Without checking the forums I am sure that this has been done before. However, a new pole is up at firaxis
( http://www.firaxis.com/community/polls.php ) which hints at the possibility for a sequel. Therefore a list should once again be created.
I would want:
tech: lidar: realtime mapping of battlefield. greater chances of victory for unit, plus 1-2 line of sight at boarders.
tech: mobile war center: allows construction of movable unit that gives units capability to heal when in war center. Gives units parimeter defense bonus while garrisoned at mobile war center.
The original factions from AC and expansion (minus the Firaxians)
- a communist civilization (includes attempts to cause world wide class strife)
- a second religious faction
- a faction fiercly dedicated to an emperor
- a faction totally dedicated to justice (the UN is more dedicated to bureaucracy)
-govt structure choices (separate from govt type): parliament, senate, bicameral, bureaucratic
-govt type: fascist, totalitarian, etc.
-social engineering: ecological, consumerism, police repression, slavery, eugenics, militaristic (use propaganda to gain support of population), scientific, and more if anyone can think of them.
- social engineering is tied to faction
( http://www.firaxis.com/community/polls.php ) which hints at the possibility for a sequel. Therefore a list should once again be created.
I would want:
tech: lidar: realtime mapping of battlefield. greater chances of victory for unit, plus 1-2 line of sight at boarders.
tech: mobile war center: allows construction of movable unit that gives units capability to heal when in war center. Gives units parimeter defense bonus while garrisoned at mobile war center.
The original factions from AC and expansion (minus the Firaxians)
- a communist civilization (includes attempts to cause world wide class strife)
- a second religious faction
- a faction fiercly dedicated to an emperor
- a faction totally dedicated to justice (the UN is more dedicated to bureaucracy)
-govt structure choices (separate from govt type): parliament, senate, bicameral, bureaucratic
-govt type: fascist, totalitarian, etc.
-social engineering: ecological, consumerism, police repression, slavery, eugenics, militaristic (use propaganda to gain support of population), scientific, and more if anyone can think of them.
- social engineering is tied to faction