Hi all,
I’m looking for a little advice. I’m in a MP that seems to be unraveling for me. We’re using the SMAniaC mod with me as Uni and the other human player as Hive. The AIs are Consciousness, Cult, Believers, Spartans and Gaians. We are on a Water World
The Hive got a terrible start and had about a 20 turn delay before getting their second base, and their first base was on a tiny island and lost quickly to worms. Eventually they found a large landmass and started breeding – as only the Hive can.
I started on a nice landmass with the Boreholes. I pretty quickly got a huge technical lead (**gasp!**), made friends with the Cyborgs to my immediate south, Pacted with the Gaians, and held the Cult (just south of the Cyborgs and by the Gaians) at arms length. I kept expanding until I filled up my continent (~12 bases), and then started exploring. I found the Jungle to my north and got pods there. I infiltrated the Consciousness and Cult.
In the meantime the Cult declared vendetta and I geared up to take them out. I built 2 isles of the deep, loaded them with amphib rovers, probes, and worms, liberated the Gaian bases the Cult had captured, and then started pressing the Cult. Then disaster: The Cult pacted with the Consciousness who declared war on me, pasted my military, gave their tech to the Cult, and my advance suddenly stopped. I gifted the bases I’d captured to the Gaians since I couldn’t defend them and retreated home. I managed a Truce with the Consciousness, but am still in Vendetta with the Cult. I was amazed the Cult is Pacted with the Consciousness and Believers and has a Friendship treaty with the Spartans and Gaians. I wish I had that kind of diplomacy!
The Hive Pacted with the Spartans, traded tech, and eventually contacted the Cyborgs an Cult – who happily traded tech with Yang, too. Yang took offense that I was exploring near his territory, used conventional missiles against my isles (which were carrying probes and artifacts), and the war was on. Fortunately I’d infiltrated before I got whacked, but didn’t get his world map. The Gaians declared vendetta, but then traded Yang tech and my world map (!!!). ACK!! I managed a truce with the

Here is the situation:
• Uni: 18 bases, 72 pop, 30 tech, 320 tech/turn (breakthrough in 5) – although right now I’m in pop boom mode in Planned/Anthropogenic so my tech rate is 187/turn. My SPs are: HGP, MCC (great on a Water World), Univ Translator, Planetary Energy Grid, CDF, and I’m building VW. I have Fusion now and no-one else does – but that may not last long.
• Hive: 17 bases, 62 pop, 26 tech, 72 tech/turn; their only SP is Command Center
• Spartans: 12 bases, 43 pop, 20 tech, 40 tech/turn, no SPs
• Cult: 8 bases (mostly sea bases – I took most of the rest), 25 pop, 25 tech, 17 tech/turn
• Cyborgs: 13 bases, 47 pop, 25 tech, 30 tech/turn, building Empath Guild (done in 6 turns).
• Gaians: 7 bases, 27 pop, 19 tech, 16 tech/turn, has the WP and PTS
• Believers: 2 bases, 7 pop (!!) – not infiltrated, but irrelevant
So, what should I do? I out-tech everyone by a good margin, but the other factions are playing group research. I’m constantly hounded by the Cult (sealurks, isles, foils – and LOTS of foil probes!!), making the sea dangerous. Perhaps launch a massive attack and take out the Cyborgs, and then the Cult? Or should I turtle, build a huge defensive wall and dare anyone to get near – which is what the Hive is doing.
I’m looking for a little advice. I’m in a MP that seems to be unraveling for me. We’re using the SMAniaC mod with me as Uni and the other human player as Hive. The AIs are Consciousness, Cult, Believers, Spartans and Gaians. We are on a Water World
The Hive got a terrible start and had about a 20 turn delay before getting their second base, and their first base was on a tiny island and lost quickly to worms. Eventually they found a large landmass and started breeding – as only the Hive can.
I started on a nice landmass with the Boreholes. I pretty quickly got a huge technical lead (**gasp!**), made friends with the Cyborgs to my immediate south, Pacted with the Gaians, and held the Cult (just south of the Cyborgs and by the Gaians) at arms length. I kept expanding until I filled up my continent (~12 bases), and then started exploring. I found the Jungle to my north and got pods there. I infiltrated the Consciousness and Cult.
In the meantime the Cult declared vendetta and I geared up to take them out. I built 2 isles of the deep, loaded them with amphib rovers, probes, and worms, liberated the Gaian bases the Cult had captured, and then started pressing the Cult. Then disaster: The Cult pacted with the Consciousness who declared war on me, pasted my military, gave their tech to the Cult, and my advance suddenly stopped. I gifted the bases I’d captured to the Gaians since I couldn’t defend them and retreated home. I managed a Truce with the Consciousness, but am still in Vendetta with the Cult. I was amazed the Cult is Pacted with the Consciousness and Believers and has a Friendship treaty with the Spartans and Gaians. I wish I had that kind of diplomacy!
The Hive Pacted with the Spartans, traded tech, and eventually contacted the Cyborgs an Cult – who happily traded tech with Yang, too. Yang took offense that I was exploring near his territory, used conventional missiles against my isles (which were carrying probes and artifacts), and the war was on. Fortunately I’d infiltrated before I got whacked, but didn’t get his world map. The Gaians declared vendetta, but then traded Yang tech and my world map (!!!). ACK!! I managed a truce with the

Here is the situation:
• Uni: 18 bases, 72 pop, 30 tech, 320 tech/turn (breakthrough in 5) – although right now I’m in pop boom mode in Planned/Anthropogenic so my tech rate is 187/turn. My SPs are: HGP, MCC (great on a Water World), Univ Translator, Planetary Energy Grid, CDF, and I’m building VW. I have Fusion now and no-one else does – but that may not last long.
• Hive: 17 bases, 62 pop, 26 tech, 72 tech/turn; their only SP is Command Center
• Spartans: 12 bases, 43 pop, 20 tech, 40 tech/turn, no SPs
• Cult: 8 bases (mostly sea bases – I took most of the rest), 25 pop, 25 tech, 17 tech/turn
• Cyborgs: 13 bases, 47 pop, 25 tech, 30 tech/turn, building Empath Guild (done in 6 turns).
• Gaians: 7 bases, 27 pop, 19 tech, 16 tech/turn, has the WP and PTS
• Believers: 2 bases, 7 pop (!!) – not infiltrated, but irrelevant
So, what should I do? I out-tech everyone by a good margin, but the other factions are playing group research. I’m constantly hounded by the Cult (sealurks, isles, foils – and LOTS of foil probes!!), making the sea dangerous. Perhaps launch a massive attack and take out the Cyborgs, and then the Cult? Or should I turtle, build a huge defensive wall and dare anyone to get near – which is what the Hive is doing.