I'm playing as the univ against modified AI factions, and had what turned from a decent start to an excelent when I popped a river and energy bonus in garland crater
I quickly set up my manufacturing capital there, the only problem was there is some fungus on the northeast side, but I left that alone. Anyways , I was exploring with 2 unity rovers and destryed an empty size 1 yang base and a 1 or 2 of his colony pods, I figured I had crippled him, right? Wrong! About 10 turns later or so, he showed up on my doorstep with about 8 3-3-1's! (some were 1-3-1 but still)! He had used the fungus and like an idiot I hadn't explored over there yet. I gave him biogenetics and IA
to leave me alone, but really I wish he didn't accpet any bribe for peace, there's no way a human would. If I did it diferently, the number one thing I would have doen is at least inflitrate his empty base first, wehn I captured it I got 73 credits, but I would have paid double that for inflitration 10 turns later.
