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2 q's- one noob like, the other profound

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  • 2 q's- one noob like, the other profound

    hi. i'm pretty new to the game but really like it. q 1. i am playing morgan on a smacx map, have treaties with the three factions that i have contacted but absolutely no commerce income? what gives? do i need a tech? q. 2. what's with the unbalanced alien factions in smacx? why would a designer do that? i've enjoyed everyone's posts. v. enlightening and fun. i had civ 4, liked it, played it about three hours and then dusted my copy of ac off and am enjoying it immensely. sir s.

  • #2
    Re: 2 q's- one noob like, the other profound

    Originally posted by sir stanley
    i am playing morgan on a smacx map, have treaties with the three factions that i have contacted but absolutely no commerce income? what gives? do i need a tech?
    That's odd. Have you checked the "commerce" section in your major cities' screens? You should benefit from commerce the very turn you make treaties/pacts. You don't need a particular technology either, altough some of them improve your income.

    As from the Datalinks:

    Commerce is computed base by base between factions with Treaties and Pacts, as follows:

    (1) First, all bases for each faction are ranked from top to bottom by Energy output.
    (2) Bases are paired off from top to bottom. If one faction has extra bases, these are ignored.
    (3) For each pair of bases, sum the combined economic output and divide by 8, rounding up.
    (4) Double this value if a Global Trade Pact is in effect.
    (5) Now, for each individual base, the commerce formula is as follows:
    (ValueFromStep4) * (CommerceTech+1) / (TotalCommerceTech+1)
    (6) CommerceTech is the total # of economic technologies discovered, plus
    faction & social bonuses.
    (7) TotalCommerceTech is the total # of economic technologies in the game.
    (8) Now, using the value from step 5, divide by 2 if no Pact (e.g. only a Treaty)
    (9) Add +1 if you are Planetary Governor.
    (10) Reduce to zero if sanctions are in effect against either faction.
    what's with the unbalanced alien factions in smacx? why would a designer do that?
    I assume they were created to challenge the veteran single player - and failed miserably doing so.

    i had civ 4, liked it, played it about three hours and then dusted my copy of ac off and am enjoying it immensely. sir s.
    I for one thank CivIV for this burst of avid SMAC players...


    • #3
      hi. i'm pretty new to the game but really like it. q 1. i am playing morgan on a smacx map, have treaties with the three factions that i have contacted but absolutely no commerce income? what gives? do i need a tech?
      Have you committed an atrocity ?
      Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


      • #4
        2. actually,in a pbem,they are weaker than other factions,and imho in SP too,in my experiance.they look everwhelming,but that lack of commerce cant be compensated for by energy grids. also in multiplayer,people will use nerve gas freely against aliens. i wouldnt pick them,if offered the choice

        they also cannot be elected planetary governer, and with 4 start techs,IIRC they have quite slow research,so the very important IA beeline may be delayed somewhat.
        Last edited by Kataphraktoi; November 26, 2005, 09:04.
        if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

        ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


        • #5
          Hi ALL. I checked the city screens, nothing. No atrocities....yet. But, I made a pact with a faction and I received a bonus. it showed up on one screen of three. I'm not going to sweat it as I'll see what devolops in this game and others. And, clearly, I have civ4 to thank for rediscovering this gem and appreciating it ever so much more. it is one of the few games where height has a strategic meaning and for that reason alone it stands out. I also don't hesitate to get into it because I know there is an enthusiastic and helpful fan base out there ready to help and encourage others. WE'RE PART OF SOMETHING BIGGER THAN ALL OF US. sir s.


          • #6
            I now gather commerce depends on ity size. sir s.


            • #7
              More to the point commerce depends largely on the amount of raw energy harvested by workers & base square for both you and your trading partner. Were you to increase your energy input by crawlering energy from squares either inside or outside base radii it apparently makes no net difference to commerce energy trading calculations.

              Certain techs increase the commerce rating likwise higher econ ratings for you and your trading partner increase commerce energy.
              "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

              “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


              • #8
                many thanks. that's very helpful.

