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A Star Trek themed total conversion

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  • A Star Trek themed total conversion

    Hi to everyone, I'm a newcomer of these boards.
    I'm a SMACX player, and I really like this great game. Some times ago I started to think about a total conversion based on the popular sci-fi brand Star Trek. I think that it could be very fitting, because the Sta r Trek universe is full of many different factions ann cultures that can be portrayed also in SMACX.
    Unfortunately I have no experience in scripting SMAC files, in order to make balanced factions, new custom rules, a new tech tree, and so on.

    I'm really skilled only in graphical customization, and I have already modified something in the interface to give it a LCARS themed look. I also plan in changing many of the pictures from the interface, form the tech tree, the facilities, the factions, and so on, to give them a Star Trek feel.

    Do you think that something like this will be interesting?

  • #2
    I'm a modder nor a Star Trek expert myself and, from what I know about Star Trek, I am not sure whether it would mesh well with the SMAC Universe. Others have tried though and there is even a Star Trek Conversion in the mod section. Look here, please:

    I didn't try this myself, so don't know how good or "total" it is. For more balanced gameplay, you should definitely look at the other mods, particularly SMAniaC.

    Good luck!



    • #3
      Yes, I've tried that mod, but it is not what I have in mind...


      • #4
        PeaceKeepers - Federation
        Spartans - Romulans
        Hive - Klingons
        Morganites - Ferengi
        Believers - Bajorans
        Gaians - Betazoids
        Data Angels - Orions
        Drones - Cardassians
        Pirates - Gorn
        Cyborg - Vulcans
        Caretakers - Dominion
        Usurpers - Borg

        Edit your pcx files and there you go!

