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"Eye of the Beholder" SP Game

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  • "Eye of the Beholder" SP Game

    BACKDROP: In MY 2433 several factions discovered the wreckage of a Progenitor interstellar spaceship on the farside of Nessus. After much investigation it was determined that the ships star charts were intact, and that the hyperdrive engine can be cloned.
    By MY 2452 the first fleet of scoutships were built and sent out with a mandate to investigate all of the habitable planets catalogued in the Progenitor ships start charts. The results are mixed: some scoutships return with exciting news of “Eden-class” planets, while other scouts tell tales of planets who have degraded over the eons. Still other scouts fail to return at all….
    By MY2475 all of the ideal “Eden-class” worlds have been either colonized, or claimed by the various Factions of Man. This then led to what was called “The Great Planet Rush” where over the next 25 years everyone who had a spaceship or could afford transit on one rushed to colonize the “moderately habitable” worlds before someone else did. Now, in MY2500, all that is left are the “less than ideal” worlds. Splinter Factions such as yourselves that wish to emigrate from their current planets are now faced with a bleak prospect: hire a space transport to ferry you, your followers, and whatever belongings you can afford to carry to a planet you know nothing about, other than the guaranteed fact that it will be less than hospitable.
    But everyday that you are forced to interact with the atheistic Hive and the self-centered Morganites, and where even in your own Parent Faction your Splinter Group is marginalized for “the greater good” reinforces your resolve to face the unknowns of an unexplored alien world.

    PREMISE: The transit from the planet Harmony had been uneventful. The captain, after having his “Captain Morgan Spaced Rum” joke bomb, had discretely avoided contact with your followers. Little was known about the space ships itinerary other than what was obvious: this was a low-end space transport, designed for bulk, not comfort. “Quantity, not Quality” would be the carriers motto if the Truth Police had had their “input” on the subject. It was also obvious that there were several other Splinter Factions such as yourselves on board, each one undoubtedly destined for their own worlds. All the various Splinter Factions had their own reasons for leaving the worlds they had existed on for an unknown destination, but other than this the Factions had nothing in common: conversations on board had been at best coldly polite.

    The Proximity Claxon had sounded earlier in the ship-day, and now everyone in your Splinter Faction has been sealed into the lead 3 Re-Entry Gliders, just waiting for the transport to reach the planet’s orbital insertion point and open its bay doors. Behind you 6 more robotically controlled Gliders are loaded with all your equipment that your Faction will need in order to establish a new colony. To pass the time you call up the brief file containing data on your new home:

    No formal mention or description of this planet has been recovered from the Progenitor colonization archives. The only reference to this planet came via the Caretaker Science Institute which labeled this planet as a “Science Research Station”.

    Planet Specifications
    Planet: MY2458-666
    Primary: Class M (currently unnamed)
    Population: uninhabited
    Climate: arid
    Temperature: Hot. Note that environmental suits will be needed for prolonged exposure
    Gravity: 1.2 standard
    Class: habitable

    Notes from captain of discovering spacecraft: once it was determined this was not an “Eden-class” planet, we decided not to bother landing. We did a quick scan of the planet, determined the planet met the criteria for being classed as habitable, and then moved on to the next solar system assigned to our spacecraft. Note that I recommend naming this planet “Eye” based on visual observation.

    No further entries.

    Not much to go on, you think. And no one has bothered to visit here in 42 years! Amazing!
    Suddenly the spaceships Emergency Claxon begins sounding and the captain cuts in over your private leader-link, “we have just detected a pirate ship closing fast onto our position! My ship is not designed to maneuver in this atmosphere, and my crew doesn’t have the time to re-secure all of your equipment. I therefore am going to have to jettison your Gliders even though there are Pirates present. Once I’ve outrun the Pirates I’ll come back and ensure you’ve landed safely!”
    Despair hits you like a blast furnace, and then suddenly you’re overwhelmed by weightlessness as your Glider is released from its moorings in the bay and follows the two lead Gliders out the back of the space transport. The spaceship captain is still on the commlink, and your barely able to mutter, “understood. Godspeed to you captain!”
    The spaceship captain cocks his head oddly and replies, “and may your God go with you. Out.”


