It seems that for most players social engineering choices are decidedly biased: Demo/Planned whilst growing/pop-booming, Demo/Freemarket/Wealth during Builder/Hybrid periods of just raking in the cash & research (though Knowledge may get a fair amount of use as well). Even warmongers often use these SE settings, forgoing more bellicose POWER and FUNDY SE choices. The rest of the options gather political dust by the wayside for the majority of the game (future society choices excepted, due to their extraneous nature).
So which option is the most maligned/least utilized in your opinion? For my money it's Power; the industry hit is simply too much for most players to bear, myself included the majority of the time. Though, I try to give all of the options a fair trial.
Fundamentalism: I often use this in early game when Democracy's resource woes outweight its strengths when I'll just be breeding a bunch of extra drones in my bases anyway. Morale for early territory wars and worm hunting...and a big PROBE bonus for pilfering juicy techs off of factions squirreling them away in their databases, especially when one's initial research aptitude peters out in the early game and one is looking at a 20 - 25 turn research period for a new tech until some serious infrastructure is in place. Also a good choice for Miriam/Domai, whose research is abysmal anyway and rely increasingly on other factions for research.
Police State: I also use this early game, often during intense colonization sprees where the resource boon helps in funding a recon army and former force free of charge (with the police ready to rein the drones in as well). Very good early on for Morgan as well, who has an initial deficiency in SUPPORT.
Green: Usually forsaken because it lacks the obvious chutzpah of Planned's growth/industry aptitude and Free Market's moneybags economy. (even AI Dee never selects her "favored" economics) However, paired with Police State green is a very good SE choice to tame ineffiency while gaining a PLANET boost, until the player is ready to start growing population again with Demo/Planned. Fundy/Green is also feasible in war-time, especially with mixed forces (mind worms and conventional units) with a faction like the Gaians.
Power: In my opinion, again, the most maligned SE choice for reasons already stated. However, I will switch to power if I already have a large army in the field preparing an invasion, so long as I intend for it to be over in 10 turns or less.
Your opinion?
So which option is the most maligned/least utilized in your opinion? For my money it's Power; the industry hit is simply too much for most players to bear, myself included the majority of the time. Though, I try to give all of the options a fair trial.
Fundamentalism: I often use this in early game when Democracy's resource woes outweight its strengths when I'll just be breeding a bunch of extra drones in my bases anyway. Morale for early territory wars and worm hunting...and a big PROBE bonus for pilfering juicy techs off of factions squirreling them away in their databases, especially when one's initial research aptitude peters out in the early game and one is looking at a 20 - 25 turn research period for a new tech until some serious infrastructure is in place. Also a good choice for Miriam/Domai, whose research is abysmal anyway and rely increasingly on other factions for research.
Police State: I also use this early game, often during intense colonization sprees where the resource boon helps in funding a recon army and former force free of charge (with the police ready to rein the drones in as well). Very good early on for Morgan as well, who has an initial deficiency in SUPPORT.
Green: Usually forsaken because it lacks the obvious chutzpah of Planned's growth/industry aptitude and Free Market's moneybags economy. (even AI Dee never selects her "favored" economics) However, paired with Police State green is a very good SE choice to tame ineffiency while gaining a PLANET boost, until the player is ready to start growing population again with Demo/Planned. Fundy/Green is also feasible in war-time, especially with mixed forces (mind worms and conventional units) with a faction like the Gaians.
Power: In my opinion, again, the most maligned SE choice for reasons already stated. However, I will switch to power if I already have a large army in the field preparing an invasion, so long as I intend for it to be over in 10 turns or less.
Your opinion?