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A Question.

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  • A Question.


    I´ve been spending the last 3 workdays reading up on old Posts here on the forums, just líke I do every now and then, to get me into some SMAC mood.

    For me the greatest thing about SMAC is the "e" button i.e. Social Engineering and the different ideologies behind each faction. Not to mentions the thoughts put into the speeches behind every Special Project, Invertion and Building.

    Just to-bad Firaxis were so very unable to bring so much of SMAC´s genious into Civ3 and Civ4, simple scenario-building for example, what was that all about in Civ3 and 4.

    I only play normal SMAC, use no mods. I my opinion the original Factions are so much better at capturing this ideological strugle than the expansion ones.

    I have one Questions.

    Is there a possibility to change the resolution in SMAC?
    I have tryed something wich enlarged my view of the map, but then my pop-ups and Panel at the buttom did not enlarge like the rest and ended up in the wrong position. Any ideas?

    - Bakkus

  • #2
    Glad you're still enjoying SMAC. I have to say I agree - the original factions are the best as competing ideologies, and with a rich background due to the quotes and ongoing storyline.

    To your question, do you mean zooming in and out? I think that is done by the X and Z keys.

    I have fiddled with the computer's video resolution and gotten 'micro' and 'macro' SMAC. I don't think it changes how the game really looks, though. But that functions much the same as the zoom feature.

    Or did I miss your question?



    • #3

      no I´m not talking about zooming actually. I tryed once some editing in the .ini file and set
      insted of

      I think... I´ll confirm it when I get home from work.

      Well afther that change it seemed like the game tryed to render itself in the same resolution as my Desktop was confugured at. Some windows looked alot better. But when I entered the map view in a new game, the actuall map was larger(i could see more titles at once) but the control panel at the bottom and popup-windows where really out of place and obviously not get larger as the rest of the map.

      I´ll try to post a screen shot when i get home... this is quite hard to explain.

      But tnx for the reply Hydro.

      - Bakkus


      • #4
        The directdraw=0 command doesn't work as expected in SMAC. The display comes out exactly as you describe (misplaced menus, etc.). You can add either video mode=800 or video mode=1024 to the [ALPHA CENTAURI] section of your .ini file (and remove the directdraw command). These commands work properly in SMAC and will change the resolution to either 800x600 or 1024x768. However, most likely you're already running the game at 1024x768.

        You might want to look at item #60 in the FAQ. This item describes how to run SMAC/X in a window. Perhaps doing so would solve the issue with the directdraw command. This is just a guess, though. I'm not adventurous enough to try this myself.

        Directdraw=0 works on most (but not all) systems in SMAX.
        "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
        -- Kosh


        • #5
          Tnx alot,
          this link to "The SMAC/X FAQ: COMMON QUESTIONS and their ANSWERS" helped alot. I was able to figure out exactly my problem and it seems that I´m gonna have to get myself SMACX in order to be able to play the game in my Default Desktop resolution.

          Demonstrated by this post.

          So that is exactly what I´m gonna do.

          Tnx alot for the help and quick responses guys.

          - Bakkus