    You’ve been waiting 26 hours now, and only the lead three Re-Entry Gliders have arrived at the selected landing zone. 20 hours ago someone had spotted the space transport orbiting by high above. At first there was elation that the ship had returned, then puzzlement as three smaller blips of light separated from the spaceship and headed down towards the surface. Every five hours since the transport had orbited overhead, dropping 3 Re-Entry Gliders, then disappearing again. Others in your Faction were still puzzling at this, but some of the brighter ones had already figured it out: there had been pirates, but not the ones you had been led to believe. The real pirates were Captain Morgan and his crew of the Space Transport! They were using the ruse of a pirate attack to dump all of the Splinter Faction passengers here, while keeping all the Factions equipment for themselves!
    You wish you had time to focus on Captain Morgan, but there are more pressing needs, namely survival! While the original scoutship had suggested naming this planet “Eye”, you’ve already decided on a different name: Inferno! By the Gods Prophet it was hot here! And dry! You wonder how the other 5 Splinter Factions that have been dumped here are faring in this weather, and if they had been at all prepared for this.
    Your first scouts had returned earlier, with mixed news: some scouts had reported that there was a Progenitor Upgrade Station nearby, which would undoubtedly come in handy. However, there were also disturbing reports from other scouts that there were traces of Planet Fungus here. And where there was fungus, there were worms…..
    And all the while in the back of your mind the thought keeps preying on your psyche: it’d been 42 years since anyone has visited this planet. You could be here awhile…


    1) In your Scenarios subdirectory create a folder called "EotB", and download and unzip the attached files into it.
    2) Start up SMAC, then select "Scenario", "Play Scenario", and then select the attached EotB file. The game will automatically load up with the Believer Splinter Faction, "The Conclave".
    3) In the Data Links I recommend looking at the basic units types, so you can plan your strategies accordingly.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Darsnan; September 24, 2006, 16:35.

  • #2
    EotB SMAC version

    autochthone: [L., from Gr. autochthone from the land itself, fr. autos self + chthon earth, land.] 1. One sprung from the ground which he inhabits; an aboriginal, a native. 2. An indigenous plant or animal. 3. Hist. Name taken by a Cultist Splinter Faction.

    autophyte: n. [auto- + phyte] Bot.1. A plant capable of making its own food. 2. Hist. A member of the Planet Cult Splinter Faction “The Autochthone”, purported to somehow have had the ability to live completely self-sufficiently off of the land.

    BACKDROP I: In MY2187 a new fanatical organization calling itself the Planet Cult made itself known by adopting the terroristic tactics developed in the early 21st century. Small independent cells of these terrorists attacked industrial targets randomly, disrupting production and the advancement of civilization in the name of Planet. Factional Governments, even after switching to the Police State social choice, had a hard time dealing with the fanatical Cultists. It was only after the advent of the Self Aware Colony, along with the assistance of the Data Angels in tracking down individuals via the net were the Cultist leaders finally captured and neutralized. Ironically, the Cultists that were captured were sentenced to hard labor re-building the mines and thermal boreholes that they had fought so hard to destroy in the first place!
    However, there were those individuals that, while understanding the Cultist arguments, disagreed with their approaches, and stayed in the background during the Cultist Revolutions of MY2187 – MY2202. These individuals slowly formed their own group, which they called “The Autochthone”, with the goal of living completely in harmony with a planet. They continued to live in the shadows of everyday life, plotting, planning, and waiting for their time to come….

    BACKDROP II: with the discovery of an ancient Progenitor spacecraft on the farside of Nessus in MY2433, there were many Shadow Groups that existed within Humanity that began to plot on how best to exploit this new technology to their own ends. When the first series of FTL probes returned with data regarding the solar systems they had visited, many of these Shadow Groups realized that some of the “less than ideal” planets that existed could be colonized in secrecy by their followers, and that it would be years before any of the formal Factional governments discovered these Splinter Colonies, and probably even longer before anyone would choose to do anything (if at all) about it. One such Splinter Faction that plotted to take advantage of this was the group calling itself the Autochthone. Since their formation in the early 23rd century their dream had solidified, and expanded. Instead of just living in harmony with a planet, their dream was to become one with a planet. To that end their goal was to sample the biosphere that they would be living in, and then genetically alter their genome in order to fit in perfectly within the biosphere of what ever planet they chose to live on. The planet they chose to establish their first colony on was MY 2458-666.

