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Aplha Centauri 2 Wishlist

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  • Aplha Centauri 2 Wishlist

    Without checking the forums I am sure that this has been done before. However, a new pole is up at firaxis
    ( ) which hints at the possibility for a sequel. Therefore a list should once again be created.

    I would want:
    tech: lidar: realtime mapping of battlefield. greater chances of victory for unit, plus 1-2 line of sight at boarders.

    tech: mobile war center: allows construction of movable unit that gives units capability to heal when in war center. Gives units parimeter defense bonus while garrisoned at mobile war center.

    The original factions from AC and expansion (minus the Firaxians)

    - a communist civilization (includes attempts to cause world wide class strife)

    - a second religious faction

    - a faction fiercly dedicated to an emperor

    - a faction totally dedicated to justice (the UN is more dedicated to bureaucracy)

    -govt structure choices (separate from govt type): parliament, senate, bicameral, bureaucratic

    -govt type: fascist, totalitarian, etc.

    -social engineering: ecological, consumerism, police repression, slavery, eugenics, militaristic (use propaganda to gain support of population), scientific, and more if anyone can think of them.

    - social engineering is tied to faction
    I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotamy

  • #2
    Re: Aplha Centauri 2 Wishlist

    Originally posted by sprucemoose3311

    tech: lidar: realtime mapping of battlefield. greater chances of victory for unit, plus 1-2 line of sight at boarders.
    I'm confused. This is a tech advance that gives your units a free improvement to their chances to win? Would this be a new weapon type, facility, or what?

    tech: mobile war center: allows construction of movable unit that gives units capability to heal when in war center. Gives units parimeter defense bonus while garrisoned at mobile war center.
    There's almost no circumstance where such a unit would be worthwhile. I'd rather use the support to have an additional combat unit, and continue to either rely on normal field regeneration, or retire to a base.

    The original factions from AC and expansion (minus the Firaxians)
    Firaxians aren't in either the originan or expansion, they're a player-made faction.

    - a communist civilization (includes attempts to cause world wide class strife)
    AKA - Free Drones.

    - a second religious faction
    AKA - Planet Cult.

    - a faction fiercly dedicated to an emperor
    What kind of bonus would that give, exactly?

    - a faction totally dedicated to justice (the UN is more dedicated to bureaucracy)
    Again, I'm not sure that 'Justice' forms an ideology, in the strictest sense, being as subjective as it is.

    -govt structure choices (separate from govt type): parliament, senate, bicameral, bureaucratic
    I don't see that the nuts and bolts minutia of the form of government should cloud its fundamental philosophy. In other words, nobody cares whether you call your legislative body a Senate, a Duma, a Parliament or whatever, so long as it's a representative body elected by a free and fair referrendum.

    -govt type: fascist, totalitarian, etc.
    Look up 'Police State' in a dictionary.

    -social engineering: ecological, consumerism, police repression, slavery, eugenics, militaristic (use propaganda to gain support of population), scientific, and more if anyone can think of them.
    Again, I refer you to your favorite dictionary or thesaurus. All of these are currently encompassed by the SE choices available in SMAC.

    - social engineering is tied to faction
    And again, most factions already have preferred and/or forbidden SE choices, as well as innate bonuses that synergize with SE effects.

    As to my own wishlist, my only wish to Firaxis is that they upgrade the graphics, and allow full customization of the game mechanics. By allowing players to edit the tech progression, SE choices and base unit and facility costs, they will allow experienced players to address any of the inevitable balance issues that will accrue once the game has been played. Oh, and a scriptable/customizable AI would also be very nice.


    • #3
      Re: Re: Aplha Centauri 2 Wishlist

      Originally posted by CEO Aaron
      - a second religious faction
      AKA - Planet Cult.
      Well, personally, I'd like to see a religious faction that isn't agressive and fundamentalist. Yes, religion has indeed been the cause and 'justification' for a lot of bloodshed, but it's done some good stuff too and Alpha Centauri doesn't really point at that. The closest the game came was with the Gaians and their "pagan rituals" but that was about it.

      So a pacifist religious faction that does actually believe in stuff like "Thou shallt not kill" would be a refreshing change.
      "I'm too young and too male to be the mother of a seventeen year old female me!"


      • #4
        Global support. P-drones in Free Market would be assigned in a similar way as B-drones.


        • #5
          Make sure the feature that tells you how many units you have total works properly
          I once was a slave to the Alderbaran 2 project!
          Now I shall work towards cIV:AC!... Oh Wait, that's dead too...
          It's Nword like 'lord' and 'sword'


          • #6
            I'd like to keep crawlers and have the AI know how to use them.


            • #7
              Re: Re: Aplha Centauri 2 Wishlist

              Originally posted by CEO Aaron
              As to my own wishlist, my only wish to Firaxis is that they upgrade the graphics, and allow full customization of the game mechanics. By allowing players to edit the tech progression, SE choices and base unit and facility costs, they will allow experienced players to address any of the inevitable balance issues that will accrue once the game has been played.
              AKA - alphax.txt
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #8
                I wish they could completely revamp the population growth model.
                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                • #9
                  The Free Drones are not communist, by the way


                  • #10
                    Re: Aplha Centauri 2 Wishlist

                    Originally posted by sprucemoose3311
                    Without checking the forums I am sure that this has been done before. However, a new pole is up at firaxis
                    ( ) which hints at the possibility for a sequel. Therefore a list should once again be created.
                    You do realise that SMAC is falling behind. If you haven't voted, go vote!
                    #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                    Quantum P. is a champion:


                    • #11
                      only cause the lame colonization fans are ballot stuffing
                      if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                      ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                      • #12
                        I really think we need the Jedi Knights faction...along with the Wookies...


                        • #13
                          - user-editable AI. So the fan community can plug all the holes we find in the AI, as not even the best-paid QA people can find exploits that a rabid fanbase can.

                          - still no 3-d accelerator required. there's nothing to be gained with full-3d graphics, so please keep it 2d.

                          - random scenario generator

                          - lower-level immersion. I'm being vague, but what i'd like is to not feel so distant from my subjects. I really have no idea what daily life is like for the average Hive dweller. I don't know what a base looks like. I'd like to know why a shard weapon has to look like a frozen bear claw. Do needlejets fight like biplanes or jet fighters? And so forth. Sim City used newspapers, petitioners, and of course, visual cues such as decaying buildings to add personality the world in which citizens live. SMAC has a talent/worker/drone readout, which isn't always accurate. And I should be made to feel a bit more of a conscience sting when I aim a genetic plague at another base. This can only come with the feeling that I'm working for people, not tokens.

                          But I do admit this level of immersion would suck up major dev time for an effect that would likely be ignored or found annoying after a few plays.


                          • #14
                            more civs and minor civs.this has been discussed for cIV but i havnt kept up on it

                            what i hate most is being the superpower every single like to be the low stakes out-of-the-way civ for once and just often civ feels like 7v1 or how many civs u have
                            if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                            ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                            • #15
                              Re: Aplha Centauri 2 Wishlist

                              Originally posted by sprucemoose3311
                              tech: mobile war center: allows construction of movable unit that gives units capability to heal when in war center. Gives units parimeter defense bonus while garrisoned at mobile war center.
                              This can be done now. Build a Land Transport and give it a Repair Bay and armor.

