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Apolytoners' Hall of Fame: March 2007

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  • Apolytoners' Hall of Fame: March 2007

    The initial post of the main thread (in A/C)

    Voting is open for 14 days as per intial post in Apolyton Community

    3rd Post down from here contains VOTING RESULTS!

    Hello and welcome to another edition of the Apolytoners Hall of Fame!

    What is it?
    The Apolytoners Hall of Fame (HoF) is a list of people who contributed a lot to the community here on Apolyton. For example: Xin Yu was inducted in the HoF for his incredible strategy and MP contributions to the Civ2 section, yin26 for his fantastic work on 'The List' with suggestions for Civ3. Every member of the Hall of Fame has made great contributions to Apolyton and the Civilization community - these people and their accomplishments must be remembered by us all!

    If you don't recognize many names you probably haven't been here very long and/or hardly ever post outside this forum/section - in that case this HoF might be a good opportunity to learn something about them. That is why this Hall of Fame was created: to remember and learn.

    Periodically, we hold a vote for the Apolytoners who we think contribute the most to Apolyton, the ones who make Apolyton what it is. The winners shall be inducted in the Hall of Fame and their names will live forever in the annals of Apolyton!

    The idea for the Hall of Fame was born in late 2000 as an outgrowth of the old Apolyton Army and Apolytoner of the Season Contests, seeking to honor the people of Apolyton in a more meaningful and structured way.

    The first edition was held in the Off Topic in December 2000 over a period of 3 days and is currently archived. The first election saw Markos and Dan, the owners and administrators of this site, and the first 10 posters inducted.

    Since then, the HoF vote has been held roughly 4 times a year with 11-14 total members being elected every year. Up until August 2002, the vote was held only in the Off Topic forum - from that time on it has been posted in other sections (first in Civ3, later also in SMAC, CtP1-MP, CtP2, etc).

    Since March 2007 some changes have been instituted. The vote is now held every three months: in March, June, September and December. The voting period lasts for 14 days, except in December when it is prolonged. Two new members are inducted per session, a total of 8 per year.

    This edition
    Welcome to the March 2007 edition of the APOLYTONERS HALL OF FAME

    (2 Members to be inducted this session)
    (Only 10 total will be elected this year)
    You have approximately 14 days to vote [Until March 27th).

    Table of Contents
    I Introduction Post
    1) What is it
    2) History
    3) This Edition
    4) Table of Contents
    5) Notice

    II Rules
    1) Rules for voting
    2) Amendments
    a) Purgings
    b) Posthumous Inductions
    3) FAQ

    III Hall Posting
    1) Hall of Fame Members
    2) Alphabetical member list
    3) Chronological member list (by date of induction)
    4) Chronological member list (by registration date)
    5) Information about the Hall of Famers

    IV Current Voting
    1) Current Standings
    2) Who voted for Whom

    II.) RULES

    1) Rules for voting

    Everyone can vote for 3 posters

    Registered In 1998- 5 points per vote
    Registered In 1999- 5 points per vote
    Registered In 2000- 4 points per vote
    Registered In 2001- 4 ** points per vote
    Registered In 2002- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2003- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2004- 3 ** points per vote
    Registered In 2005- 2 points per vote
    Registered In 2006- 2 points per vote
    Registered In 2007- 1 points per vote

    -You may not vote for yourself.
    -All 'frivolous' votes are thrown out.
    -Giving your vote to someone merely because they ask is considered a frivolous vote.

    No vote changing once you have voted for someone; unless you accidentally voted for someone already in the hall.

    You may only vote once in the hall of fame (for 3 people) IF you try to vote more than once ALL of your votes will be made void.

    Time Limit for voting is: 14 Days.

    2) Amendments

    a) Purgings

    Members will be purged from the voting rolls if they received 0 new votes in the month of election. This allows the hall to keep up-to-date, and keeps it from having to reset completely every month. Thus, the hall worthy posters will continue to gather votes day in and day out because their contributions to Apolyton are timeless.

    b) Posthumous Inductions

    In the regrettable case where a popular member has perished, the Hall of Fame has the ability to posthumously induct him/her into the hall based upon popular opinion.

