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Nexus Experiment

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  • Nexus Experiment

    Nexus experiment - an attempt to create challenging scenarios without need for a person playing it to alter any of the game files, like alphax.txt or faction files. This can be achieved by using the ability of the game to save in a game file some of the information pertaining to factions.

    Below is an example of such scenario, where human player is Peacekeeper.

    The following original SMAC factions are modified:
    AI factions:
    1) Free Tree Farm, with appropriate tech
    2) Free Hybrid Forest, with appropriate tech
    3) +2 Efficiency
    4) +2 Planet
    5) +2 Support
    6) Fungus nutrient +1
    7) Fungus energy +4
    8) Defense 200%

    1) Free Genejack Factory, with appropriate tech
    2) Free Perimeter Defense
    3) +2 Growth
    4) +2 Industry
    5) +2 Support
    6) Immunity to Efficiency
    7) Fungus energy +4
    8) Defense 200%

    1) Free Research Hospital, with appropriate tech
    2) Free Fusion Lab, with appropriate tech
    3) Free Network Node
    4) +2 Efficiency
    5) +2 Research
    6) +2 Support
    7) Fungus energy +4
    8) Defense 200%

    1) Free Energy Bank, with appropriate tech
    2) Free Fusion Lab, with appropriate tech
    3) Increased Commerce rate by 2
    4) +2 Efficiency
    5) +1 Economy
    6) +2 Support
    7) Fungus energy +4
    8) Defense 200%

    1) Free Command Center, with appropriate tech
    2) Free Prototypes
    3) +2 Morale
    4) +2 Police
    5) +2 Support
    6) Fungus energy +4
    7) Defense 200%
    8) Offense 150%

    1) Free Recreation Commons
    2) +2 Efficiency
    3) +1 Probe
    4) +2 Police
    5) +2 Support
    6) Fungus energy +4
    7) Defense 200%
    8) Offense 150%

    Human faction:

    1) -1 Efficiency
    2) -5% Interest
    3) Population limit lowered by 2 [5,10]
    4) Technology cost doubled

    New units:
    Probe Cruiser - available with Doctrine Initiative
    XX Missile - chemical weapon
    Marine Probe - Speeder chassis and amphibious, Doctrine Initiative
    Police Guard - Police, high morale but forced cost 1, with Intelectual Integrity.
    Clean Formers - with BioEngineering.
    Trawler - sea supply foil, with Doctrine Initiative.
    Attack Copter - Missile weapons, air superiority, with Mind/Machine Interface.
    Support Copter - Missile for ground strikes, with Mind/Machine Interface.

    Describing in more detail the Nexus experiment:

    1) Human faction is made weaker by removing beneficial abilities and giving more negative ones. This somewhat makes the Peacekeeper faction in this example outside the philosophy, however, you can counterbalance it by the playstyle. Anyway the play is going to be difficult and this is the objective.

    2) The factions are made stronger by rewriting their abilities. All negative ones are taken away and new ones are added that some are believed to be in agreement with faction's philosophy.

    All or most AI factions get:

    Free facility with a tech. In some cases two facilities. This is a good way to boost an AI faction in the middle or late game, depending on the facility type.

    +2 Support. This makes easier maintaining bigger military

    +2 Efficiency in many cases. Just give AI more energy

    +4 fungus energy. I experimented with fungus benefits, and this seems to be the bonus AI can use on ocasion without that much fungus planting. More fungus benefits makes all AI cover the planet tightly in fungus.

    200% Defense. This is visible as Alien Defense. It is suppose to increase defensive capabilities of AI, so it is no longer that easily taken over. It may also promote builder style games. AI though, as in my initial tests, enters quite heavy wars. With better support and improved minerals they fight more eagerly.

    All satellites types. 10 nut, 20 min, 30 energy. They work ok till the event destroying them. This scenario modification provides increasing bonus, as a base cannot go above its size when receiving nuts, minerals or energy this way.

    Other bonuses:

    150% Offense. Believers and Spartans. Watch out for these factions! This is supposed to make them really threatening. In combination with 200% defense, you may more often prefer diplomatic solutions or probe team actions.

    Specific bonusses according to factions' philosophy
    Fungnutrients and Planet for Gaians, Research, Economy, etc.

