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Datalinks: Earth Before SMAC

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  • #16
    even so, isnt earth supposed to get destroyed by war, famine and disease, not meteors?


    • #17
      never mind, u meant the meteor impact on Unity sorry, my bad


      • #18
        It is interesting...all the science fiction you know depict humans being destroyed by AI computers, or humans destroyed by aliens, killer diseases, nuclear war, or advancing into the future happily...the Time Machine even predicts the moon will be blown up by us...but in the end I regret to say that SMAC probably depicts the future most accurately...but of course, we have yet to find out...


        • #19
          1.) Background information from in-game quotations:

          Except for Lal’s opening quotation, I don’t recall any quotes in SMAC that directly referred to any happenings on Earth prior to the Unity mission. Anyone want to comment?

          2.) All righty. I think the next country I want to determine the canonical info on will be China. First, all of the info thus far:

          Centauri Dawn:

          Flash War- Deidre shows footage on the “first” one. It is “a series of coordinated attacks launched in major Chinese cities by rogue guerrilla fighters known as the Fallen.” Later on it is mentioned that lots of people were blinded in the Flash Wars.

          SMAC (game):

          Sheng-ji Yang is from “Great China,” according to Datalinks.

          I need someone to look through the pics on the Datalinks, if possible.

          SMAC (profile on Firaxis):

          Sheng-ji Yang
          Taught joint lock techniques to Chinese military during the Second Golden Revolution, then commanded Golden Emperor's personal security force. Vanished for several years following the Crimson Succession, to resurface in United Nations security training force. Selected Chief of Security, U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission
          Now, ignore the bit about he being actually a doctor, and the Executive Officer aboard Unity. This anecdote provides the greatest information anywhere about China, as far as I know.

          From what I can tell, the Chinese military was aided by him during this Revolution, and then he commanded the Emperor’s personal force. I know that Yang’s a shifty fellow, but that sentence seems to indicate that the Chinese military was on the side of this Emperor, and apparently this Golden Emperor was the leader of the 2nd Revolution.

          Bingo. China experienced a military coup.

          Am I analyzing way, waaaaaay too much? Of course I am. This is for posterity. Someone had better use this in the backstory for a fanfiction in the future.

          Anyhow, after this Revolution, there was the Crimson Succession. Yang vanished followed those years. There was apparently no good between the C.S. and Yang.

          Now, I have no idea what the First Golden Revolution was, or what the Crimson Succession is. I can only speculate. That will belong to another thread.

          I am in desperate need for help.

          Can anyone with the Dragon Sun and the other sequels, the strategy guides to SMAC and SMAX, the GURPS playbook or any other canon-like sources please aid me? Just find some more info on Yang, and if that relates to China at all.

          If there truly isn’t anything, I’ll move on.

          Maybe I should contact Michael Ely. His Yahoo! Mail account is in the last page of his book. Is there any way to contact the other writers of SMAC?

          3.) Strange reference in the pre-Planetfall novella:

          Deep Space Orbital Command Station : OFFLINE
          NATO Command Crystal Palace : OFFLINE
          Christian States Heavenly Sword Main Diocese : OFFLINE
          FOX Broadcast Worldwide Main Feed : OFFLINE
          EBS North America : CRITICAL FAULT
          NBC/MS Integrated Optical Network : ABORT RETRY FAIL
          NAOL Consumer Courtesy Warning Web : OFFLINE
          This is a random quotation. Does anyone know what Crystal Palace is? I’m guessing it’s a code name. NAOL- North America Online, I suppose.


          • #20
            Perhaps crystal is like a metaphor...think of it this way...crystal is like one-way side you can see everything, the other you see nothing...

            Perhaps it is some security center, like the NSA or Echelon...


            • #21
              Originally posted by MysticWind
              1.) Background information from in-game quotations:

              Except for Lal’s opening quotation, I don’t recall any quotes in SMAC that directly referred to any happenings on Earth prior to the Unity mission. Anyone want to comment?
              Why would they divert much attention towards what happened on Earth?
              2.) All righty. I think the next country I want to determine the canonical info on will be China. First, all of the info thus far:

              Centauri Dawn:

              Flash War- Deidre shows footage on the “first” one. It is “a series of coordinated attacks launched in major Chinese cities by rogue guerrilla fighters known as the Fallen.” Later on it is mentioned that lots of people were blinded in the Flash Wars.

              SMAC (game):

              Sheng-ji Yang is from “Great China,” according to Datalinks.

              I need someone to look through the pics on the Datalinks, if possible.
              Fallen are associated with Crimson Succesion from what I can tell.
              SMAC (profile on Firaxis):

              Sheng-ji Yang

              Now, ignore the bit about he being actually a doctor, and the Executive Officer aboard Unity. This anecdote provides the greatest information anywhere about China, as far as I know.

              From what I can tell, the Chinese military was aided by him during this Revolution, and then he commanded the Emperor’s personal force. I know that Yang’s a shifty fellow, but that sentence seems to indicate that the Chinese military was on the side of this Emperor, and apparently this Golden Emperor was the leader of the 2nd Revolution.

              Bingo. China experienced a military coup.
              After chaotic years spent in democracy after the collapse of communist regime, military supported Golden Emperor. During that time Yang turned to military career.

              Anyhow, after this Revolution, there was the Crimson Succession. Yang vanished followed those years. There was apparently no good between the C.S. and Yang.

              Now, I have no idea what the First Golden Revolution was, or what the Crimson Succession is. I can only speculate. That will belong to another thread.
              I too have no idea what First Golden Revolution is too. Crimson Succesion is fight between rebels and Emperor's regime which results in the collapse of Emperor's regime. Since it is said to be especially bloody, I presume "crimson" refers to all the casulties in the fights between government and rebels.
              Last edited by Illuminatus; April 17, 2005, 06:19.
              SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
              The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


              • #22
                Originally posted by Commy
                Perhaps crystal is like a metaphor...think of it this way...crystal is like one-way side you can see everything, the other you see nothing...

                Perhaps it is some security center, like the NSA or Echelon...
                I would say that Commy is probably on something.
                SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