    3) FAQ:

    Trust me, an on-topicer will never win

    What about Xin Yu? Velociryx? Darsnan? As long there is a will, an on-topicer will be inducted.


    The Hall of Fame is based on whoever people vote for, and as Lazarus and the Gimp stated so eloquently: "The compilers of this list cannot rule out the possibility of inductees being a bunch of utter ****s" Thus: please don’t shoot the messenger.

    Where is the Hall of Fame usually posted?

    From December 2000 to August 2002, the Hall of Fame had only been posted in the Off Topic forums; with occasional forays into the Apolyton/Community section. However, nowadays you can find the Apolytoners hall of fame in the OT (main) Civ III (main), Civ IV (main) and with satellite threads that link into the hall of fame in the following sections: CTP II MP, Civ II-General, AC-General, Alt.Civ section, Clash of Civilizations, CIV IV MP, and Civ III DemoGame sections.

    ”How long is voting?”

    Voting will continue for 14 days.

    In December; the time allotted for voting will be at least 22 days unless the corollary act is enacted and voting is done during Christmas time; in that case voting will be extended to 30 days in order to accommodate all traveling voters)

    Why Do People who received no votes last time expire ?

    Their votes expire and they are zeroed and kicked off the list because they were not found to be interesting at the time of the last vote or two. This is done so as to keep the hall clear…

    This new process certainly keeps the hall current (a la Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame)

    Despite the recommendation not to carry over votes at all, that tradition will be continued, because we don’t merely want “flavor of the month” posters elected. The persons who should be elected to the hall should have contributed to the site over a long period of time.
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.

  • #2
    1) Hall of Fame Members

    Apolytoners' Hall of Fame Members -82

    December 2001 Adam Smith
    December 2000 Alexander's Horse [The Apolyton Troll]
    September 2004 alexman
    December 2002 Asher
    December 2005 Berserker
    December 2003 Boris Godunov
    March 2001 Boshko (AKA Zhu Yuanzhang, Dave Boshko)
    December 2001 chegitz guevara
    August 2002 Chris 62
    December 2000 DanQ
    December 2003 DanS
    June 2005 DarkCloud
    October 2006 Darsnan
    June 2006DaveV
    May 2003 DinoDoc
    September 2004 Dr. Nick (AKA El Awrence)
    December 2005 Dr Strangelove
    March 2002 Ecthelion
    March 2001 *End is Forever* (AKA Iain Lindley)
    June 2001 EVC (AKA Evan VonChristof) [The Apolyton Daffy Duck] (Now present as Thorn)
    December 2004 Googlie
    December 2004 Kramsib
    December 2002 KrazyHorse (AKA Frogger)
    December 2000 Giant Squid (AKA Celestion the God, Alexander the Great) [The Apolyton DL]
    December 2005 Harlan
    August 2005 Immortal Wombat
    January 2001 Imran Siddiqui [ACS News Coordinator]
    December 2003 Ixnay
    June 2006Jasev
    March 2002 Jay Bee
    March 2004 JohnT
    December 2005 LaFayette
    March 2001 Lancer
    March 2001 Lazarus and the Gimp (AKA: Ron Jeremy, Bugs ****ing Bunny, Trappist)
    January 2003 Locutus
    December 2000 Mao
    December 2000 MarkG
    August 2005 Master Zen
    December 2000 MichaeltheGreat [Another OT Moderator]
    December 2000 MikeH
    December 2000 Ming [The OT Moderator]
    June 2001 Monk
    December 2003 notyoueither
    December 2003 oedo
    January 2003 orange
    October 2006 OzzyKp
    June 2005 Paddy the Scot
    June 2002 paiktis22 (AKA Bereta_Eder)
    May 2003 Paul
    December 2000 Provost Harrison (AKA AI)
    March 2002 rah [Yet another OT moderator]
    December 2001 Ramo
    December 2003 Reismark
    December 2000 Roland
    December 2004 Samson
    March 2004 Scouse Gits
    December 2003 Scouse Gits (2)
    August 2002 Sirotnikov
    December 2002 Slowwhand
    December 2001 Snapcase
    June 2001 SnowFire
    September 2004 Solo
    September 2004 Spiffor
    June 2001 Starchild
    June 2001 Stefu
    January 2001 Stewart Spink
    December 2000 St Leo
    June 2001 SuperSneak
    December 2003Tazidude
    June 2002 TCO (AKA GP)
    June 2005 Ted Striker
    June 2006 Theseus
    May 2003 Trip
    December 2003 UnOrthOdOx
    March 2004 War4ever
    December 2001 Wraith
    March 2002 Velociryx
    June 2006Yaroslav
    March 2002 yin26
    December 2000 Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey
    June 2002 Xin Yu
    May 2003 Zylka