    3) New units is some new set I thought about. For example, since standard alphax.txt does not have marine ability for probe teams, I just added that unit type to in-game list.
    AI also can make police units now, with higher morale and forced cost of 1 row.
    In this experimental game it would be good to see, if this helps AI to get separate cheap police units, so it does not build expensive armor police units. So far I noticed Gaians were making them.
    Clean formers, trying to see if AI would switch to them after getting bio-engineering.
    Trawler, so it harvests sea more if that would work at all...
    Attack copter is the most controversial, but let us see

    4) I tried also before some other faction bonusses. Sharetech ability with setup to 1 faction. The result is that when a single AI faction gets a tech, all other have it too. This was found both extremely challenging for a human player not having it, but also very effectively destroying faction specific research habits and diplomacy by it. AI just was getting too many techs too quickly. There was no fun in play, as all AI factions had the same techs.

    5) this specific scenario has:
    - build more probe teams for AI
    - tech stagnation
    - random events are "on"
    - No forced diplomacy for AI, so no fixed pacts.
    - AI is not made any more hostile for a human player. It can be very nice and sweet for a human, what I found the most interesting in singleplayer. This makes the game not completely "war game", but makes diplomacy very important. Of course, at some point most of AI faction will probably declare vendetta, if you grow in power, but there is a lot of room for using friendships from AI.
    The save file. Just stand alone.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mart; September 9, 2005, 06:46.
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

  • #2
    Nexus experiment, 2c
    This is report of progress in the most recent game I play. If anyone attempts the game, please write how you are doing. Any observations of using new abilities/units by AI. Thank you.

    Centauri Ecology chosen for research.
    Second base established. Initially scout units are made.
    Still 7 turns to CentEco. Since the faction has -5% interest I decide to hurry some building in steps so the banks do not grow over 15-20 EC. This way loss would be minimal. Still a lot of time to population 2 in UNHQ so choice goes to Recycling tanks.
    Centauri Ecology researched. Next Industrial Base.
    First victory over the native life. Some spore launcher got into sight of UN Planetary Trust.
    First Recycling tanks in UNHQ.
    Both bases are making formers now.
    First former thanks to a mindworm boil encountered just a turn before.
    Morgan initiates Human Genome Project.
    Third base established.
    Fourth base.
    University discoveres Secrets of the Human Brain.
    Industrial Base completed, next Industrial Economics.
    A foil transport of University comes into sight.
    Zakharov is Ambivalent.
    Offers Santiago commlink for Centauri Ecology, but I refuse.
    He has menacing planet's waters gun foils (1)-1-4, so I am now really afraid.
    He tries to get Centauri Ecology, so I ask for Doc Flex instead. He agrees!
    Zakharov signs Treaty for no other benefit. Refuses Pact though.
    I try to gift him technology, but he has everything else.
    Morgan completes HGP
    A unity pod gives commlink to Morgan. I was hoping for something better, but let us see.
    Morgan is Cooperative at first.
    Offers Deirdre commlink for 15 EC, but I refuse.
    He signs Treaty
    And here a surprise. He offers me 100 EC for Pact (-100 shortfall)
    I take Deirdre commlink for free.
    Morgan further gifts me with Ethical Calculus.
    And closes the commlink
    Deirdre is Noncommital
    I sell her Univ commlink for 20 EC, so she signs Treaty and is Cooperative now.
    I ask for Pact, and she agrees if I provide her with Industrial Base.
    Then she gifts me with Industrial Ecoonomics.
    Closes the commlink
    Zakharov refuses to speak once again.
    Then switch research to Gene Splicing, no possibility of B-line to Industrial Automation.
    Free Market established.
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


    • #3
      Have you tried whether setting the faction strategies towards building colony pods and formers helps performance?
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        I have not used this here, but with the setup (better support, more minerals) AI builds a lot of colony pods anyway. Many of them just stay with no orders.

