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XP and Aliens

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  • #31
    Originally posted by WBird784 View Post
    I thought about the no-crack issue after I posted the patch. I'll try to update the original but I will have to figure out what safedisk did to the exe first. I'm not sure how hard that is going to be. Will let you know.
    Thanks for all your work on this bug. However, you really need to remove the file attached to your prior post. When the mods see it, they'll remove it and you might be sanctioned.

    Also, I think that we need to discuss another aspect of your work. AFAIK, no one else has ever modified either terran.exe or terranx.exe. Might doing so violate the licensing agreement? Following is the text of that agreement:


    Read this license agreement carefully before using this package. You may
    use this EA Product only if you agree to the following terms and
    conditions. If you do not agree to the following terms and conditions,
    you must not use the enclosure. The following are the terms and
    conditions to which you agree upon when opening the package:

    1. The EA Product may be used with your computer only and may not be
    reformatted or decompiled for any purpose.

    2. The EA Product may not be duplicated or copied except for one copy
    for archival purposes, program error verification or to replace
    defective media. All copies must remain in your possession and bear the
    copyright notices contained on the original except that an archival copy
    may be placed for safekeeping in the hands of a third party who
    otherwise has no right to use such copy. All archival copies placed in
    hands of a third party must contain all proprietary notices set forth on
    the original EA Product.

    3. No copies of the EA Product may be produced for any purpose other
    than those purposes expressly permitted in paragraph 2 above.

    4. This License and the EA Product may be transferred to a third party,
    provided that, the third party agrees to all the terms of this License
    Agreement and you destroy any remaining copies of this EA Product
    immediately upon transferring the product.

    5. This license does not transfer any right, title, or interest in the
    EA Product to you except as specifically set forth herein. You are on
    notice that EA claims protection of this software product under
    copyright laws. This software product may have been developed by an
    independent third party software supplier named in this package, which
    holds copyright or other proprietary rights to the software product. You
    may be held responsible by this supplier for any infringement of such
    rights by you.

    6. EA reserves the right to terminate this license upon breach. In the
    event of termination, you will be required to return all copies of this
    product or provide EA with a certificate of destruction of all copies.

    7. In the event you modify the EA Product or include it in any other
    software program, upon termination of this license, you agree either to
    remove the software product or any portion thereof from the modified
    program and return it to EA or to provide EA with a certificate of
    destruction thereof.

    8. If this product is acquired under the terms of a (i) GSA contract -
    use, reproduction or disclosure is subject to the restrictions set forth
    in the applicable ADP Schedule contract, (ii) DOD contract - use,
    duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
    set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of 252.277-7013; (iii) Civilian
    agency contract - use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to
    52.277-19(a) through (d) and restrictions set forth in the accompanying
    End User Agreement. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws
    of the United States. Agfa Monotype Corporation. 985 Busse Road, Elk
    Grove Village, Illinois 60007-2400 U.S.A.

    Item #1 states that you can't decompile the product, which I suppose is what you're doing. OTOH, item #7 seems to allow modifying the program.

    What really counts is whether the owners/admins here will allow a modified exe to be posted. I suggest that, after you remove the current version of the modified exe, we formally raise the issue with the powers that be.

    Any comments or discussion?

    "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
    -- Kosh


    • #32

      Where do you see a license for mods? Do we have to worry that SMAniaC violates the licensing agreement?
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • #33
        Originally posted by vyeh View Post

        Where do you see a license for mods? Do we have to worry that SMAniaC violates the licensing agreement?
        I'm not an expert (or anything close) on software licensing. However, it seems to me that Firaxis allows some modifications to the game. After all, they included a faction editor with the game, and the original manual includes instructions on modifying the txt files.

        Since SMAniaC doesn't modify terranx.exe, I don't see a problem. However, I don't know whether modifying the exe is a violation of the licensing agreement (but I suspect that it is).

        "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
        -- Kosh


        • #34
          Confirmed that the fix applies for win XP
          Thanks, WBird784
          Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
          Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!


          • #35
            Had a new unit been woked out ?


            • #36
              Originally posted by WBird784 View Post
              In case you are still interested, the windows cvrplayer available on the internet doesn't work on anything newer than a Pentium II. I uploaded a hacked version that effectively calls all newer processors PII so it does work.

              As far as the problem you were discussing, ACOLPOD.cvr is an animation (it includes animation instructions) DROP.cvr does not. It is likely that the animation instructions are causing the problem.

              As far as the file format, it appears to be a fairly simple one. There is an 8 byte file header the contains "CVR" and the file length and a number of segments. Each segment has an 8 byte header that includes a segment number (or type?) and a segment length (including the header). The contents of the segments is the difficulty here and that isn't obvious. If this is still an issue I could probably remove the animation instructions see what happens.
              The attached File is corrupted. Who can give me a new one? Thank you!

