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No monument pop-up

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  • No monument pop-up

    I installed SMAC, then added Alien crossfire. onto my XP - sp2 gaming box. It wouldn't run initially, so I installed the XP patch from the Firaxis site. Bingo: game runs, all is well.

    But, partway through the game, I realized I wasn't seeing the "Faction X is the first to discover Secrets of Y" messages or "Faction Z has built the first air unit on Planet". I went into the HQ, and the Monument box was checked (X-ed actually), and I even tried unchecking, the checking it again. But no luck. Everything else works: sound, Secret Project movies, Interludes, the whole ball o' wax. Any Ideas or suggestions? Is this a known problem? I miss my "Pyramid of Glory"

    Thanks in Advance...

  • #2
    Are you saying that you don't see the Monuments screen when you press the F9 key or something else?

    The former problem was reported in this thread:

    but wasn't solved.
    "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
    -- Kosh


    • #3
      IIRC, when I had SMAC-X on my old machine, the monuments would pop up when ever I triggered an event (first aircraft, discovering a Secret of X, etc). But that doesn't happen on my new machine.

      I did check, and f9 does not work for me either. And the monument option is enabled in the menu.

      :edit for clarity
      Last edited by sciguy; December 2, 2005, 13:31.


      • #4
        Originally posted by sciguy
        IIRC, when I had SMAC-X on my old machine, the monuments would pop up when ever I triggered an event (first aircraft, discovering a Secret of X, etc). But that doesn't happen on my new machine.
        Yes, I think that you should be getting the messages.

        Perhaps your video has a problem displaying the Monuments screen. Does changing Windows to a lower resolution (such as 640x480 or 1024x768) help?

        In your Alpha Centauri.ini file, do you have any entries for either video= or DirectDraw=? If so, what are they set to?
        "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
        -- Kosh