        Formers might be very useful. Nexus03 will have it then. Thanks
        Map creation contest
        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


        • #5
          i have a challanging AI playing with just a 2\10\50 sats and preferences changed. you have to much work there
          if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

          ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


          • #6
            PK is now a Democracy with Free Market
            Just quick view how AI are doing
            Deirdre runs Demo,-,-. She's quite low on energy income, 11-7=+4. Her science +21. A nice thing is that Gaians made a mine on rocky mineral bonus. 0-7-1 by worker.
            Morgan, Demo,FM,-. Energy 42-12=+30, labs +104!
            None of them uses fungus so far.
            I get message from Deirdre, she declared vendetta on Hive.
            I have now possibility to get commlinks to Spartans and Hive.
            Also, with several new buildings possible, I could use some energy. Deirdre could possible lend less for moderate repayment rate.
            Deirdre asks first for vendetta on Hive, but I refuse, so she goes from noncommital to ambivalent. When asked, she offers 135 EC, payment of 2/year. Closes.
            Zakharov wants 10 EC for commlink to Santiago, so I pay. Wants Ethical Calculus, but refuses to exchange for Planetary Networks. He lends 133, for 2/year. Closes.
            Santiago offers Univ map, I refuse. Then proposes Ethical Calculus for Applied Physics. Then Centauri Ecology for Doctrine Mobility. Social Psych for Industrial Economics. Asks for Treaty. However when asked for Pact, she refuses. I ask for commlink to Miriam, but she does not have it.
            Morgan pays for Zakharov's commlink 20 EC. He offers Secrets of the Human Brain for Applied Physics, but I prefer Gene Splicing. Then he closes commlink.
            Since I got Gene Splicing, I can without loss switch the research. ready in 4 turns.
            - Ecological Engineering
            - Progenitor Psych
            - Information Networks
            - Secrets of the Human Brain.
            Tough decision, but I choose Ecological Engineering. In hope for InfNet and PlaNet received from Zakharov.
            I have now 299 EC in the banks. And rush a colony pod in UNHQ. 288 left.
            Morgan and Zakharov refuse to talk
            Santiago pays 20 EC for Gaian commlink. Then wants Gene Splicing for her map, but I refuse. She has now Recon Rover, 2-1-2. She refuses to Pact, so I gift her Gene Splicing, still refuses. My mistake.
            Deirdre does not want to speak too.
            Spending 56 EC to rush a recycling tanks.
            Hurried an Energy Bank for 140 EC.
            Morgan offers 20 EC for Santiago commlink, I take it. He gifts me with Secrets of the Human Brain. Well, I counted for more...
            I ask Deirdre for Hive commlink. She gets more angry when I refuse the vendetta against Yang.
            Yang is seething, and has Recon Rover, 2-1-2. He exchanges Gene Splicing for Doctrine Loyalty. Refuses further tech trade.
            Morgan builds Weather Paradigm. Second, and also his SP on the Planet.
            I also get first Energy Bank.
            Zakharov is not polite and all others refuse to talk.
            Ecological Engineering researched. Cost jumps to 1023. With 12 labs/turn I have a tech in 86 turns.
            - Intellectual Integrity
            - Progenitor Psych
            - Information Networks
            - Environmental Economics
            Again, I choose EnvEco.
            Fifth base established.
            Deirdre claims that it is Yang that attacked her. Yand does not want to speak.
            Hurried Energy Bank for 130, finally banks are 6 EC.
            Just took a look on the map. Hive established a base pushing Morgan's border. Yang got some jungle. And this is weird, since rather Gaians should come from this direction. Is Deirdre doing that bad?
            Finally, Gaians are using 1 fungus tile for 2-0-4.
            A tile spreads forest on rolling arid one.
            A sealurk attacks UNHQ. scout units get promoted to hardened.
            Gaians sign Treaty with Believers.
            Zakharov can talk. Does not want to trade techs, so I gift him Ethical Calculus. Goes to quarellsome. Then Gene Splicing. Then Ecological Eng and Ind. Economics. Refuses Planetary Networks, since he has Virtual World in progress, but is Solicitous now. I was too generous here maybe...
            Morgan gifts me with Environmental Economics.
            I switch to Information Networks.
            Deirdre gives Miriam commlink.
            Miriam is seething. She wants Gene Splicing, but I refuse. She does not wantto tech trade.
            From the last turn I could start Planetary Governor elections. Votes now:
            Deirdre-- 12
            Yang----- 22
            Zakharov- 21
            Morgan--- 43
            Santiago- 30
            Miriam--- 10
            Lal------ 9
            I think I will delay.
            Zakharov pays 20 EC for Miriam commlink. Then wants Environmental Economics, but refuses Planetary Networks. And asks for Pact! Still refuses PlaNet.
            I can now see his bases. He runs Demo,FM,-, but placed two workers for just two single energy gains. One is in a base of size 5, the other in a base size 1. Tile 1-0-0 lost for 0-0-1! VW in 3 turns. And I have both Univ and Spartan territory. Zak also made a base on my continent! I will try to buy it.