    3) Chronologically
    MarkG Automatic Inductee
    DanQ Automatic Inductee
    Ming December 2000
    MikeH December 2000
    MichaeltheGreat December 2000
    Mao December 2000
    Alexander's Horse December 2000
    Giant_Squid December 2000
    Provost Harrison December 2000
    Roland December 2000
    Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey December 2000
    St. Leo December 2000
    Imran Siddiqui January 2001
    Stewart Spink January 2001
    Lancer March 2001
    Ron Jeremy/Lazarus and the Gimp March 2001
    *End is Forever*March 2001
    Boshko March 2001
    EVC/Thorn June 2001
    Monk June 2001
    Snowfire June 2001
    Starchild June 2001
    SuperSneak June 2001
    Stefu June 2001
    Adam Smith December 2001
    chegitz guevara December 2001
    Ramo December 2001
    Snapcase December 2001
    Wraith December 2001
    rah March 2002
    yin26 March 2002
    Ecthelion March 2002
    Jay Bee March 2002
    Velociryx March 2002
    Xin Yu June 2002
    TCO/GP June 2002
    paiktis22 June 2002
    Chris 62 August 2002
    Sirotnikov August 2002
    KrazyHorse December 2002
    Asher December 2002
    Slowwhand December 2002
    orange January 2003
    Locutus January 2003
    Trip May 2003
    Paul May 2003
    DinoDoc May 2003
    Zylka May 2003
    Tazidude Posthumous Inductee
    Scouse Gits(2) Posthumous Inductee
    oedo December 2003
    Boris Godunov December 2003
    ixnay December 2003
    Reismark December 2003
    UnOrthOdOx December 2003
    DanS December 2003
    notyoueither December 2003
    JohnT March 2004
    Scouse Gits March 2004
    War4ever March 2004
    Dr. Nick September 2004
    Spiffor September 2004
    Solo September 2004
    Alexman September 2004
    Samson December 2004
    Googlie December 2004
    Kramsib December 2004
    Ted Striker June 2005
    DarkCloud June 2005
    Paddy the Scot June 2005
    Immortal Wombat August 2005
    Master Zen August 2005
    LaFayette December 2005
    Berserker December 2005
    Harlan December 2005
    Dr Strangelove December 2005
    Jasev June 2006
    Theseus June 2006
    DaveV June 2006
    Yaroslav June 2006
    Darsnan October 2006
    OzzyKP October 2006

    See the Apolyton Community Lists for full details
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #3
      1. SlowThinker-[9] (6) (22) (45) (27) (32) (44) (65)---250

      2. Solver- [13] (8) (12) (8) (17) (38) (69) (77)---242

      3. Skanky Burns- [17] (23) (20) (33) (26) (25) (42) (41)---227
      4. loinburger- [18] (22) (38) (48) (25) (22) (39) (15)----227

