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  • The GURPS SMAC Book

    There is a hobbystore in the mall near where I live that sells GURPS books, but I've never seen SMAC there. Does the GURPS SMAC book add a lot more information about backgrounds and history and story like that? Does it give any suggestions about creating new factions, and does it have any sample "created" factions besides the original 14?

    And does every hard-core SMAC fan have a copy?

  • #2
    I wouldn't say it really adds a lot of background, history, or story. It does at least give some form of suggestions about creating new factions, but I don't remember there being sample new factions. Definitely not in any detail. One interesting suggestion it does have is treating the factionalization a bit differently, more like political parties within an earth nation. And I really don't think every hardcore SMACker has a copy.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Brent
      One interesting suggestion it does have is treating the factionalization a bit differently, more like political parties within an earth nation.
      If only the Diplo games had thought of this.
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • #4
        Re: The GURPS SMAC Book

        Originally posted by MysticWind
        There is a hobbystore in the mall near where I live that sells GURPS books, but I've never seen SMAC there. Does the GURPS SMAC book add a lot more information about backgrounds and history and story like that? Does it give any suggestions about creating new factions, and does it have any sample "created" factions besides the original 14?

        And does every hard-core SMAC fan have a copy?
        I don't think SMAC handbooks are in great demand. As for information, it depends on what you consider to be much. Its primary purpose is to give information about creating a GURPS based campaign set in a SMACish world.

        It has no suggestions about creation of new faction or any sample created ones. Naturally, handbook is meant to give information on Firaxis created world, not custom work, so no information about this.

        Information about history? Compared to what arrives in game and in profiles it does give a lot of information, but it is not exactly what one might want. It for example gives complete GURPSversed character sheets for faction leaders, but describes situation in 21th century rather poorly - most of new information on "history" leading to SMAC are random notes in faction leader profiles.

        For example, there are still no references to any events in Europe and South America, Australia or Oceania. It is still not clear what are Pax Decay wars. It does give some degree of helpful information on faction leader's earthly backgrounds. It is also very helful when describing Chiron's ecosystem and native lifeforms. There are some curious details insides - for example some of details about Unity are not mentioned in Journey to Centauri. Then again, some of weapon types are completely ommited.

        What you should note that handbook primarly gives GURPS format information - and most of information is hinted as well. Unless you are a very hardcore fan and GURPS player ( I am both ) I would advise you against getting it. If you just want to see new "canon" data, you might prefer to stick around here for a month or two, and wait me to finish and publish summary of all information available (including those from the handbook), as it is probably too expensive.
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        The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