            And summary:
            +20 EC/turn
            20 labs/turn, with cost 1023, 52 turns/tech
            Commerce income: +20 EC
            14 technologies
            Score: 74
            Last edited by Mart; September 10, 2005, 01:21.
            Map creation contest
            WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


            • #7
              Morgan signs Treaty with Zakharov. Refuses to talk.
              Santiago offers 67 EC for 93 in return
              Zakharov wants EnvEconomics for Believing map. Nope. I ask for technologies, he refuses. But for an empty base on my continent size 1, takes only 52 EC!
              The new base is empty, so I start making a prototype (2)-2-4 foil. Only 3 rows.
              Morgan builds Merchant Exchange
              Zakharov just switched VW into Command Nexus. He will have VW then in 9 turns. He was building 2 SP.
              By now none of three factions, Morgan,Zak,Deirdre are using fungus. Gaians went Fundamentalist though. I think coz of conflict with Yang maybe.
              After getting Intelectual Integrity, Morgan is doing 2 and Zakharov 1 Police Guard units (those new ones)
              Zakharov gets Command Nexus
              Started first borehole with 4 formers.
              Adjusted a bit eco-psych-labs to 40/30/30. Before, when electing FM psych was 20%.
              Zakharov refuses Planetary Networks once again. I ask for another base of his of size 1, close to University Base. He wants for it though 1168 EC.
              Santiago is seething and demands Secrets of the Human Brain. Gives 25 EC for it though. A base of her of size 1 can go for 420 EC. I do not know though what is inside. Just do not have infiltration.
              Miriam offers Pact, 75 EC and High Energy Chemistry for vendetta on Spartans. I refuse. Santiago is closer to me. And after all, I am Peacekeeper... She wants Gene Splicing, but refuses to trade for HEC. Finally she declares vendetta on PK.
              I ask Morgan to join the war with Miriam. He agrees.
              Zakharov refused, claiming the war would be too expensive.
              Deirdre again harvests 1 fungus tile.
              I got 1 tile with forest spread.
              Major meteorite strike on Nessus Prime. All mining stations destroyed.
              Zakharov has now sea base.
              I try to exchange Doc Loyalty for Centauri Empathy, but Deirdre refuses. I gift her though the tech to cover for refusal of war with Yang.
              Morgan builds Citizen's Defense Force.
              Morgan declares vendetta on Hive
              First thermal borehole.
              Zakharov refuses Planetary Networks.
              Morgan asks for vendetta against Yang. I agree. He gifts Information Networks.
              I select Centauri Empathy. Deirdre should have Empath Guild soon.
              Morgan calls for elections:
              Deirdre-- 19 abstain
              Yang----- 30 abstain
              Zakharov- 23 Morgan
              Morgan--- 49 Morgan
              Santiago- 40 Santiago
              Miriam--- 16 abstain
              Lal------ 12 Morgan

              Morgan wins. Deirdre should have Empath Guild next turn, but even then she would not have more votes than Santiago.
              Gaians get Empath Guild.
              I contact Deirdre and she offers Centauri Empathy for Ecological Engineering. Then HEC for Gene Splicing.
              Switch to Planetary Networks.
              Deirdre declared vendetta on Spartans.

              +27 EC/turn
              30 labs/turn, 35 turns/tech
              Commerce income: +29 EC
              17 technologies
              Score: 101

              Nessus mining station were destroyed in 2145.
              Sporadic use of fungus by AI, that I infiltrated. I will have to check old save files after game is completed. For now I do not turn on the scenario editor.
              Police Guard is made by factions quite often, however, they run FM for now.
              Map creation contest
              WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cataphract887
                i have a challanging AI playing with just a 2\10\50 sats and preferences changed. you have to much work there
                why 50 energy sats ? i've never seen an AI base grow above 16. Surely some more nut sats would be better
                Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                • #9
                  Sats are beneficial by pop*2 because if you (or the AI) don't build AComplexes, the production is halved.