      5. WesW- [30] (24) (23) (21) (24) (31) (20) (21)--—194

      6. Kassiopeia- [10] (17) (25) (30) (22) (26) (29) (29)---188

      7. Aeson- [3] (3) (16) (37) (15) (28) (38) (34)---174

      8. Dominae- [19] (27) (15) (12) (11) (25) (31) (31)---171

      9. Molly Bloom- [2] (14) (16) (35) (31) (25) (17) (22)---162

      10. Buster- [10] (13) (28) (31) (30) (30) (19)---161

      DrSpike- [7] (20) (29) (23) (20) (16) (18) 24---157

      hexagonian- [6] (20) (14) (15) (28) (29) (20) (24)---156

      Bloody Monk- (4) (24) (34) (39) (38)---139

      Jamski- [16] (20) (14) (26) (18) (14) (12) (17)--137

      Mercator- (8) (20) (12) (16) (13) (15) (33)---117

      MrFun- [11] (10) (13) (22) (12) (20) (14) (9)---111

      deity- [8] (7) (16) (21) (13) (12) (13) (19)---109

      Techumseh- [4] (8) (15) (10) (19) (14) (18) (16)---104

      Comrade Tassadar - [10] (5) (5) (3) (9) (16) (43) (11)---102

      Hydro- (5) (7) (22) (26) (19) (13) (5) 3--100

      Fez/Giancarlo- [29] (18)(17) (11) (8) (8) (5) (3)---99

      fairline- (8) (10) (3) (19) (15) (25) (16)---96

      Niessuh- [2] (2)(4) (5) (2) (19) (28) (31)---93

      Tiamat- [14] (13) (10) (4) (8) (18) (8) (16)---92
      25. Grandpa Troll- (3) (8) (47) (34)---92

      Alinestra Covelia [10] (14) (18) (18) (10) (6) (8) (8)---91

      Sn00py- [6] (7) (8) (20) (35) (7) (4) (20)---89

      Dis [Dissident]- (11) (10) (8) (12) (12) (25) (9)---87

      vmxa1---[12] (8) (16) (8) (14) (11) (3) (3)---75

      Malevolent Light (Eyes of Night) (StarLightDeath)- [14] (17) ( 8) (15) (7) (4) (2) (7)---74
      joncha- [2] (3) (5) (7) (8) (7) (23) (19)---74

      ChrisiusMaximus- [10] (9) (3) (11) (8) (12) (11) (8) 4 ---76
      MLeonard- -----[10] (15)(10) (8) (12) (8) (5) (4)---72

      curtsibling- [4] (7) (2) (22) (7) (12) (17)---71

      Beta- [3] (10) (11)(18) (16) (8) (2) (2)---70

      Arrian [12] (8) (10) (13) (3) (4) (10) (9)---69

      korn469- ---- [16] (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (4) (4)---66

      cavebear- (8) (2) (4) (15) (5) (2) (21) (8)---65

      PLATO- [7] (3) (3) (5) (10) (9) (18) (8) 4 ----67

      Illuminatus- (11) (19) (31)---61

      Shi Huangdi - [13] (10) (2) (3) (7) (7) (8) (8)---58

      Kaak- [1] (4) (3) (4) (12) (4) (19) (9)---56

      Zeus_of_Olimpos- [25] (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (5) (5)---55
      Bongo- [3] (3) (3) (7) (6) (9) (16) (8) 4 ---59

      Ljube- [7] (7) (3) (3) (15) (10) (6)---51
      Blake- (7) (10) (34)---51

      Alfonso- (22) (24)---46
      Flubber- (8) (10) (3) (17) (3) (5)---46

      Chilean President- (18) (5) (9) (3) (10)---45

      50. Boann- (12) (8) (8) (10) (5)---43
      Ben Kenobi- (2) (4) (4) (12) (4) (8) (9)---43

      snoopy369- (24) (12) (7)---42
      GePap- [2] (10) (8) (7) (3) (3) (3) (6)---42

      Sava- (4) (8) (25) (4)---41

      Mrs. Tuberski- (4) (10) (7) (8) (10)--39
      Smacksim- (9) (19) (4) (2) (2) 3----39

      Martin Guhmann-- (6) (10) (10) (11)---37

      Rasbelin- (2) (4) (7) (7) (4) (3) (8)---35

      CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei)- [4] (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (5) (5)---34

      jm_ruiz- (16) (17)---33

      Gerar Dean- (17) (6) (1) (4)---28

      Smiley- (9) (10) (3) (3) (2)---27
      Kody- [3] (4) (2) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5)---26

