Ok, I was reading some posts here, playing SMACX and thinking about building a city out of nothing. Now the elements to this are lots of colony pods, supply crawlers, terraformers and any defensive units/police. Ok here is the idea. You have this plain of height 1 land that is rolling. How many of these colony pods, terraformers, and supply crawlers will it take to just plop down a size 20 city? All this assumes no recycling tanks yet. just add one more pod once you build one. Also, 2 posts down is a list of definitions if I'm not being clear, which I don't think I am.
Colony Pods - 20 of course! Unless you have the planetary transport system, then you only need 17.
Terraformers - Well, this is tuff. If you are dotting the land immediately with boreholes, condensers, and soil enrichers, it'll take a bunch. Lets assume you have the Weather Paradigm and Superformers. This will make the calculation a little smaller.
Well, you'll need 21 rover formers to fully place the roads or 9 minimally. I like to put a road in the center so the colony pod can get there, then before I build it, I destroy it with a defending unit.
4 more to magtube each side assuming you build a straight up chess board style. Max, 16.
8 per borehole which makes 32 more.
Assuming you have 20 or 40 sky hydroponics farms depending if you have the cloudbase academy or not, you'll need 18 more food, so that's 3 soil enriched condensers, so you'll need 4 per condenser, 2 per farm, and 3 per soil enricher. That comes to a total of 9 per tile at 3 tiles, so 27 for the food.
Might as well build a forest and a sensor for defense, so that's 4 more terraformers. This will use up that last tile around the base tile.
So, assuming the max, you'll need 100 terraformers. 21+16+32+27+4=100
Supply Crawlers - With the above setup lets list them.
4 for the boreholes
3 for the condesers
1 More for the forest
8 Supply Crawlers Total
Wow. That is amazing.
Ok, now that will not work nicely with a ICS+1. That means you'll get 3 x 3 area for each base. Just subtract 12 rovers for the outer roads, 16 more because you have to put the boreholes in kinda like a weave on the adjacent tile of the base, and 8 for the magtubes. so you only need 64 formers.
Ok, I've been fooling around with ICS in my head. To pack those cities in nice and tight, you'll only be getting 3 harvestable squares per base. That means you get one borehole and 2 condensers. That's 14 food, so that's a size 14 city with max sky hydroponics farms. Only size 7 without.
So you'll need 4 for roads + 6 for magtubes + 8 for the borehole + 18 the 2 condenser farms. That's a total of 36 formers for max ICS.
Did I just make an expansionist argument for ICS and I haven't even done it?
So that's 14 colony pods, 36 formers, and 3 supply crawlers for max ICS.
Fooling around with some more numbers in my head, a chessboard style, or ICS+3 city with sky hydroponics farms and 4 boreholes leaves a city maxing out at ...
6 x 20 + 3 = 123. That's a population density of ...
123 / 25 = 4.92 population per tile. With ICS+1, you have population maxing out at...
6 x 3 + 3 + 3 = 30 with a forest, so that's 26 / 9, which is 2.888 population per tile. With max ICS, you have population maxing out at...
6 x 2 + 3 = 15 and 15 / 4 is 3.75 population per tile.
This is crazyness. Ok whatcha'll think about this? I forgot what the max for satallites are. If its less that let this thread know.
And if my numbers are wrong, that'd be great if you pointed it out.
Colony Pods - 20 of course! Unless you have the planetary transport system, then you only need 17.
Terraformers - Well, this is tuff. If you are dotting the land immediately with boreholes, condensers, and soil enrichers, it'll take a bunch. Lets assume you have the Weather Paradigm and Superformers. This will make the calculation a little smaller.
Well, you'll need 21 rover formers to fully place the roads or 9 minimally. I like to put a road in the center so the colony pod can get there, then before I build it, I destroy it with a defending unit.
4 more to magtube each side assuming you build a straight up chess board style. Max, 16.
8 per borehole which makes 32 more.
Assuming you have 20 or 40 sky hydroponics farms depending if you have the cloudbase academy or not, you'll need 18 more food, so that's 3 soil enriched condensers, so you'll need 4 per condenser, 2 per farm, and 3 per soil enricher. That comes to a total of 9 per tile at 3 tiles, so 27 for the food.
Might as well build a forest and a sensor for defense, so that's 4 more terraformers. This will use up that last tile around the base tile.
So, assuming the max, you'll need 100 terraformers. 21+16+32+27+4=100
Supply Crawlers - With the above setup lets list them.
4 for the boreholes
3 for the condesers
1 More for the forest
8 Supply Crawlers Total
Wow. That is amazing.

Ok, now that will not work nicely with a ICS+1. That means you'll get 3 x 3 area for each base. Just subtract 12 rovers for the outer roads, 16 more because you have to put the boreholes in kinda like a weave on the adjacent tile of the base, and 8 for the magtubes. so you only need 64 formers.
Ok, I've been fooling around with ICS in my head. To pack those cities in nice and tight, you'll only be getting 3 harvestable squares per base. That means you get one borehole and 2 condensers. That's 14 food, so that's a size 14 city with max sky hydroponics farms. Only size 7 without.
So you'll need 4 for roads + 6 for magtubes + 8 for the borehole + 18 the 2 condenser farms. That's a total of 36 formers for max ICS.
Did I just make an expansionist argument for ICS and I haven't even done it?
So that's 14 colony pods, 36 formers, and 3 supply crawlers for max ICS.
Fooling around with some more numbers in my head, a chessboard style, or ICS+3 city with sky hydroponics farms and 4 boreholes leaves a city maxing out at ...
6 x 20 + 3 = 123. That's a population density of ...
123 / 25 = 4.92 population per tile. With ICS+1, you have population maxing out at...
6 x 3 + 3 + 3 = 30 with a forest, so that's 26 / 9, which is 2.888 population per tile. With max ICS, you have population maxing out at...
6 x 2 + 3 = 15 and 15 / 4 is 3.75 population per tile.
This is crazyness. Ok whatcha'll think about this? I forgot what the max for satallites are. If its less that let this thread know.