    PREMISE: The transit from the planet InnerHarmony had been uneventful. The spaceships captain, after having his “Captain Morgan Spaced Rum” joke bomb, had discretely avoided contact with your followers. And your followers had had a hard time adjusting to the ships environment: they kept searching for the “hidden” spy devices on the ship, but never finding them.
    Little was known about the space ships itinerary other than what was obvious: this was a low-end space transport, designed for bulk, not comfort. “Quantity, not Quality” would be the carriers motto if the Truth Police had had their “input” on the subject. It was also obvious that there were several other Splinter Factions such as yourselves on board, each one undoubtedly destined for their own worlds. All the various Splinter Factions had their own reasons for leaving the worlds they had existed on for an unknown destination, but other than this the Factions had nothing in common: conversations on board had been at best coldly polite.

    The Proximity Claxon had sounded earlier in the ship-day, and now everyone in your Splinter Faction has been sealed into the lead 3 Re-Entry Gliders, just waiting for the transport to reach the planet’s orbital insertion point and open its bay doors. Behind you 6 more robotically controlled Gliders are loaded with all your equipment that your Faction will need in order to establish a new colony. To pass the time you call up the brief file containing data on your new home:

    No formal mention or description of this planet has been recovered from the Progenitor colonization archives. The only reference to this planet came via the Caretaker Science Institute which labeled this planet as a “Science Research Station”.

    Planet Specifications
    Planet: MY2458-666
    Primary: Class M (currently unnamed)
    Population: uninhabited
    Climate: arid
    Temperature: Hot. Note that environmental suits will be needed for prolonged exposure
    Gravity: 1.2 standard
    Class: habitable

    Notes from captain of discovering spacecraft: once it was determined this was not an “Eden-class” planet, we decided not to bother landing. We did a quick scan of the planet, determined the planet met the criteria for being classed as habitable, and then moved on to the next solar system assigned to our spacecraft. Note that I recommend naming this planet “Eye” based on visual observation.

    No further entries.

    Not much to go on, you think. And no one has bothered to visit here in 42 years! Amazing!
    Suddenly the spaceships Emergency Claxon begins sounding and the captain cuts in over your private leader-link, “we have just detected a pirate ship closing fast onto our position! My ship is not designed to maneuver in this atmosphere, and my crew doesn’t have the time to re-secure all of your equipment. I therefore am going to have to jettison your Gliders even though there are Pirates present. Once I’ve outrun the Pirates I’ll come back and ensure you’ve landed safely!”
    Despair hits you like a blast furnace, and then suddenly you’re overwhelmed by weightlessness as your Glider is released from its moorings in the bay and follows the two lead Gliders out the back of the space transport. The spaceship captain is still on the commlink, and your barely able to mutter, “understood” As the grip of the planet below takes hold of your glider.


    You’ve been waiting 26 hours now, and only the lead three Re-Entry Gliders have arrived at the selected landing zone. 20 hours ago someone had spotted the space transport orbiting by high above. At first there was elation that the ship had returned, then puzzlement as three smaller blips of light separated from the spaceship and headed down towards the surface. Every five hours since the transport had orbited overhead, dropping 3 Re-Entry Gliders, then disappearing again. Others in your Faction were still puzzling at this, but some of the brighter ones had already figured it out: there had been pirates, but not the ones you had been led to believe. The real pirates were Captain Morgan and his crew of the Space Transport! They were using the ruse of a pirate attack to dump all of the Splinter Faction passengers here, while keeping all the Factions equipment for themselves!
    You wish you had time to focus on Captain Morgan, and of the things your “Security Police” could do to him, but there are more pressing needs, namely survival! While the original scoutship had suggested naming this planet “Eye”, you’ve already decided on a different name: Inferno! By the Chairman’s Eye it was hot here! And dry! You wonder how the other 5 Splinter Factions that have been dumped here are faring in this weather, and if they had been at all prepared for this.
    Your first scouts had returned earlier, with mixed news: some scouts had reported that there was a Progenitor Upgrade Station nearby, which would undoubtedly come in handy. However, there were also disturbing reports from other scouts that there were traces of Planet Fungus here. And where there was fungus, there were worms…..
    And all the while in the back of your mind the thought keeps preying on your psyche: it’d been 42 years since anyone has visited this planet.
    You could be here awhile…


    1) In your Scenarios subdirectory create a folder called "EotB_SMAC", and download and unzip the attached files into it.
    2) Start up SMAC, then select "Scenario", "Play Scenario", and then select the attached EotB_SMAC file. The game will automatically load up with the Hive Splinter Faction, "The Protectorate".
    3) In the Data Links I recommend looking at the basic units types and Facilities, so you can plan your strategies accordingly.


