I thought about making a custom map that was a checkerboard type thing with height 1 land followed by water, and then slid over one for the next row up and down and seeing how that game would turn out, Especially for someone like the Pirates. I also thought about taking the map that came with SMAC and SMACX and just filling it up with nutrients, energy, minerals or pods. I thought that might be fun. Any other wierd ideas for maps?
What are some strategies on using terraforming offensively and defensively? I heard about putting a ring of forests around your base so you have some buffer time if something comes up unexpecedly. Would you put one road going in and out with a bunker on it and 2 to 4 clean units to protect it? It would seem like it might slow down expansion. I've also killed boats by raising terrain and drowning cities by lowering terrain. Oddly enough, that's not considered an atrocity.
I do build land bridges and magtube across them. I also magtube into enemy cities and take half their empire in a couple turns if I prepare correctly. I'd imagine there migh be implications in MP games if you had all your cities magtubed together for an enemy to walk in, hence my ring of forest thing above.
ICS, I look at it and think "Now that is UGLY!". Now I look at it and say, "Well, its ugly and beautiful at the same time." Just seems to me there should be some bad thing to happen if you have cities so close. Something like virtual minerals where any city harvesting on a tile that can be harvested by another has the pollution associated with it added on the ecodamage calculation for that city because they are so close.
Anyone else place a condenser down on a base location before placing a city if they can? If you have tree farms and Hybrid forests available, seems like a winning situation. However, I have never done the super crawl thing yet. I'm doing it with my Drones right now and it is very powerful. Harvesting food and minerals, leaving the rest to specialists...
On making bases in MP games, I heard that coastal cities are dangerous, because of easy invasion and a way to sit down some units as a land base for your enemy. I've only played SP, what are some of your philosophies on how many coastal cities to have? I like to make as many as a can and hopefully connect inner seas to the outside, so i can have even more coastal cities (kinda) so I can make a buncha boats if I want. I never really do tho except for transports.
Now, I've heard that you can add to a cities population by building a colony pod and building a base on the square. I've thought about building a colony pod to make the base grow a couple turns faster by triggering the base growth with the smaller nutrient requirement, then immediately building the colony pod onto the base. It'd be like building housing with the industrial output of the city for pure population growth, which you can do in MOO2. In Civilization, you could do this up to 7 or 9. Something after which you needed an aquaduct. Now, I just *assumed* you could only do that up to base size of 7, or whatever was the max for a hab complex or dome. Now, if there is no limit, why couldn't you just have a buncha cities build colony pods that are pop booming, and do it in such a way that they pop a colony pod every turn. Then every turn you magtub or send it to your super science city and just max it out at something outrageous, or even keep pumping nutrients into it with crawlers, effectively getting ot the ultimate max of 138 or whatever it is. Now that is sick.
Once, I was playing as CEO Morgan and my friend and I were talking about the game. Now we hadn't seen each other in a long time and we have differing points of view in some areas. When I think of CEO Morgan, I think of his monopolistic empire as this huge meritocracy where whoever can be the most productive with what they have is put into leadership position for him, thus creating the +1 energy and stuff. The side effect is that people who aren't up to snuff resent not being promoted and turn into drones, working till there are enough of them to riot, or waiting for the luxury energy to quell thier rebellious spirit and low station in life. If, however they decide to look at what they have, they might use the luxury energy to appease themselves, not causing any trouble (workers) or to actually go out and do something for the greater cause and help others (talents). Well I look at it as a struggle to greatness, so I see CEO Morgan as being a good guy, creating resources out of nothing and making things like the Merchant Exchange, Research Hospitals, Longetivity Vaccines, and Cybernetic Backbone. My buddy thinks of CEO Morgan as some evil man out to take your money and horde it, using the huge populace to feed his greed. Well he starts out at size 4 max, so he has no huge population. Anyway what're ya'lls thoughts on the subject?
On a side note, I love that CivAnon flik. "I said I didn't get up." "Once I was able to split the atom, I built me a bomb and I dropped it on every [Expletive Deleted] who got in my way!"
What are some strategies on using terraforming offensively and defensively? I heard about putting a ring of forests around your base so you have some buffer time if something comes up unexpecedly. Would you put one road going in and out with a bunker on it and 2 to 4 clean units to protect it? It would seem like it might slow down expansion. I've also killed boats by raising terrain and drowning cities by lowering terrain. Oddly enough, that's not considered an atrocity.

ICS, I look at it and think "Now that is UGLY!". Now I look at it and say, "Well, its ugly and beautiful at the same time." Just seems to me there should be some bad thing to happen if you have cities so close. Something like virtual minerals where any city harvesting on a tile that can be harvested by another has the pollution associated with it added on the ecodamage calculation for that city because they are so close.
Anyone else place a condenser down on a base location before placing a city if they can? If you have tree farms and Hybrid forests available, seems like a winning situation. However, I have never done the super crawl thing yet. I'm doing it with my Drones right now and it is very powerful. Harvesting food and minerals, leaving the rest to specialists...
On making bases in MP games, I heard that coastal cities are dangerous, because of easy invasion and a way to sit down some units as a land base for your enemy. I've only played SP, what are some of your philosophies on how many coastal cities to have? I like to make as many as a can and hopefully connect inner seas to the outside, so i can have even more coastal cities (kinda) so I can make a buncha boats if I want. I never really do tho except for transports.
Now, I've heard that you can add to a cities population by building a colony pod and building a base on the square. I've thought about building a colony pod to make the base grow a couple turns faster by triggering the base growth with the smaller nutrient requirement, then immediately building the colony pod onto the base. It'd be like building housing with the industrial output of the city for pure population growth, which you can do in MOO2. In Civilization, you could do this up to 7 or 9. Something after which you needed an aquaduct. Now, I just *assumed* you could only do that up to base size of 7, or whatever was the max for a hab complex or dome. Now, if there is no limit, why couldn't you just have a buncha cities build colony pods that are pop booming, and do it in such a way that they pop a colony pod every turn. Then every turn you magtub or send it to your super science city and just max it out at something outrageous, or even keep pumping nutrients into it with crawlers, effectively getting ot the ultimate max of 138 or whatever it is. Now that is sick.

Once, I was playing as CEO Morgan and my friend and I were talking about the game. Now we hadn't seen each other in a long time and we have differing points of view in some areas. When I think of CEO Morgan, I think of his monopolistic empire as this huge meritocracy where whoever can be the most productive with what they have is put into leadership position for him, thus creating the +1 energy and stuff. The side effect is that people who aren't up to snuff resent not being promoted and turn into drones, working till there are enough of them to riot, or waiting for the luxury energy to quell thier rebellious spirit and low station in life. If, however they decide to look at what they have, they might use the luxury energy to appease themselves, not causing any trouble (workers) or to actually go out and do something for the greater cause and help others (talents). Well I look at it as a struggle to greatness, so I see CEO Morgan as being a good guy, creating resources out of nothing and making things like the Merchant Exchange, Research Hospitals, Longetivity Vaccines, and Cybernetic Backbone. My buddy thinks of CEO Morgan as some evil man out to take your money and horde it, using the huge populace to feed his greed. Well he starts out at size 4 max, so he has no huge population. Anyway what're ya'lls thoughts on the subject?
On a side note, I love that CivAnon flik. "I said I didn't get up." "Once I was able to split the atom, I built me a bomb and I dropped it on every [Expletive Deleted] who got in my way!"
