: Mobility means Doctrine: Flexibility is available) and type of tech is

              Biogenetics 9 Discover
              Industrial Base 10 Build
              Information Networks is 11 Discover
              Applied Physics is 12 Conquer
              Social Psych is 13 Build
              Doctrine: Flexibility is 2 + 36 + 7 = 45 Explore

              The joker tech is the Explore tech closest to the beginning of the list: Doctrine: Flexibiltiy

              9 (Biogenetics), 12 (Applied Physics) and 45 (Doctrine: Flexibility) are all divisible by 3 so they would be unavailable under the rule.

              But Doctrine: Flexibility is the joker and so available techs are:

              Doctrine: Flexibility
              Information Networks
              Industrial Base
              Social Psych
              Last edited by vyeh; August 18, 2008, 15:47.
              Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


              • #8
                Ug ok going to have to download this and use it. Heh I was still using my fold out chart until I lost it somewhere. I wonder if I could get firaxis to send me another one. Hmmm I think I might try. I really loved their poster.
                A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


                • #9
                  The SMAX chart is on the SMAX disc. SMAX tech chart is SMAC with additional techs.
                  Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                  • #10
                    When I was given command of the formers, I moved the east former 1 sq. SW. Although moving it into the base and subsequently to the sq. W of the base to build a road was a possibility, the reason I moved it there was because I was interested in three squares as potential sites for the first expansion base (the squares W, SW and S of the former's current position). If I moved the former to the square W of the base and later we decided the expansion site should be the squares SW or S of the former's current position, then the former would have to move back into the base and to the former's current position.

                    If a former is traveling, it is not forming.
                    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                    • #11
                      When I made the former move for 2102, I took advantage of a special (and undocumented) ability of formers: If it has 1 mp, it will always enter a fungus square.

                      Also note: If there is a unit in a fungus square, another unit will be able to enter that square.

                      So if you want to move both a scout and a former into a fungus square, move the former first.
                      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                      • #12
                        The Unity Supply Droids share a characteristic of crawlers:

                        They can still crawl after exhausting all movement points.

                        So, the East supply droid can harvest a single nutrient this turn by moving 1 sq. W and then harvesting the nutrient. In the next turn, it can move another sq. W and harvest 2 nutritents from the monolith that turn.

                        If that is done, East will grow to 2 pop six turns from now. While there will be enough minerals for the CP six turns from now, we'll have to wait until 7 turns from now because production occurs before growth. Producing a CP from a pop 1 base causes the base to be abandoned.

                        Gov. dacole, can I execute this supply droid plan over the next two moves? (Crawling minerals would be a waste since the minerals accumulated over the amount needed for the CP while waiting to reach pop 2 are wasted.)
                        Last edited by vyeh; June 17, 2008, 13:46.
                        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                        • #13
                          From the Datalinks/Advanced Concepts:

                          Since we're at the highest difficulty, every citizen after the first is a drone.

                          For us, BaseLimit = (8-5) * (4 + Efficiency) * (Sq. Root of 1800)/(Sq. Root of 3200)/2

                          BaseLimit = 3 * (4 + Efficiency) * Sq. Root of (9/16)/2

                          BaseLimit = 3 * (4 + Efficiency) * (3/8)

                          BaseLimit = 1.125 * (4 + Efficiency)

                          Initially, our Efficiency is 0, so BaseLimit = 4.5

                          This means that when we build a second expansion base (for a total of 5 bases), we will see one of the first citizens in a base (it can be any base - not just the fifth base) become a drone (before considering psych, facilities, police and secret projects).

                          You can predict where the bureaucracy drones will appear.
                          Last edited by vyeh; June 21, 2008, 03:49.
                          Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                          • #14
                            From the Datalinks/Advanced Concepts:

                            Both BRCM and East are 3 squares away.

                            Our initial Efficiency = 0

                            For BRCM (Energy = 3)

                            Inefficiency = (3 * 3/(64 - ((4 - Efficiency) * 8))

                            = (9/(64 - (4 * 8))

                            = 9/32 which rounds to zero.

                            For East (Energy = 1)

                            Inefficiency = 3/32 which rounds to zero.
                            Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                            • #15
                              From the Datalinks:

                              There is a correction:

                              In steps 5 and 7, replace "16 plus # of previous damages" by "16 plus # of previous damages plus # of Tree Farms, Hybrid Forests, Centauri Preserves and Temples of Planet constructed by your faction since the first Fungal Bloom."


                              (1) Worked squares containing improvements count double unworked squares (including squares that are being crawled).

                              (2) A forest cancels out one unworked improvement.

                              (3) A fungal bloom increases the number of clean minerals for every base, i.e. ecological damage at one base permits every base to produce one more mineral without risk of ecological damage.
                              Last edited by vyeh; June 21, 2008, 13:06.
                              Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network

