I think I've finally discovered the right setup for this mod that I've been tweaking for about a year now--indicated by the fact that the AI just gave me a run for my money. And it wasn't like I was the victim of some early rush for which I wasn't prepared. I landed with yang next door, although thankfully not too close and only connected by a thin landbridge. I set up a base on the landbridge and started preparing defenses while Yang and I were still treatied. Meanwhile I had helped my Pactmate Lal out with his troubles with Santiago. (I was Zakharov). So I already had a good size force left over (or so I thought.) I also had a few command centers built, and I even had a perimeter defense built in the landbridge city. And I had sensors. And I had roads extending one tile out. I guess I should mention now that my terrain was mostly forested, which turned out to have huge tactical disadvantages when hostilities began. I should mention that Yang and I were at tech parity at this point.
So then Yang declares war on me (big surprise), and he starts sending over a few 4-3-1's. No big deal. I mop them up rather easily. Then all of the sudden Yang sends against me something like 7 elite 4-3-1's against my chokepoint, later followed by lots more (I think he had the command nexus, and he was probably running fundy. He had also just finished smashing the Gaians, so I imagine those units got their morale upgrades from that and maybe monoliths? I don't know.)
Anyways, I'm here to tell you that elite 4-3-1's spell doom during the early game. Especially if you are at tech parity and you are running wealth (like I was), and especially when the terrain that you are fighting on is mostly forest. There's simply no way to take them out without sacrificing a lot of units. A green impact rover (strength 3.50) vs. an elite plasma in forest with a sensor (6.67)--there's simply no way! And then on the defensive side, at best you've got a disciplined plasma garrison with a perimeter defense and sensor (6.67) vs. elite impact (6.00). (Edit: actually, the elite 4-3-1's will get +25% when attacking a base, so it's actually 6.67 vs. 7.00 in their favor.) And in regular forested terrain with sensors nearby, you've got 5.33 for the plasma sentinel and 6.00 for the elite 4-3-1. And their mobility makes it hard to set up kill zones, making dealing with them a real nightmare. You are just left with no good tactical options whatsoever. It feels like all you can do is slow them down, as if they were some lumbering paving truck that slowly plows over your empire. I suppose if you can keep them behind a city with a perimeter defense, you can hold them off, but they came at me so quickly, I couldn't get reinforcements to my chokepoint city before the Hiverian hordes poured in.
So then I went scorched-earth. I cut roads and forests between the rest of my cities and the Hive, and that made it a little bit easier to deal with. I had to sell some facilities to raise money to rushbuild units. There was a point where I was ready to obliterate my capital city with the virtual world and the PTS in it. One turn I was literally down to a scout patrol and a former in that city, with a couple of Hive 4-3-1's knocking on the door (and sitting on a forest tile, no less). But I was able to get reinforcements in there and beat them back a bit. After I was attacked, I immediately changed off of wealth, and I set all of my production to war. Then there came a point where Yang discovered superstring theory, and I was like "Oh no, this is not good!" But I was able to probe it from him pretty quickly. After that I was able to turn the tide. About 40 turns after that chokepoint city had been taken (and after grinding down maybe a hundred Hive units in the meanwhile), I was finally able to liberate that city--and go on to "liberate" lots of other Hive cities.
So then Yang declares war on me (big surprise), and he starts sending over a few 4-3-1's. No big deal. I mop them up rather easily. Then all of the sudden Yang sends against me something like 7 elite 4-3-1's against my chokepoint, later followed by lots more (I think he had the command nexus, and he was probably running fundy. He had also just finished smashing the Gaians, so I imagine those units got their morale upgrades from that and maybe monoliths? I don't know.)
Anyways, I'm here to tell you that elite 4-3-1's spell doom during the early game. Especially if you are at tech parity and you are running wealth (like I was), and especially when the terrain that you are fighting on is mostly forest. There's simply no way to take them out without sacrificing a lot of units. A green impact rover (strength 3.50) vs. an elite plasma in forest with a sensor (6.67)--there's simply no way! And then on the defensive side, at best you've got a disciplined plasma garrison with a perimeter defense and sensor (6.67) vs. elite impact (6.00). (Edit: actually, the elite 4-3-1's will get +25% when attacking a base, so it's actually 6.67 vs. 7.00 in their favor.) And in regular forested terrain with sensors nearby, you've got 5.33 for the plasma sentinel and 6.00 for the elite 4-3-1. And their mobility makes it hard to set up kill zones, making dealing with them a real nightmare. You are just left with no good tactical options whatsoever. It feels like all you can do is slow them down, as if they were some lumbering paving truck that slowly plows over your empire. I suppose if you can keep them behind a city with a perimeter defense, you can hold them off, but they came at me so quickly, I couldn't get reinforcements to my chokepoint city before the Hiverian hordes poured in.
So then I went scorched-earth. I cut roads and forests between the rest of my cities and the Hive, and that made it a little bit easier to deal with. I had to sell some facilities to raise money to rushbuild units. There was a point where I was ready to obliterate my capital city with the virtual world and the PTS in it. One turn I was literally down to a scout patrol and a former in that city, with a couple of Hive 4-3-1's knocking on the door (and sitting on a forest tile, no less). But I was able to get reinforcements in there and beat them back a bit. After I was attacked, I immediately changed off of wealth, and I set all of my production to war. Then there came a point where Yang discovered superstring theory, and I was like "Oh no, this is not good!" But I was able to probe it from him pretty quickly. After that I was able to turn the tide. About 40 turns after that chokepoint city had been taken (and after grinding down maybe a hundred Hive units in the meanwhile), I was finally able to liberate that city--and go on to "liberate" lots of other Hive cities.
