; Base Facilities
; Free = No longer supported.
Recycling Tanks, 4, 0, Biogen, EcoEng2, Bonus Resources
Recreation Commons, 4, 1, Psych, SentEco, Fewer Drones
Energy Bank, 8, 1, IndEcon, QuanMac, Economy Bonus
Network Node, 8, 1, InfNet, HAL9000, Labs Bonus
Is that so? Does the "Self-Aware Machines" technology waive Network Nodes' maintenance, and so on? Don't these freebies come a bit too late in the game and benefit only the cheapest facilities? (hint for modders)
; Free = No longer supported.
Recycling Tanks, 4, 0, Biogen, EcoEng2, Bonus Resources
Recreation Commons, 4, 1, Psych, SentEco, Fewer Drones
Energy Bank, 8, 1, IndEcon, QuanMac, Economy Bonus
Network Node, 8, 1, InfNet, HAL9000, Labs Bonus
Is that so? Does the "Self-Aware Machines" technology waive Network Nodes' maintenance, and so on? Don't these freebies come a bit too late in the game and benefit only the cheapest facilities? (hint for modders)