"...bitter old guy..."?
Hey, I resemble that remark!
But I completely agree with you. It is a rare game indeed that has both excellent gameplay with graphics. SMAC was exceptional to good at both in its day, especially when you consider its excellent execution.
It is so easy to become distracted by a polyglot of good ideas run amok with no real order (MOO3), unplayable buggy games (too many to count), or eye candy (all first person shooters and many RT games). Of course, some customers want eye candy and twitchy games, and sadly they are rising to dominance. TB games are a dedicated but declining minority.
Hey, I resemble that remark!
But I completely agree with you. It is a rare game indeed that has both excellent gameplay with graphics. SMAC was exceptional to good at both in its day, especially when you consider its excellent execution.
It is so easy to become distracted by a polyglot of good ideas run amok with no real order (MOO3), unplayable buggy games (too many to count), or eye candy (all first person shooters and many RT games). Of course, some customers want eye candy and twitchy games, and sadly they are rising to dominance. TB games are a dedicated but declining minority.