    Edit: note that I can't attach the file here currently. I've PM'd Illuminatus to see if the file can be attached here. The file is currently attached in my 9/15/06 post below.
    Last edited by Darsnan; September 15, 2006, 21:51.


    • #3
      Not much to say yet, except it's nice to have the Weather Paradigm in 2518.
      "Cutlery confused Stalin"
      -BBC news


      • #4
        I think you should make the WP cost 300 at least, it''s insanely good on this map


        • #5
          I'd still have gotten it by about 2525. SPs are very, very easy to build in this scenario.
          "Cutlery confused Stalin"
          -BBC news


          • #6
            how so? I built it around --28, did you get a lot of AA's?


            • #7
              In normal SMAX, Battle Ogres (Mk 1) are tantamount to Alien Artifacts early on, since the game values them at 100 minerals, and they can be disbanded for 50 minerals. This is especially handy for damaged, otherwise useless ogres. In this scenario, you can pop Progenitor APC units that are valued at 300 minerals, and once you have Applied Physics, you can turn hurry pods into packages of 300 minerals, too.
              "Cutlery confused Stalin"
              -BBC news


              • #8
                so they ARE worth 300 minerals, huh? I was thinking of doing the same thing since I popped a few of the APC's, but I thought it said they were worth only 30 minerals in the unit description, must've read it wrong


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Chaos Theory
                  In normal SMAX, Battle Ogres (Mk 1) are tantamount to Alien Artifacts early on, since the game values them at 100 minerals, and they can be disbanded for 50 minerals. This is especially handy for damaged, otherwise useless ogres. In this scenario, you can pop Progenitor APC units that are valued at 300 minerals, and once you have Applied Physics, you can turn hurry pods into packages of 300 minerals, too.
                  Originally posted by dmm1285
                  I was thinking of doing the same thing since I popped a few of the APC's, but I thought it said they were worth only 30 minerals in the unit description
                  Note here that you are talking about two different units. The "Progenitor APC" (which occupies the Unity Rover slot in the #UNITS Section of the alphax.txt file) does indeed give a very signififant return towards an SP. On the other hand, the "APC Mk1" (which occupies the Battle Ogre MK1 position in the alphax.txt file) is only worth 30 mins.

                  Regardless, good point by CT: should've thought of that angle myself (thats what I get for not having someone else playtest this one for me! ). I was thinking of a different angle as far as why I didn't turn off the "autocalculate cost" function for this specific unit. So, if your lucky enough to pod a few Unity Rover replacement units, you can then insta-build an SP.

                  I'll see about making this change in the SMAC version I'm working on now, and see how that plays with the AIs. Keep the comments coming!



                  • #10
                    actually, I was right the first time, all the APC's I popped were the 30 mineral kind, so I couldn't use them for the WP anyways. Why did you make the mineral value so high?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dmm1285
                      Why did you make the mineral value so high?
                      When I placed the "Progenitor APC" unit into the alphax.txt file I left the "Autocalculate cost" function on. The approach I am trying here is that the AIs will still try to build these units, even though they are outrageously expensive. This then ties up the AIs production from building massive amounts of (what I consider) useless units (i.e. 1/2/1, 1/3/1, 1/1/2 units). Retrospecitvely what I should have done was made a "cheap" entry for the Prog APC, then a duplicate "expensive" version available with Applied Physics.

                      Not that it really matters much, cuz there just aren't that many people around anymore, anyways....



                      • #12
                        This is the first time I've ever downloaded and tried a scenario. Although I really liked it, I didn't finish. I won't say how far I went or what I found, but I will say I intend to load it again and play it through. The "hot" map has given me ideas for my own future mapmaking, and I found several of your preset units to be quite ingenious.
                        I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gwillybj
                          This is the first time I've ever downloaded and tried a scenario.
                          I'm really surprised by that statement, especially from the guy who has always played SP! I really recommend you download some of the other SP scenarios, both from here and over at CGN - weeks of fun!

                          Originally posted by gwillybj
                          Although I really liked it, I didn't finish. I won't say how far I went or what I found, but I will say I intend to load it again and play it through.
                          Some of the things I try and do with my scenarios is present "puzzles" that have to be figured out as far as how to approach a specific scenario. This approach then gives a higher replay for the scenarios as you try and figure out the best approach to defeating the scenario.

                          Definately let me know what you think of The Autochthone when you get the chance!

                          Originally posted by gwillybj
                          The "hot" map has given me ideas for my own future mapmaking,
                          Although I will tell you it took me quite a while to build this one....