      Jon Miller- (4) (17) (5)---26

      Heresson- (5) (19)---24

      Sprayber- (7) (8) (4) (4)---23

      Manolo- (5) (17)----22

      rjmatsleepers- (4) (2) (4) (8)---18
      Nikolai- (6) (3) (6) (3)---18

      LordShiva- (3) (13)---15

      Six Thousand Year Old Man- (3) (6) (5)---14

      E_T- (5) (8)---13

      Carloquillo- (6) (3) (3)---12
      Dauphin (12)---12
      75. Tau Ceti- (4) (4) (4)---12

      Maniac- (8) 3---11
      conmcb25- (2) (3) (4) (2)---11
      Harry Tuttle- (11)---11
      fromafar- (3) (8)---11

      Cybershy- (4) (5) (1)---10
      Golden Bear- (2) (8)---10

      Snotty (9)---9
      Peaster- (9)---9

      Sir Ralph-(8)---8
      Zoid- (6) (2)---8
      Frank Johnson (8)---8

      Magno_uy- (3) (3)---6
      AGRICOLA- (3) (3)---6
      Flamer(fin)- (6)---6

      Trev (5)---5
      Toni (5)---5
      Sarsstock- (3) (2)---5
      PJayTycy- (5)---5
      Fed1943- (5)---5

      Platypus Rex- (4)---4
      Flash (4)---4

      Unspeakable Horror- (3)---3
      Jaguar- (3)---3
      Frozzy (Kalius)- (3)---3
      100. lord of the mark- (3)---3
      japher- (3)---3
      Eli- (3)---3
      Rob Worham- (3)---3
      Femme- (3)---3
      Tism- (3)---3
      Drogue- (3)---3

      Maquiladora- (2)---2
      James- (2)---2
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • #4
        Buster, Illuminatus, Maniac
        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


        • #5
          Audit Point

          Rank, Name, Votes So Far, Total Votes

          1 Solver 21 , 263

          2 SlowThinker 9 , 259

          3 Skanky Burns 10 , 237

          4 loinburger 0 , 227

          5 WesW 12 , 206

          6 Kassiopeia 15 , 203

          7 Aeson 20 , 194

          8 Dominae 13 , 184

          9 Buster 2 , 166

          10 Molly Bloom 0 , 162

          11 DrSpike 4 , 161

          12 hexagonian 4 , 160

          13 Bloody Monk 4 , 143

          14 Jamski 3 , 140

          15 Mercator 0 , 117

          16 Grandpa Troll 19 , 111
          17 MrFun 0 , 111

          18 deity 0 , 109

          19 Techumseh 0 , 104

          20 Comrade Tassadar/Tacc 0 , 102

          21 Hydro 3 , 100

          22 Fez/Giancarlo 0 , 99

          23 fairline 0 , 96

          24 Niessuh 0 , 93

          25 Alinestra Covelia 0 , 92

          26 Tiamat 0 , 91

          27 Dis [Dissident] 3 , 90

          28 Sn00py 0 , 89

          29 ChrisiusMaximus 12 , 84

          30 vmxa1 4 , 79

          31 Arrian [4] 9 , 78

          32 Beta 7 , 77
          33 PLATO 14 , 77

          34 joncha 0 , 74
          35 Malevolent Light Eyes of Night) StarLightDeath) 0 , 74

