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Incoming Transmission Problem, help!

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  • Incoming Transmission Problem, help!

    Hey there guys! Something that seems to happen to me quite often after the game gets really involved is a glitch in the communication popups. For instance, I'm currently at war with Lal, and after capturing one of his cities, the dialogue box will pop up saying something along the lines of "Brother Lal has an urgent message..." I click OK and the box comes up again "Brother Lal has an urgent message..." Again, I click okay and the same dialogue box comes up again. This happens about 3 or 4 times in a row until it eventually just quits popping up. The "bad" thing, is that Lal's message never goes through. The game just keeps going without my ever receiving his message.

    Then there are times where you're just playing and then it will say "Incoming message from Lal, switching to main viewscreen..." And the same thing happens, you click, and a few more pop up, never actually receiving the message.

    Anyone else have this problem? Is there something I can do to help it go away? There are a few more interface glitches that start happening around this same time but this is the most annoying

    Thanks for your help guys!

  • #2
    That usually happens to me, I just ignore it.


    • #3
      Maybe Lal is trying to make you submisse... He plans to make you so anoyed that the devasteting psicological efect of this make you lick his feet and then BEG for THAT DAMN URGENT MESSAGE TO STOP, PLEASE!


      • #4
        That is a common bug. I don't believe there is any solution to that problem.
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        The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


        • #5
          Maybe I'm plain wrong, but I have the impression that when that bug happens, the leader is not actually "interested" in contacting you. If an AI attempts to draw your attention with an "urgent message", it usually has some good reason to do so (demand withdrawal, ask for assistance against a third party, an ultimatum). As far as I recall, the factions involved don't come up with such issues when I contact them as soon as I close the last popup window. More importantly, I've never been declared vendetta upon after that bug, so it would be reasonable to conclude that the AI is not actually summoning you.


          • #6
            I've not seen this bug before. My guess would be the dialog screen is hidden behind the play screen. Are those of you experiancing this have window animations, or other dialog options, set on or off in your setings? Or differant from the defaults?
            Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


            • #7
              It might be a handy bug at times...

              There have been situations where I just *know* that an AI faction is about to declare war / do a shakedown for my shiny new technology, but their message doesn't get displayed.

              Now, I know that's not *proof*, but I've been playing long enough to get a feel for what the AI is doing at a given time.

              No idea what causes it, though.