                          Originally posted by gwillybj
                          and I found several of your preset units to be quite ingenious.
                          The AIs don't really use the Unit Workshop all that effectively, so instead what I am doing is stacking in units (in this case lots of units!) that I think the AI will benefit from. This approach then a) gives the AIs units that will benefit them, and b) because there are only so many slots in the Unit Workshop, why it narrows the number of units the AI can build, thus benefiting the AIs as they aren't wasting additional mins prototyping/ building units that they don't need/ use. If you think of other units that might benefit the AIs let me know and I'll see how they play in a scenario.

                          You may also have noticed that I changed several of the other parameters in the alphax.txt file as well, to better simulate what it might be like living on a "hot" world and how it might effect agriculture there.



                          • #14
                            EotB SMAC version

                            autochthone: [L., from Gr. autochthone from the land itself, fr. autos self + chthon earth, land.] 1. One sprung from the ground which he inhabits; an aboriginal, a native. 2. An indigenous plant or animal. 3. Hist. Name taken by a Cultist Splinter Faction.

                            autophyte: n. [auto- + phyte] Bot.1. A plant capable of making its own food. 2. Hist. A member of the Planet Cult Splinter Faction “The Autochthone”, purported to somehow have had the ability to live completely self-sufficiently off of the land.

                            BACKDROP I: In MY2187 a new fanatical organization calling itself the Planet Cult made itself known by adopting the terroristic tactics developed in the early 21st century. Small independent cells of these terrorists attacked industrial targets randomly, disrupting production and the advancement of civilization in the name of Planet. Factional Governments, even after switching to the Police State social choice, had a hard time dealing with the fanatical Cultists. It was only after the advent of the Self Aware Colony, along with the assistance of the Data Angels in tracking down individuals via the net were the Cultist leaders finally captured and neutralized. Ironically, the Cultists that were captured were sentenced to hard labor re-building the mines and thermal boreholes that they had fought so hard to destroy in the first place!
                            However, there were those individuals that, while understanding the Cultist arguments, disagreed with their approaches, and stayed in the background during the Cultist Revolutions of MY2187 – MY2202. These individuals slowly formed their own group, which they called “The Autochthone”, with the goal of living completely in harmony with a planet. They continued to live in the shadows of everyday life, plotting, planning, and waiting for their time to come….

                            BACKDROP II: with the discovery of an ancient Progenitor spacecraft on the farside of Nessus in MY2433, there were many Shadow Groups that existed within Humanity that began to plot on how best to exploit this new technology to their own ends. When the first series of FTL probes returned with data regarding the solar systems they had visited, many of these Shadow Groups realized that some of the “less than ideal” planets that existed could be colonized in secrecy by their followers, and that it would be years before any of the formal Factional governments discovered these Splinter Colonies, and probably even longer before anyone would choose to do anything (if at all) about it. One such Splinter Faction that plotted to take advantage of this was the group calling itself the Autochthone. Since their formation in the early 23rd century their dream had solidified, and expanded. Instead of just living in harmony with a planet, their dream was to become one with a planet. To that end their goal was to sample the biosphere that they would be living in, and then genetically alter their genome in order to fit in perfectly within the biosphere of what ever planet they chose to live on. The planet they chose to establish their first colony on was MY 2458-666.

                            PREMISE: The transit from the planet InnerHarmony had been uneventful. The spaceships captain, after having his “Captain Morgan Spaced Rum” joke bomb, had discretely avoided contact with your followers. And your followers had had a hard time adjusting to the ships environment: they kept searching for the “hidden” spy devices on the ship, but never finding them.
                            Little was known about the space ships itinerary other than what was obvious: this was a low-end space transport, designed for bulk, not comfort. “Quantity, not Quality” would be the carriers motto if the Truth Police had had their “input” on the subject. It was also obvious that there were several other Splinter Factions such as yourselves on board, each one undoubtedly destined for their own worlds. All the various Splinter Factions had their own reasons for leaving the worlds they had existed on for an unknown destination, but other than this the Factions had nothing in common: conversations on board had been at best coldly polite.

                            The Proximity Claxon had sounded earlier in the ship-day, and now everyone in your Splinter Faction has been sealed into the lead 3 Re-Entry Gliders, just waiting for the transport to reach the planet’s orbital insertion point and open its bay doors. Behind you 6 more robotically controlled Gliders are loaded with all your equipment that your Faction will need in order to establish a new colony. To pass the time you call up the brief file containing data on your new home:

                            No formal mention or description of this planet has been recovered from the Progenitor colonization archives. The only reference to this planet came via the Caretaker Science Institute which labeled this planet as a “Science Research Station”.

