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ACDG5: The Wardroom
It looks the Planet is behind the schedule.
Anyone willing to forward a mission year?
Lt. Bodissey
I see you have returned from R & R.
In advancing the mission year:
(1) Choose Industrial Base (unless you would rather choose Applied Physics).
(2) Delay production of the East colony pod.
For 2108:
(3) Move the HQ scout 1 sq. S and retrieve the Unity supply pod.
(4) Clear fungus with the East former.
(5) Move the BRCM former 1 sq. W onto the square with the East former.
(6) Post a mid-turn save.Last edited by vyeh; July 20, 2008, 09:37.
Lt. Bodissey,
The rest of the 2108 move is straightforward.
(1) I agree with your suggestion. The BRCM scout attacks the mindworm.
Assuming it is successful,
(2) Move the HQ worker to the monolith 1 sq. NE of HQ.
(3) Re-home the East crawler in HQ, move it to the monolith 1 sq. NW of HQ and crawl 2 minerals.
(4) The East scout stays in its current location.
Remember to post a current screenshot.
Lt. Bodissey,
In keeping with our plan,
To advance the mission year:
(1) After East builds the colony pod, change its production to a gun ship (1)-1-4. This will allow us to retrieve 2 unity supply pods and explore the Fresh Water Sea.
For 2109:
(2) Move closest HQ crawler (1 sq. NW of HQ) 1 sq. NW and crawl 2 mins.
(3) Move BRCM scout 1 sq. NW and investigate monolith. This will repair scout.
(4) Move HQ scout 1 sq. N. This will put it in position to explore the northern river.
(5) Set the HQ former to building a road.
(6) Set the BRCM former to clearing fungus.
(7) The East scout will remain in place.
(8) The new East colony pod will attempt to move to the square with the East and BRCM formers. It will probably take two turns to make the move.
Lt. Bodissey,
Following our plan:
For 2110:
(1) Move HQ scout 1 sq. W (unless you prefer 1 sq. N; we want to explore our next base site).
(2) BRCM scout remains in place to protect the crawlers.
(3) East scout remains in place to protect the formers.
(4) East colony pod moves 1 sq. W.
Some things to discuss:
(a) The HQ former will be able to move in two turns. I think we should send it to the monolith 2 sq. NW of HQ to build a road toward the next base site. Where are we building the base?
(b) We will be able to build a new base in two turns. What would you like to call it? I recommend we produce and hurry a gun foil (1)-1-4. It will cost us 25 energy credits (since the new base starts with 10 minerals). The sooner we start investigating those sea supply pods the better.
Lt. bodissey,
I propose this schedule:
2111: New colony founded; Gun foil rushed at East for 22 credits and at new base for 25 energy credits.
2112: BRCM produces CP; East Gun foil and new base Gun foil retrieve sea pods; HQ former moves to monolith 2 sq. NW of HQ.
2114: Industrial base discovered. I assume you will want to research Applied Physics.
2111: We have two formers without an assignment now.
For our new base site, I would recommend the tile directly to the southwest of our northern unity crawler, next to the two monoliths, even if we overlap the HQ base.
The new base could be named 'South' before anything better comes up. And I concur towards rushing a gun foil.All your base are belong to us
I propose that the HQ former will go to the monolith 2 sq. NW of HQ to build a road to connect to our new colony.
I propose that the East former (the other unassigned former) move after South is built (this will automatically connect to the road) 1 sq. E and plant a forest. This will boost production in South by changing the 1-4-1 square to a 1-5-2 square.
Alternatively, the East former could cultivate a farm in the same square. Later we could construct a solar collector there to turn the square into a 2-4-2 square. A forest would take 4 former turns. A farm would take 4 former turns. A solar collector would take 6 former turns. A farm means that South could build colony pods faster. A forest means that South would get that extra energy sooner and that extra mineral would help it become a manufacturing powerhouse that could build units that would be homed to other bases.
I would suggest that the new base site be on a river square (this will give the base an additional +1 energy per turn). The river square that is 1 sq. N of our northern unity crawler would give the base access to three monoliths (once those crawlers are moved onto forest squares, which we will have to terraform) and two river squares. Alternatively, we could go with the river square 1 sq. W of our northern unity crawler.
Agreed, the new base shall be South.
I propose the following moves for 2111 (I've noted the places where you might want to have discussion - the rest follows our plan)
(1) HQ scout moves 1 sq. N to continue exploration (if you would prefer to move 2 sq. NE along the river and attempt to move 1 sq. N from the source of the river, go ahead).
(2) BRCM scout remains in place to guard crawlers.
(3) HQ former attempts to move along road to monolith 2 sq. NW of HW (if attempt fails, it will end up 1 sq. W of HQ; this former will build a road to the new base).
(4) East CP builds "South" base.
(5) Change production of South base to (1)-1-4 Gun Foil.
(6) Hurry production of Gun Foil for 25 energy credits (I think it is best to buy 10 minerals rather than 5 minerals for 13 energy credits - we'll gain one turn. With all those supply pods, we're likely to get more energy credits shortly)
(7) Re-home East scout to South and hold.