                  So, his sats give +1/+5/+25 up to ACs.
                  -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                  -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                  • #10
                    what bin said ^

                    lal boomed up to 18 and has tech lead or is even with me all though way up tp singularity reacters. so when he gets hab domes he can increase energy output to match mine some editthough id need to give 100 for that purpose
                    Last edited by Kataphraktoi; September 10, 2005, 11:52.
                    if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                    ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                    • #11
                      Just keeping it short. The year is 2218.
                      Just got recent CBA and CF. Having total 5 SP, together with PTS, PEG and PD.

                      Hive is left with few bases. Morgan conquered 5 Yang's bases reaching almost The Hive and then signed Treaty with Yang.
                      Believers are left with 4 bases, still fighting with Santiago, though Miriam is more nice now.
                      Deirdre attempted twice to frame me for her actions against Morgan - she has Pact with him. Second one was succesful and I got vendetta with CEO. I used oportunity to infiltrate Morganities for several techs.
                      Zakharov keeps ok, though lost 2 bases to Santiago with 2 nice SP.

                      Presently mustering some crawlers for Living Refinery. I got this researched, however tried hard to steal it from Zakharov, he got it before me. I got every other tech of his, but not this one.

                      AI got again serious blow like in 2186 loosing all power transmitters. And here, santiago does not plant fungus, and enters serious energy problems in 20 turns later, like -30 EC. Morgan is still doing excellent. the rest factions are ok.

                      All AI busy mostly fighting. Fundamentalist goverments are popular, also Power in value. I wonder if this is coz of 200% Defense. Since I enter now more serious fighting I will soon see how fun it is to fight them. Santiago recently declared vendetta. With 200% Defense and 150% Offense, this may be quite fun.

                      AI make decent number of tacticals compared to bombers - Morgan, Deirdre and Santiago. Hive almost only bombers.

                      Usage of fungus is quite popular. So far it is quite interesting, though as PK power bar is almost as high as 2 champions - Morgan and Santiago - I feel AI will start loosing again. After getting CBA and CF, I feel a bit disappointed. Though AI research is better, PK has cost doubled, so it helps. On the other hand most of technologies are traded, gifted or stolen. Although I made scenario to build a lot of probe teams by AI, their often vendettas make them send teams to action, since bases are mostly empty. It is easy to infiltrate. Yet again landbridges, something what Darsnan proposes, helps AI. Morgan for example attempts to send like 6 of them into my direction, but there is no landbridge, so they stay on peninsula outside any base. And I can freely infiltrate for techs...
                      Map creation contest
                      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                      • #12
                        The year is 2232.
                        Peacekeepers get presently many SP.
                        However, the planet gets sea rising dramatically every couple of turns. Many without warning, or I am really missing them.
                        AI keeps ok, Morgan attacks with shard tacticals and jets. Still, they do not have them many.
                        Zakharov did not want to trade Doctrine Initiative, so I attempted twice to infiltrate for this, both failed. From Pact we went to vendetta, and now Zak's shard tactical attacks my air cover over formers.
                        Sister Miriam, being in a very fierce fighting with Santiago, still keeps her faction intact. Being nice to me, she got several techs. She has 2 tacticals and 2 bombers.

                        I now can see a problem for AI. It is (in this setup at least) too late with getting hab complexes. In general, AI neglected Industrial Automation. Mainly Morgan builds them. I wonder if writing
                        FREEFAC ///hab complex/// , with appropriate tech.
                        into abilities would help. However, still Indistrial Automation would have to be researched. Giving a faction 4 fungus energy is nice, but a drawback is that all those workers do 1 nut + 4 to 5 energy, while there is little specialists. Allowing factions to grow above first limit, 7 to 14 would give a base twice citizens to either have even more workers or specialists. Optimum, however would be somewhere between I think.

                        Another issue, I see, is that a map must have for an AI really a lot good places for bases. Too many colony pods I see idle. Gaians surprised me, placing bases like Spartans - far apart from each other. Probably a bit too much fungus.
                        Gaians did not go into fresh sea, later it got flooded.

                        Was 200 % Defense really such serious cause for these fierce fighting between AI factions. On one side, Spartans almost all the time fight. On the other, I was surprised, how Morgan cut Hive faction in half and then just stopped 2 tiles from The Hive - main base. Then they are in quite steady peace.
                        Morgan has a fusion planet buster. For many turns he has not used it against me. I wonder if he does it at all.
                        Map creation contest
                        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