                            Planet Specifications
                            Planet: MY2458-666
                            Primary: Class M (currently unnamed)
                            Population: uninhabited
                            Climate: arid
                            Temperature: Hot. Note that environmental suits will be needed for prolonged exposure
                            Gravity: 1.2 standard
                            Class: habitable

                            Notes from captain of discovering spacecraft: once it was determined this was not an “Eden-class” planet, we decided not to bother landing. We did a quick scan of the planet, determined the planet met the criteria for being classed as habitable, and then moved on to the next solar system assigned to our spacecraft. Note that I recommend naming this planet “Eye” based on visual observation.

                            No further entries.

                            Not much to go on, you think. And no one has bothered to visit here in 42 years! Amazing!
                            Suddenly the spaceships Emergency Claxon begins sounding and the captain cuts in over your private leader-link, “we have just detected a pirate ship closing fast onto our position! My ship is not designed to maneuver in this atmosphere, and my crew doesn’t have the time to re-secure all of your equipment. I therefore am going to have to jettison your Gliders even though there are Pirates present. Once I’ve outrun the Pirates I’ll come back and ensure you’ve landed safely!”
                            Despair hits you like a blast furnace, and then suddenly you’re overwhelmed by weightlessness as your Glider is released from its moorings in the bay and follows the two lead Gliders out the back of the space transport. The spaceship captain is still on the commlink, and your barely able to mutter, “understood” As the grip of the planet below takes hold of your glider.


                            You’ve been waiting 26 hours now, and only the lead three Re-Entry Gliders have arrived at the selected landing zone. 20 hours ago someone had spotted the space transport orbiting by high above. At first there was elation that the ship had returned, then puzzlement as three smaller blips of light separated from the spaceship and headed down towards the surface. Every five hours since the transport had orbited overhead, dropping 3 Re-Entry Gliders, then disappearing again. Others in your Faction were still puzzling at this, but some of the brighter ones had already figured it out: there had been pirates, but not the ones you had been led to believe. The real pirates were Captain Morgan and his crew of the Space Transport! They were using the ruse of a pirate attack to dump all of the Splinter Faction passengers here, while keeping all the Factions equipment for themselves!
                            You wish you had time to focus on Captain Morgan, and of the things your “Security Police” could do to him, but there are more pressing needs, namely survival! While the original scoutship had suggested naming this planet “Eye”, you’ve already decided on a different name: Inferno! By the Chairman’s Eye it was hot here! And dry! You wonder how the other 5 Splinter Factions that have been dumped here are faring in this weather, and if they had been at all prepared for this.
                            Your first scouts had returned earlier, with mixed news: some scouts had reported that there was a Progenitor Upgrade Station nearby, which would undoubtedly come in handy. However, there were also disturbing reports from other scouts that there were traces of Planet Fungus here. And where there was fungus, there were worms…..
                            And all the while in the back of your mind the thought keeps preying on your psyche: it’d been 42 years since anyone has visited this planet.
                            You could be here awhile…


                            1) In your Scenarios subdirectory create a folder called "EotB_SMAC", and download and unzip the attached files into it.
                            2) Start up SMAC, then select "Scenario", "Play Scenario", and then select the attached EotB_SMAC file. The game will automatically load up with the Hive Splinter Faction, "The Protectorate".
                            3) In the Data Links I recommend looking at the basic units types and Facilities, so you can plan your strategies accordingly.

                            Last edited by Darsnan; September 16, 2006, 22:08.


                            • #15
                              Re: EotB SMAC version

                              Originally posted by Darsnan
                              Edit: note that I can't attach the file here currently. I've PM'd Illuminatus to see if the file can be attached here. The file is currently attached in my 9/15/06 post below.
                              I can't find in the thread, which is funny since I downloaded a copy!

                              Rather than ask Darsnan or Illumninatus to find a copy, I am attaching my downloaded copy.

                              The only change from the file provided by Darsnan is the addition of a file eotb_smacreadme.txt, which contains the URL, where I downloaded the file, and Darsnan's post, to which the file was attached.

                              If either Darsnan or Illuminatus can find the original file, you have my permission to delete this post and the attachment.
                              Attached Files
                              Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network

