Why didn't any of you tell me how fun this game was
and here I was playing Civ4(and previously, Civ3, Civ2) with no knowledge of how good this game was.
(Note: Actually Civ4 is pretty fun, just a bit slow on my computer due to the graphics, which I've never thought needed improving since civ2. Even civ1's original DOS graphics worked extremely well.)
No, but seriously, I played non-stop last night, and didn't sleep until the Hive(me) had conquered the world.
I was on a military conquest against the pirates who owned the entire sea(Sea cities? Wait, WHAT? That's new.) and nobody would join my cause, probably because the pirates were at the top of the "dominance" charts - either way, I naturally removed the decliners after I dealt with the pirates. I eventually won by voting myself the victor, namely because I couldn't figure out how to take out the last city of the Drones, which was in the water. The game kept telling me my water units couldn't take it over, even though they had already taken over all of the pirate water-cities.
It did almost feel like a cheap(and very enjoyable) victory though, because near the end I automated almost everything(since normally in Civ you can only auto-explore and whatnot, I wanted to see if the complete automate would make military units attack and take over cities). I also didn't understand a lot of what I was doing - namely with research, because I'm used to the easily-accessible "+" & "-" next to the science beakers on civ, and also a tech tree. So I didn't know how to manage my research at all, and every time the pop up came asking what I'd like to focus research on - I just left it on default, which I believe was Wealth and Military. I felt like a lot of the time I didn't know what was going on in my whole empire once it was getting bigger(in civ all of the advisors helped get a "big picture" of everything, which I found extremely useful).
Overall though, it looks like this game has a lot of features that are great, and, considering how old this game is - surprise me. I'm just not sure how to take advantage of all of them, as this game seems to have a lot of depth and game mechanics that I don't understand yet. The civ advisors, civopedia, and recommendations in civ are something that I think would make this game more playable, and less intimidating, to new players. The research also didn't make sense to me, you choose generally what you want to research, and a technology eventually gets researched based off those? The tech tree in civ was easy to understand, maybe I'm just missing something with this research system. Maybe there are features like this in the game though, and I just don't know about them.
Overall though, this game seems really fun, and I hope to learn more about it as I continue to play.
Just curious - is this the most active SMAC/SMAX messageboard? I know it's an old game, so I wouldn't expect it to be actively talked about, but I generally like to have somewhere to go to talk about a game, ask questions, and whatnot.
Civ fanatics for civ definitely did that for that game.

and here I was playing Civ4(and previously, Civ3, Civ2) with no knowledge of how good this game was.

(Note: Actually Civ4 is pretty fun, just a bit slow on my computer due to the graphics, which I've never thought needed improving since civ2. Even civ1's original DOS graphics worked extremely well.)
No, but seriously, I played non-stop last night, and didn't sleep until the Hive(me) had conquered the world.

It did almost feel like a cheap(and very enjoyable) victory though, because near the end I automated almost everything(since normally in Civ you can only auto-explore and whatnot, I wanted to see if the complete automate would make military units attack and take over cities). I also didn't understand a lot of what I was doing - namely with research, because I'm used to the easily-accessible "+" & "-" next to the science beakers on civ, and also a tech tree. So I didn't know how to manage my research at all, and every time the pop up came asking what I'd like to focus research on - I just left it on default, which I believe was Wealth and Military. I felt like a lot of the time I didn't know what was going on in my whole empire once it was getting bigger(in civ all of the advisors helped get a "big picture" of everything, which I found extremely useful).
Overall though, it looks like this game has a lot of features that are great, and, considering how old this game is - surprise me. I'm just not sure how to take advantage of all of them, as this game seems to have a lot of depth and game mechanics that I don't understand yet. The civ advisors, civopedia, and recommendations in civ are something that I think would make this game more playable, and less intimidating, to new players. The research also didn't make sense to me, you choose generally what you want to research, and a technology eventually gets researched based off those? The tech tree in civ was easy to understand, maybe I'm just missing something with this research system. Maybe there are features like this in the game though, and I just don't know about them.
Overall though, this game seems really fun, and I hope to learn more about it as I continue to play.

Just curious - is this the most active SMAC/SMAX messageboard? I know it's an old game, so I wouldn't expect it to be actively talked about, but I generally like to have somewhere to go to talk about a game, ask questions, and whatnot.