(8) Move East former (the one in South that has movement points) 1 sq. E and plant a forest. (This will change the square from 1-4-1 to 1-5-2; if you prefer, cultivate a farm instead to change the square to a 2-4-1.)
(9) Hurry East Gun Foil for 22 energy credits (we want to retrieve the supply pods in the Freshwater Sea as soon as possible).
(10) Hurry BRCM CP for 2 energy credits (this buys us 1 mineral of production. I expect to get energy credits from the supply pods. If you disagree, don't do it.)Last edited by vyeh; August 17, 2008, 16:10.
Some things to think about:
(1) East, South and BRCM will have to decide what to build. You control BRCM. It seems to me that the only two realistic choices are: former or 1-1-2 scout rover. South has three choices: former, scout rover or gun foil. East has two realistic choices: former or scout rover. Formers will help these bases develop. I think farms and solar collectors will be needed for when these bases go from pop 1 to pop 2. Scout rovers will help explore the land mass we're on and contact any faction on the same land mass. Another gun foil from South will help explore the sea and make contact with the other factions. What are your thoughts. Basically we're balancing exploration versus terraforming.
(2) After Industrial Base, where do we go? Weapons (Applied Physics), development (Biogenetics -- recycling tanks), the Industrial Automation beeline (Information Networks or Industrial Economics), or social control (Social Psych -rec commons).
(3) The reason I suggested rushing the 1 mineral is that I'm figuring that we will have a lot of energy in the near future from those supply pods. If we are going to rush the next item, 2 energy credits for 1 mineral is the cheapest price for a unit.
Because the gun foils move 4 squares, please use the following rules in moving them:
(1) If the gun foil is less than 80% healthy at the beginning of the turn, rest it unless there is a mindworm next to it. If the battle odds are 1-1 or greater, attack. If they are less than 1-1 move away from the mindworm.
(2) If the gun foil is about to pop a pod and the nearest base has less than 10 minerals accumulated toward its next production, set the production to the most expensive unit or facility that is likely to be useful. If you don't get a materials pod (the pod completes the production), reset the base production to the original unit or facility.
(3) Make sure that you will have at least 1 mp remaining after popping the pod. So if the pod is in clear water, you need to have 2 mp before popping the pod. If the pod is in fungus, you need to have 4 mp before popping the pod. This is meant to protect against a mindworm. While the odds are the same whether we attack the mindworm or defend, we only get 'planet pearls' (and the bonus energy credits) if we are the victorious attacker.
(4) Remember the gun foils are expendable explorers. They are to be used to pop pods and uncover black sea squares.
Between 2111 and 2112:
(1) BRCM will produce a CP. I recommend that you set its production to a 1-1-2 scout rover. (If you prefer, set it to a former.)
(2) East will produce a gun foil. Set its production to a 0-1-2 rover former. This is an expensive unit costing 50 minerals before the 30 mineral prototype cost is added to it. If the gun foil pops a materials pod, we'll have (a) prototyped the speeder chassis and (b) either have a nifty unit or we can disband it in HQ for half the mineral value (25 minerals)!
(3) South will produce a gun foil. Set its production to a 0-1-2 rover former. Same reasoning as in (2).
For 2112:
(4) HQ scout moves 1 sq. E to explore.
(5) BRCM scout remains in place to protect the crawlers.
(6) HQ former moves 1 sq. N.
(7) BRCM CP moves to HQ and re-homes to HQ (in case BRCM produces another unit before the CP builds a base).
(8) BRCM former (currently in South) moves 1 sq. E and joins East former in planting forest.
(9) South Gun Foil moves 1 sq. W, retrieves unity supply pod. If there is a mindworm, attack the mindworm. Follow the rules for the rest of South Gun Foil's movement points.
(10) East Gun Foil moves 1 sq. NW, retrieves pod. If there is a mindworm, attack the mindworm. Follow the rules for the rest of East Gun Foil's movement points.
(11) If there has been a materials pod completing the production of the rover former in either East or South, leave the production alone. Otherwise, set South to (1)-1-4 Gun Foil and East to 1-1-2 Scout Rover.
Remember, you can always post a mid-turn save if you want advice!Last edited by vyeh; August 17, 2008, 18:17.
Because we retrieved Industrial Base from a unity supply pod and we were on the verge of discovering it, we will be asked to choose a tech, which we will immediately get, and asked to select another tech to research.
I've looked at the possibilities and concluded, following Lt. Bodissey's "claws and fangs" approach, we should choose Applied Physics followed by Social Psych. This will immediately give us weapon 2 and armor 2.
Following our plans,
(1) Go into BRCM and move the worker from the 0-1-0 rocky square 1 sq. SW of BRCM onto the 2-2-2 monolith.
BETWEEN 2112 and 2113,
(2) Choose Applied Physics.
(3) Choose High Energy Chemistry.
FOR 2112:
(4) HQ scout moves 1 sq. E.