          36 MLeonard 0 , 72

          37 Blake 20 , 71
          38 curtsibling 0 , 71

          39 korn469 0 , 66

          40 cavebear 0 , 65

          41 Illuminatus 2 , 63

          42 Bongo 7 , 62

          43 Shi Huangdi 0 , 58

          44 Kaak 0 , 56

          45 Zeus_of_Olimpos 0 , 55

          46 Ljube 0 , 51
          47 snoopy369 8 , 51

          48 Boann 4 , 47

          49 Alfonso 0 , 46
          50 Flubber 0 , 46

          51 Chilean President 0 , 45
          52 Sava 4 , 45

          53 Ben Kenobi 0 , 43

          54 GePap 0 , 42

          55 Martin Guhmann 4 , 41

          56 Mrs. Tuberski 0 , 39
          57 Smacksim 3 , 39

          58 LordShiva 19 , 35
          59 Rasbelin 0 , 35

          60 CivNation AKA DefensorFidei) 0 , 34

          61 jm_ruiz 0 , 33

          62 Heresson 7 , 31

          63 Gerar Dean 0 , 28

          64 Smiley 0 , 27
          65 Sprayber 4 , 27

          66 Jon Miller 0 , 26
          67 Kody 0 , 26

          68 Manolo 0 , 22
          69 rjmatsleepers 4 , 22

          70 Nikolai 0 , 18

          71 Dauphin 4 , 16

          72 Six Thousand Year Old Man 0 , 14

          73 E_T 0 , 13
          74 Maniac 5 , 13
          75 Snotty 9 4 , 13

          76 Carloquillo 0 , 12
          77 Tau Ceti 0 , 12
          78 Zoid 4 , 12

          79 conmcb25 0 , 11
          80 fromafar 0 , 11
          81 Harry Tuttle 0 , 11

          82 Cybershy 0 , 10
          83 Golden Bear 0 , 10

          84 Peaster 0 , 9

          85 Frank Johnson 0 , 8
          86 Sir Ralph 0 , 8

          87 AGRICOLA 0 , 6
          88 Flamerfin) 0 , 6
          89 Magno_uy 0 , 6

          90 Fed1943 0 , 5
          91 PJayTycy 0 , 5
          92 Rob Worham 2 , 5
          93 Sarsstock 0 , 5
          94 Toni 0 , 5
          95 Trev 0 , 5

          96 Flash 0 , 4
          97 Platypus Rex 0 , 4

          98 Drogue 0 , 3
          99 Eli 0 , 3
          100 Femme 0 , 3
          101 Frozzy Kalius) 0 , 3
          102 Jaguar 0 , 3
          103 japher 0 , 3
          104 lord of the mark 0 , 3
          105 Tism 0 , 3
          106 Unspeakable Horror 0 , 3
          107 Keygen 3 , 3
          108 TheBirdMan 3 , 3
          109 Winston 3 , 3

          110 James 0 , 2
          111 Maquiladora 0 , 2
          112 GeoModder 2 , 2
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #6
            4 votes each as follows:

            Buster: for running a great SMAC(X) site!

            Hydro: for all the great AC fan fiction!

            Illuminatus: for all his work in the AC Forums!



            • #7


              "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
              -- Kosh


              • #8
                latest update is here:

                hope you enjoy St Paddy's Day
                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                I am of the Horde.


                • #9
                  Illuminatus, Hydro, Rubin
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #10
                    So many of great candidates…**sigh**

                    Solver –dedication to the SMAC Apolyton forums
                    Illuminatus – excellent continuing work on the SMAC fiction forum
                    Maniac – for the truly innovative SMAniaC SMAC mod (not enough credit has been given…)


                    • #11
                      3 for
                      Illuminatus, Maniac, Hydro
                      "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                      -BBC news


                      • #12
                        here is a link to the latest full update

                        and the top 10 are...

                        1 Solver , 75 317

                        2 SlowThinker , 53 303

                        3 Skanky Burns , 32 259

                        4 loinburger , 25 252

                        5 Aeson , 38 212

                        6 Kassiopeia , 23 211
                        7 WesW , 17 211

                        8 Dominae , 31 202

                        9 Molly Bloom , 19 181

                        10 Bloody Monk , 37 176
                        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                        I am of the Horde.


                        • #13
                          Go Solver!


                          • #14
                            ok, 26 hours to go until these polls close

                            great participation soo far

                            gotta be in it to win it
                            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                            I am of the Horde.


                            • #15
                              the poll is now closed

                              thanks all for your participation

                              time for final tally
                              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                              I am of the Horde.