(5) BRCM scout remains in place.
(6) HQ former builds road.
(7) HQ CP attempts to move along road to 3 sq. NW of HQ (if it fails, it will end up 2 sq. NW of HQ).
(8) East former (the one that can move) attempts to move to 1 sq. E of East (if it fails, it will end up in East; two purposes: this square is a 1-2-0 canyon square; with a farm and solar collector, it could become a 2-2-1 square; also we want to start building a road to our next expansion base somewhere NE of East)
(9) Set East and BRCM to produce a 0-2-2 Rover Former (that is a former with speeder chassis and synth armor, worth 80 minerals). Pop pod with East gun foil. If there is no materials pod, set East to 2-1-2 rover scout (the 2-1-2 costs the same as a 1-1-2) and BRCM to a 0-1-1 former. If there is a materials pod, reset the one that doesn't get completed. Follow our rules to complete East gun foil's move.
(10) Set South to 0-2-2 rover former. Pop pod with South gun foil. If there is no materials pod, reset South to (1)-1-4 gun foil. Continue moving South gun foil following our rules.
(11) If we have gotten a supply pod worth 25 or more energy credits, hurry the production of the South gun foil (unless there has been a materials pod completing a rover former).
We should discuss some diplomatic rules. My thoughts:
(1) We'll trade tech on a one to one basis. No giving tech away.
(2) No treaties or pacts during initial contact.
(3) We'll buy comm frequencies for 25 energy credits or less.
(4) We'll buy maps for 25 energy credits or less.
(5) We'll sell our map for 25 energy credits or trade it for a tech.
(6) We'll sell comm frequencies for 25 energy credits or more.
(7) We won't declare vendetta on third parties.Last edited by vyeh; August 18, 2008, 15:30.
Consider rushing units for all the minerals remaining in the production queue. That way there are carryover minerals for the next unit. If you have enough energy, it saves 1 turn of production.
BETWEEN 2113 AND 2114:
(1) South will produce Gun Foil. Set production to (1)-2-4 Synthmetal Coastal (we need to prototype Synth armor).
FOR 2114:
(1) Change East to 2-1-2 Recon Rover (it cost the same as the 1-1-2 Scout Rover).
(2) Change BRCM to 0-2-2 Recon Former (in preparation for pod popping).
(3) Retire 1-1-2 Scout Rover design.
(4) Move HQ scout 1 sq. N.
(5) BRCM scout remains in place.
(6) HQ CP moves 1 sq. W.
(7) HQ former moves 1 sq. NW.
(8) East Gun Foil pops pod. Continue movement following our rules.
(9) If no materials pod, reset BRCM production to 0-1-1 former and hurry production for 25 energy credits.
(10) East former builds road.
(11) BRCM former (the one next to South) attempts to move to 1 sq. E of East (where East former is).
(12) Move South scout to East, re-home and hold.
(13) Move independent scout at East to South and hold (these last two moves save us 1 min/turn support).
(14) Move South Gun Foil 2 (the one in South) to location of South Gun Foil 1 (the damaged one).
(15) Rest South Gun Foil 1 (we will rest it for two turns to bring its health back to 80%).Last edited by vyeh; August 19, 2008, 07:55.
Since one of the South Gun Foils has been damaged in attacking a mindworm, it seems your luck is averaging out.
(1) Change East production to Recycling Tanks (for the 1-1-1 boost).
(2) Change South production to Recycling Tanks.
BETWEEN 2114 AND 2115:
(3) BRCM will build formers. Change production to Recycling Tanks.
FOR 2115:
(4) HQ scout moves 1 sq. S.
(5) HQ CP moves 1 sq. N (this is the best base site. If you prefer, move it to another site).
(6) HQ (independent) former builds road.
(7) BRCM scout remains in place.
(8) BRCM former (the one in BRCM) moves 1 sq. NE along road and then attempts to move 1 sq. N onto rocky square (to build a road to the peninsula, an expansion base site).
(9) East Gun Foil moves 1 sq. SW and rests (if the pod on the fungus turns out to be a mindworm, there wouldn't be any movement points remaining to attack it).
(10) Before moving South (independent) former (the one in East), WAIT until the East (independent) former has finished building the road. Then move it to the square with the East former and cultivate a farm.
(11) Damaged South gun foil rests this turn.
(12) Move undamaged South gun foil 1 sq. S and (assuming you didn't encounter a mindworm, in which case you attack the mindworm) then 1 sq. E.
Note: If Morgan or the Gaians should build the Weather Paradigm, switch to the Human Genome Project. We might consider switching anyway. The talent at each base will help our future drone problems. We can try to capture the Weather Paradigm. What do you think?
Potential issues:
(1) I think it is important to build Recycling Tanks. 40 min for a perpetual 1-1-1 boost is a good investment. We can afford to delay building units.
(2) The northern base site. I believe a river site is best and I prefer the site with access to three monoliths (rather than two) and with more land squares.Last edited by vyeh; August 20, 2008, 08:31.